Paul Wight gives further insight into his recent injury.
Since August 2022, Paul Wight has been recovering from a knee replacement procedure. This procedure has kept Wight away from the squared circle, although he has continued to be a commentator on episodes of AEW Dark: Elevation.
In a new interview with Metro UK, Wight revealed that the procedure kept him in a wheelchair for eleven weeks.
"Well, I spent 11 weeks in a wheelchair because I was waiting for them to build the implant for my knee because of my size. I had crushed all the bone in the knee, I was bleeding into my shin. So, I’ve got a good pain tolerance, but when I say I rode the tire down to the rim, that’s exactly what I did. But, luckily I still have all my ligaments in that knee, everything’s good there, it’s a nice, brand new titanium joint so it’s good for 35 years. So, I can parachute if I want to – not that I’ll ever jump out of an airplane, we all saw the movie Operation Dumbo drop, I don’t think that’s me, we’re good!"
Wight also previously noted to Metro UK that he is hopeful that he'll be back in the ring in March. To read Wight's full comments on the matter, click here.
AEW recently revealed Paul Wight's role in the new refresh of their community program. To learn more, click here.
Special thanks to Alistair McGeorge and Metro UK for the quote(s).