Renee Young was a guest on a recent edition of "Chasing Glory" with Lilian Garcia. You can check out the full podcast at this link, and see highlights submitted to us from the podcast below:
The story behind the name, “Renee Young”:
“I sent them a bunch of alliterations, which truly I thought were better. I had Renee Ruston, which is Aubrey Hepburn’s real last name. I had Renee Rogers which is Prince’s real last name. I had Ryan which is my closest aunt’s married name. And then I did Young for Neil Young. I was literally flipping through my records, I was like, “Oh, that could be cool.””
Her experience on “Total Divas”:
“It was a cool experience, but I think when I was in the middle of it and even when we started and I get the call, “You’re going to be on Total Divas”, I was like “Okay…”, because I knew I was going to have to broach this subject with my significant other. Now listen if it was destiny, it probably would have been a little bit different, but I also might not have been on the show if it was just me. It was hard, it was really hard and even now when I see the girls and their on the road, and you’ve got a camera in your face, and you’re taking these vacations that aren’t really vacations, it's exhausting, it’s really a lot of work. I commend them all for doing it. For the people that it's great for, its great for, but I think the problem that I essentially ran into was that I’m not a private person and my husband is. I didn’t want to make him do something that he didn’t want to do.”