A former WWE NXT UK talent has rejoined the ranks of STARDOM.
Back in August, WWE officially shut down their NXT UK brands in hopes of a relaunch in 2023. When that decision was made, many stars on the brand were released from their contracts, including Xia Brookside, who confirmed her release only a day after the announcement was made.
In October, Brookside began working the independent scene in Europe, competing in All Star Wrestling and Prime Time Wrestling. Now, the former NXT UK star has seemingly made her way back to a familiar place.
Both Brookside and Mariah May turned up at STARDOM's Dream Queendom show on December 29, 2022 in an effort to accompany Mina Shirakawa to the ring in her tag match with Unagi Sayaka against Mai Sakurai and Thekla. Despite winning the tag bout, Shirakawa ambushed Sayaka after the match.
.@MinaShirakawa tells @unapi0902 that "Pink Kabuki is game over".#STARDOM #スターダム #白川未奈 #ウナギ・サヤカ #コズエン #COSMICANGELS pic.twitter.com/5tuGj58Ahn
— Himanshu Doi (@Himanshu_Doi) December 29, 2022
In a post match promo, Brookside commented on her return to the promotion, noting that she was happy to be a part of 'Club Venus'.
— スターダムSTARDOM (@wwr_stardom) December 29, 2022
バックステージでは月山和香がClub Venusの専属翻訳者に抜擢!?#STARDOM pic.twitter.com/0lc13IOUwU
Previously, Brookside worked for STARDOM from 2017 to 2019. Throughout her first run with the company, Brookside had notable matches with the likes of Io Shirai and Mayu Iwatani.
Fans can see full results from STARDOM's Dream Queendom show by clicking here.