After 36 years with WWE, Gerald Brisco was informed by Vince McMahon on Wednesday night that his services were no longer needed.
Brisco was a longtime scout for the promotion and helped discover multiple amateur wrestling talents including Brock Lesnar. Following the news of his departure, wrestlers took to social media to wish him well in his next move.
There aren’t enough words to thank you for all your unselfish help, guidance,knowledge and most of all friendship you’ve given to me. When I was at my lowest point of my life 21 years ago you were constantly there for me. Thank you my friend.x
— William Regal (@RealKingRegal) September 10, 2020
— Renee Paquette (@ReneePaquette) September 10, 2020
Thank you for everything you do and did for me and all the other amateur wrestlers who wanted a chance to go pro! See you soon, brother!
— Nic Nemeth (@HEELZiggler) September 10, 2020
Thx Gerald for all the GREAT times, I hope there are a few more remaining!!
— Michael PS Hayes (@MichaelPSHayes1) September 10, 2020
Most importantly, thx for all UR help over the years and what you and Jack did for the FREEBIRDS!!
Couldn’t have said it better myself Lenny!
— Matt Sydal (@findevan) September 10, 2020
This is sad news. Gerry when I sat by you at the world championships in 2015 I’ll never forget the convos we had! You said most importantly be yourself and always smile! I’ve always said how awesome you were to be around. Hope you run into you at some point.
— Deron Winn (@DeronWinn) September 10, 2020
So much respect for you Gerry!
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) September 10, 2020
I can't thank you enough Mr. B for all you guidance, help and wisdom through the years. ------
— Jimmy Korderas (@jimmykorderas) September 10, 2020
I’m very sorry to learn that Gerald Brisco is no longer with @WWE
— Mick Foley (@RealMickFoley) September 10, 2020
He is a great man who has been a tremendous asset to the company for 36 years. I loved working with him.
Hang in there @Fgbrisco - many of us think the world of you.
Simply put, @Fgbrisco changed my life.
— Adam Pearce (@ScrapDaddyAP) September 10, 2020
Many will say the same, and I believe it. I call him my wrestling “Dad” because that’s how he treats me. And he never had to.
My gratitude is unending, and in fact it grows as I do. You’re a HOFer in every sense of the word, Dad! --
Wouldn’t be where I am today without @Fgbrisco
— TUCKy (@tuckerwwe) September 10, 2020
I and many others, particularly in the amateur wrestling circle, have him to thank for our opportunity in @WWE
He’s a great man with a great legacy.
Thank you Mr. Brisco
Quick Gerry Brisco story after today’s news.
— Hollywood (@xIAMHOLLYWOODx) September 10, 2020
Him and Pat were unannounced guests at the first Starrcast. They were tucked away in the back corner of the basement on the last day, and were only there for a few hours, most attendees probably missed them
You can read about Brisco's departure by clicking here.