Adam Copeland tried to get Gangrel back in WWE.
At SummerSlam 2021 and WWE Day 1 2022, Adam Copeland (Edge in WWE) channeled the past as he used the Brood theme and became "Brood Edge." The Brood was a group consisting of Edge, Christian, and Gangrel that were together during the Attitude Era.
Despite references to The Brood, the other two members of the group were absent. Christian Cage was signed to AEW, but Gangrel was free to appear, and Copeland tried.
"I tried and I just got shut down. Every person shut it down. [Why?] So this isn't a knock on WWE, but I'd always get the well nobody remembers. People remember, wrestling fans remember and I think wrestling fans want to be rewarded for remembering. And that's a way to reward them. That's what I've always felt. I think you know, you fast forward to me and Matt Cardona doing a Cope Open. And his music hits and he comes out. I mean, they remembered. And so I've always been a fan of pulling in things from the past and kind of integrating them into current things. But yeah, that was one I just kept getting shut down. I realised, okay, that was not a hill to die on because it didn't get to happen. It’s not my sandbox, I got to do with what I’ve been given," Copeland told Chris Van Vliet on Insight.
Gangrel did appear on the May 27, 2022 episode of AEW Rampage as the Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) feuded with The Hardy Boys (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy).
Copeland and Christian are now both with AEW.