Former three-time TNA Knockouts Champion Brooke Adams was recently interviewed for USA Today's "For the Win" blog and she spoke about a return to the ring following the recent birth of a child.
"The day I found out I was pregnant, I thought, 'I'm going to have this baby and I'm going to go right back to wrestling. This is my career, this is what I love and my passion.' From the day I found out, I ran three miles a day every single day until I was 8 ½ months pregnant. I was huge out there doing a 27-minute three-mile run. I kept working out. I felt horrible, but said, 'I'm going to go out there and get this done even if it's the only thing that I get done today.' It was something that was very important to me to have a healthy pregnancy and be able to bounce back as quickly as I could so I could take care of my family."
She briefly returned to TNA back in January of this year, but is currently not signed with any promotion. The question of whether or not she'll be making a comeback weighs heavy on her.
"That's the million dollar question. I go back and forth with having this huge identity crisis with myself. 'No, I'm not just a mom. I'm still this sexy athlete that can go in the ring and drop an elbow off the top turnbuckle on anybody and will do moves that I have never done but do them on TV. I'm still that person. I'm still that Brooke.' I think I have that internal battle.
"At the end of the day, I still don't know. What if I go back for selfish reasons and I get hurt? What if I can't care for my son the way I need to? What if I break my neck or become paralyzed? I'm still battling that to figure out what it is I want to do as far as wrestling. Right now, I'm trying to help people get to their fitness goals. Is that my new passion? Can I do both? It's up in the air."
You can read the entire interview at this link.