The wrestling world lost legendary ring announcer Howard Finkel on Thursday at the age of 69. Finkel started working in WWE in 1977 and was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009.
Wrestlers and personalities took to social media to remember "The Fink."
In what has already been a tough week for our @WWE family, today we lost our 1st ever employee and WWE Hall of Famer, @howardfinkel. Howard’s voice is iconic & recognized by generations of fans. He will be missed. #RIPHowardFinkel Thank you for everything. --
— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) April 16, 2020
Fink was not only an indelible part of my childhood but he couldn’t have been sweeter to me any time I saw him backstage. I’m grateful to have known him.
— Florida Man (@WWEBigE) April 16, 2020
The National Wrestling Alliance sends its deepest sympathies to the family, friends and fans of legendary pro wrestling ring announcer Howard Finkel.
— NWA (@nwa) April 16, 2020
IMPACT Wrestling is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Howard Finkel. We send our condolences to his friends and family.
Howard Finkle was a great friend and mentor to me. I was so blessed to be able to look to him for guidance, honesty and the occasional bit of humor. He spoke with kindness, and always had a sparkle in his eye when speaking about our industry. Thank you for everything Howard. --
— The Brandalorian (@TheBrandiRhodes) April 16, 2020
Dammit, this is a another kick in the gut. ---- Rest Easy Fink! One of the greatest and most recognizable voices in history. Loved this dude. Everyone did.
— Hurricane Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom) April 16, 2020
Im crushed
— Tommy Dreamer (@THETOMMYDREAMER) April 16, 2020
I lost my friend today
I saw him once a month
The Voice of Wrestling
I loved him so much
The Fink
Howard Finkel was iconic in every sense. His passion for the sport was endless. Next to Vince himself I don't know if anyone adored WWE as much as Howard. A true sweetheart and kind soul. The voice of WWE/WWF forever left his mark and will forever be missed. #RIPFink
— Court Bauer (@courtbauer) April 16, 2020
I saved the first voicemail that he ever left me. He was calling to inform me of my NEWWW travel. My Dad and I thought it was the coolest thing.
— M@ (@Matt_Striker_) April 16, 2020
I'll play some good music for ya.
Howard Finkle was on Team Hogan through the good and bad times,even when I was on the outs Howard would call on a consistent basis to tell me to always keep my head up,it was” never say never” and “you and Vince will work it out”,my good friend RIP,I love you 4LifeHH
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) April 16, 2020
Howard was the best. It’s that simple. I’ll never forget the last few times I saw him...the excitement he still had for the industry, the genuine concern he showed when asking about how my family was doing despite his own declining health...
— Kevin (@FightOwensFight) April 16, 2020
I’m so grateful I got to know him.
Very sad to wake up to the news of Howard Finkel's passing. The most iconic voice in the history of the wrestling business. I was lucky to meet Howard on a few occasions and he was always so kind, complimentary & classy. My thoughts and condolences are with his loved ones today.
— Nick Aldis (@RealNickAldis) April 16, 2020
Howard Finkel was a staple of my childhood. The voice we all grew up with. I first met Howard backstage at WrestleMania 33. I walked up and as I said "Hello, sir" and went to introduce myself, he burst out "HELLO, JOHNNY!" I couldn't believe he knew MY name! #RIPFink
— Johnny Gargano (@JohnnyGargano) April 16, 2020
I’m gonna dearly miss my friend @howardfinkel. Passionate Mets & wrestling fan. An incredible soul. He’s the soundtrack to so many of our childhoods. Nobody has ever done it better. Rest In Peace Fink.
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) April 16, 2020
— TAKAみちのく (@takam777) April 16, 2020
I'm proud to have called you.
RIP @howardfinkel
So sad to hear of the passing of my friend, the greatest ring announcer in the biz, Howard Finkel, at the age of 69.
— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) April 16, 2020
The Hall of Famer is now ring announcing in Heaven. #RIPFink
No one was more loyal or loved pro wrestling more than The Fink. --
One of THE MOST AMAZING People I’ve EVER had the pleasure of Talking too-- #RIPHowardFinkel
— Titus O'Neil (@TitusONeilWWE) April 16, 2020
Saddened about the passing of my friend & colleague, Howard "The Fink" Finkel. Fink was my main contact when I first starting getting myself & Jeff booked as extras in the mid 90s. Howard always took great care of us & had a soft spot in his heart The Hardy Boyz. #RIPFink
— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) April 16, 2020
RIP to the legendary voice of our childhood. -- --
— Singh Brothers (@SinghBrosWWE) April 16, 2020
RIP ------
— Lexi Kaufman (@AlexaBliss_WWE) April 16, 2020
Every wrestling fan at some point envisions themselves making an entrance at WrestleMania. I have done it almost everyday of my life, and The Fink is the only voice I hear saying my name in my head.
— Tony Nese (@TonyNese) April 16, 2020
You weren’t someone until you heard Howard announce you. A championship win didn’t feel real until you heard him say “and the new!” His voice, his personality, and his positivity will be sorely missed. Thank you for everything...especially your friendship.
— Triple H (@TripleH) April 16, 2020
RIP Fink.