Kacy Catanzaro talks to Inside The Ropes.
Though she may not be a regular on NXT television just yet, Kacy Catanzaro is one of the most highly-touted prospects in the NXT system thanks to her athletic background. Catanzaro comes from the world of gymnastics and was a finalist on "American Ninja Warrior." She signed with WWE in 2017 and competed in the Mae Young Classic.
Speaking to Inside The Ropes, Catanzaro discussed her transition to pro wrestling.
"It's been a crazy transition to WWE. There's nothing like WWE. I was an athlete my whole and I was like, 'I'll be kinda prepared to come here' and it just blew me away physically, mentally, emotionally. Everything that these superstars do," said Catanzaro. "It's a lot and it was a hard transition for me, especially coming in with no wrestling background. At first, I felt like that was a big disadvantage for me. Then I realized that I could use it to my advantage and show people things they've never seen before."
Catanzaro continued, "One of the hardest things is trying to find myself and who I am in and out of the ring. Not coming from wrestling, I didn't come in with a character or a move set or people knowing my style. There are so many options, and I felt kind of stuck because I didn't know what road I should choose. I let that get in my head a little and it held me back a little bit. But I started to use me being different to create something of my own."
Catanzaro is a regular at the NXT live events but has only made a handful of appearances on television. She recently battled Io Shirai on the July 24 episode of NXT.
You can watch the full interview with Catanzaro in the video above.