Good news for the Briscoe family.
The wrestling world tragically lost Jamin Pugh (Jay Briscoe) in a car accident on Tuesday night at the age of 38. His daughters Jayleigh and Gracie were in the car with him in the accident.
On Friday evening, family friend Josh Warton went live on Facebook to share an update on the girls.
"Jayleigh, 9, has had pain on and off today. She was fitted for her back brace and sat up on the side of the bed with assistance from staff. She was moved into a wheelchair for about an hour. Unfortunately, she still has the NG tube in place and is unable to eat or drink at this time. They are hoping that tomorrow they can take the tube out so she can eat some real food. She's still on IV medications and spends most of her days sleeping.
"Gracie, 12, had a rough night with lots of tingling and itching in her lower legs. Today, she started the day with occupational therapy and she has regained feeling in her lower extremities. She is also able to make movements in her lower extremities. She was able to make small movements with her legs by using her thigh muscle. We are so grateful, she was up in a wheelchair multiple times, which she enjoys. All of Gracie's IV medications have been discontinued at this time and she has been switched over to oral pain medicine. She is still groggy from all the medication and lots of sleeping.
"At this time, rehab is recommended for both girls. Although both girls have improvements today, they both have a long road of recovery ahead of them."
It was said that their brother Gannon, Mark Briscoe, and Papa Briscoe were able to visit the girls on Friday. The family continues to ask for prayers, and it was said that t-shirts and stickers would be made and locals could drop off cards for them.
Fans can read the initial update, which included a list of full injuries suffered in the accident, by clicking here.
A donation page was set up on Thursday morning and fans can donate by clicking here.
Fightful continues to send our love, support, and prayer to the Pugh family.
Writers note: I don't care if you credit for the transcription. Please share this update and continue to pray for these girls and the family.