Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NXT. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- NXT Commentator Vic Joseph welcomes the viewer to NXT 2.0 and says they have three title matches on tap.
No Disqualification Match
B-Fab (w/ Hit Row) vs. Elektra Lopez (w/ Legado del Fantasma)
Hit Row starts the show by going over the matches on tonight's show. B-Fab says she is "going to beat the breaks off of Elektra Lopez." Elektra Lopez comes out with Legado del Fantasma, and before Lopez makes it to the ring, Lopez and B-Fab begin exchanging strikes. Lopez and B-Fab make it to the ring, and the bell rings, and the match officially begins.
Lopez and B-Fab exchange multiple strikes; Lopez takes B-Fab down on the outside and then pushes B-Fab into the stairs at ringside. The heavy shot on B-Fac causes Legado del Phantasma and Hit Row members to start fighting at ringside as we go to the first commercial break of the evening.
We return from the commercial break, and now each member of Hit Row and Legado del Fantasma are no longer at ringside. Instead, B-Fab is laying it in on Lopez and going after Lopez's knees. Lopez begins throwing multiple weapons into the ring.
B-Fab hits Lopez with a few Kendo shots; Lopez then goes on a warpath and takes out B-Fab by hitting her with a crossbody onto a chair. Lopez then hits a B-Fab with a sit-down powerbomb. Lopez then pins B-Fab to get the victory.
Winner: Elektra Lopez (w/ Legado del Fantasma)
- We get our first look at In-Dex on their honeymoon and having a good time as Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae watch from their room, and Johnny is disturbed because he has a flashback to his wedding.
- We come back from the commercial break Joe Gacy is shown sitting in the middle of the ring. Gacy says he has "made a huge impact and that he hasn't been canceled." Gacy said he made a huge impact, and it was bigger than many other NXT stars. Gacy says he has seen a lot of triggered people, and he is there for them.
Xyon Quinn vs. Oney Lorcan
Xyon Quinn hits Oney Lorcan with a big right; Lorcan now hits Quinn with a big chop. Quinn then lifts Lorcan and throws him about five feet. Next, Quinn hits Lorcan with a big lariat, and Quinn ends it when he hits Lorcan with a big leaping lariat. Quinn then pins Lorcan for the win.
Winner: Xyon Quinn
- Grayson Waller's promo airs, and he talks about his future in NXT.
- MSK comes to ringside for a promo and is getting interviewed by Samantha Irvin. Irvin asks MSK what is next for them. Wes Lee and Nash Carter say they will smoke the competition and continue beating their competition. The Grizzled Young Veterans say they want a rematch; Grizzled Young Veterans then get interrupted by Carmelo Hayes. Hayes says that he might use his contract and goes for the NXT Tag-Team Championships. Briggs and Jensen come out, and all four teams begin fighting each other after it is all said and done, MSK stands tall.
- Raquel Gonzalez is now being interviewed but gets interrupted almost immediately by Mandy Rose; Rose says the belt looks good on Gonzalez, but it will look better on her, and the interview is over.
NXT Women's Tag-Team Championship Match
Toxic Attraction (w/ Mandy Rose) vs. Io Shirai and Zoey Stark
Io Shirai and Gigi Dolin begin the match; Gigi gets a few strikes in on Io. Io recovers and then hits Gigi with a few strikes, Gigi tags in Jacy Jayne. Jayne does not get much offense in on Io; Io lays in a few shots on Jayne. Io tags in Zoey Stark, Stark and Jayne exchange some big chops. The action goes back and forth on the outside as both Gigi Dolin hits Zoey Stark from the top rope with a big crossbody. Io then returns the favor when she hits Jayne and Dolin with a top flip from the top turnbuckle.
We return from the commercial break with Dolin sending Io Shirai to middle ropes hard. Now, Jayne hits Shirai with a running kick. Io gets away from Jayne, and Io gets to Stark for the tag. Stark hits Jayne with a snap suplex. Starks tags in Io, Dolin hits Io with a German suplex and bridges it into a pin attempt, and Shirai kicks out. Starks hits Dolin with a dropkick onto who falls off the apron. Stark gets into the face as of Mandy Rose. Io Shirai is in the ring alone with Jacy Jayne and ends it by hitting Jayne with the Asai Moonsault and pins Jayne for the win.
Winners: Io Shirai and Zoey Stark
- We get a Bron Breakker promo and talks about how he wants to go after the NXT Championship. Breakker says he is not a patient man, and he also says that he doesn't want to be friends with Ciampa. Breakker says, "You want to make friends? I don't give a shit; go get a dog."
- Tomasso Ciampa appears on a Facetime Video and says, let's not put Bron Breakker into the Hall of Fame yet, they will fight soon, but Breakker needs to be patient because he has been waiting to get Goldie back for a long time, and it's been over 900 days.
Andre Chase vs. Boa
Boa takes control for a short time; however, Andre Chase then comes back with some heavy shots and hits Boa with a big neckbreaker. Chase is talking trash and leaves the ring; Mei Ying then blows smoke into the face of Andre Chase as Boa distracts the referee and hits Chase with a massive
- We get another In-Dex Honeymoon Video. Johnny Gargano breaks into their room to ensure that In-Dex has protection; he finds out that they do, but he cannot leave the room. He hides in the closet and is disturbed because he thinks he's hearing them have sex. He leaves the room, and Dexter Lumis throws him a thumbs up and shows him that he has protection.
Roderick Strong (w/ Diamond Mine) vs. Grayson Waller
The match begins with Roderick Strong during the commercial break after Grayson Waller attacks Strong from behind. We return from the commercial break, and we see Strong push, Waller, off the top rope. Strong is in complete control and hits Waller with a massive backbreaker. Strong then starts stretching out Waller; Waller escapes, but Strong counters the move and hits Waller with a huge suplex. Strong has Waller in a submission; Waller makes it back up and pushes Strong away. Waller hits a shotgun dropkick on Strong; Waller hits Strong with a huge elbow; Waller hits a big rolling stunner on Strong. Waller goes for the pin attempt, but Strong kicks out. Strong then hits Waller with the big knee. Strong pins Waller for the win.
Winner: Roderick Strong (w/ Diamond Mine)
- LA Knight is getting interviewed, and Odyssey Jones cuts him off and says he has never seen anyone like him. Andre Chase walks by, yelling, "that was bullshit; that should have been a disqualification." LA Knight then attacks Odyssey Jones, and Knight says they next week, they will meet.
- We get the first Lashing Out with Lash Legend. Lash Legend is cutting a promo about how she had a draft spot for the WNBA Draft. Lash Legend tells Cora Jade if she wants a real man needs to get a man like Ikemen Jiro. She then says that Andre Chase is a Pee-Wee Herman lookalike.
Kyle O'Reilly vs. Ridge Holland (w/ Pete Dunne)
Ridge Holland is making his way to the ring, but Kyle O'Reilly gets attacked from behind. They head out for a commercial break. We return from the break, and the match has already started, and Holland is punishing O'Reilly. Holland is working on the ribs of Kyle O'Reilly.
O'Reilly takes control now and then starts going after the arm of Ridge Holland. O'Reilly has Holland in a submission hold; Holland uses his strength to lift Kyle O'Reilly and throw him into the turnbuckle. Holland then hits O'Reilly with a powerbomb. Holland takes too much time and does not go after O'Reilly; Kyle O'Reilly is about to go after Holland some more. However, Pete Dunne is standing on the apron. O'Reilly moves out of the way, and Holland hits Dunne. O'Reilly then rolls up Holland for the pin and gets the win.
After the match, Holland and Dunne begin attacking O'Reilly. Von Wagner makes the save, and he and O'Reilly stand tall.
Winner: Kyle O'Reilly
- We got a promo vignette from Tony DeAngelo, and the promo ends with it showing that DeAngelo will debut on next week's NXT.
NXT Women's Championship
Franky Monet (w/ Robert Stone and Jessi Kamea) vs. Raquel Gonzalez
Franky Monet goes right at Raquel Gonzalez; Monet takes Gonzalez down. Gonzalez strikes Monet with a punch, Monet comes back with a big strike. Gonzalez is now going after Monet, who retreated to the outside; Gonzalez hits Monet with a bodyslam.
Monet retreats again after a heavy punch; Gonzalez goes after Monet again; however, Monet sweeps Gonzalez's leg out. Monet gets Gonzalez back into the ring, and Monet hits Gonzalez with a suplex. Now, Monet stands on the back of Raquel Gonzalez and goes to try to stretch her for submission.
Monet lets go of the hold and now hits Gonzalez with multiple knees to the face of Raquel Gonzalez. Monet then begins pushing Gonzalez's face, which sets Gonzalez off, and Raquel nails Monet with a heavy right and then another. Monet then hits Gonzalez with a double foot stomp. Monet then goes a big knee, Gonzalez counters it into a huge standing powerbomb. Raquel then pins Monet to get the win.
After the match, Toxic Attraction then attacks Franky Monet, Jessi Kamea, and Robert Stone. When they finish with those three, they turn their attention to Raquel Gonzalez and attack her. The show goes off the air with Mandy Rose, Jacy Jayne, and Gigi Dolin standing tall and Rose holding the NXT Women's Championship title.
Winner: Raquel Gonzalez