AEW Dynamite Results For 1/5/22 Bryan Danielson Challenges Hangman Adam Page for AEW Championship

- "It's Wednesday Night, and you know what that means," says AEW Commentator Jim Ross as he kicks off tonight's telecast. First, he welcomes the viewer to AEW Dynamite and that they're coming to us live from the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Ross then welcomes his colleagues Excalibur and Tony Schiavone. Next, the three commentators begin going over tonight's card.

AEW World Championship
Bryan Danielson vs. "Hangman" Adam Page (C)

CM Punk Tells Cody Rhodes To Take The Rock's Offer And Shove It Up His 'Part-Time Hollywood Candy Ass'

Before the match begins, AEW Ring Announcer Justin Roberts explains that three judges will score the match if the match hits the time limit. Next, they introduce the judges, Mark Henry, Jerry Lynn, and Paul Wight.

The bell rings, and Bryan Danielson leaves the ring and walks around the ring. Then, he climbs back into the ring and hits "Hangman" Adam Page with some strikes. Danielson and Page tie up and Danielson gets some shots in; however, Danielson leaves the ring. Adam then goes for Lionheart Moonsault. He misses Danielson, but he gets right back up slams Danielson onto the canvas.

Danielson will soon take control when Page goes to dive between the ropes but misses and flies into the barricade outside the ring. Danielson notices that Page is selling an injured arm, and Danielson starts focusing on it.

Page hits Danielson with a fallaway slam and hits a flying clothesline a few moments later. Danielson goes for a tope suicida, but Page counters and flips over Danielson. When Bryan gets up, he sends Hangman into the steel steps outside the ring; Page is busted open. We head out for our first picture-in-picture commercial break.

Bryan controls the match during the commercial break, "Hangman" has the Crimson Mask. Danielson sends Page into the ring post before getting Page in the ring. We return from the break, and Danielson hits Page with multiple headbutts.

Bryan is just punishing Page; he begins stretching out Hangman's injured arm. Danielson runs the ropes up, and Page counters and hits Bryan with a Death Valley Driver. Next, Danielson attempts to hit Page with a German suplex, but Page lands on his feet; Page then takes Danielson down.

Danielson attempts to hit a suplex, but Page counters into a suplex attempt; however, Danielson counters again as both men go over the top rope. Danielson sends Page into the ring post; a short time later, Page grabs Danielson and slams him into the ring post multiple times. Danielson is now busted open as they head out to another picture-in-picture commercial break with a trainer checking in on Danielson.

We return from the break, and now Danielson has a Crimson Mask. Both competitors are on the top rope, and Page hits Danielson with a Moonsault Powerslam.

Danielson rolls out of the ring, and Page follows him and hits the Dead Eye. The action goes back into the ring, and Danielson puts the Labell Lock on Page. Page gets out of it, Danielson gets catapulted outside of the ring. Page hits a moonsault on Danielson outside of the ring.

The action goes back into the ring, and Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat, but Danielson counters and hits Page with a flying knee. Danielson goes for the pin; Page kicks out. Danielson hits Page with a Gotch Style Piledriver, he goes for another pin, but Page kicks out.

Danielson looks over to the judges and smiles; he begins hitting Page with some very vicious stomps. Danielson goes for another flying knee; however, Page counters it and hits him with a powerbomb. Page walks over to Danielson, and he puts Page into a leg lock. Page gets out of it by kicking out; Page begins punching Danielson multiple times. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat again, and this time he hits it. "Hangman" Adam Page pins Bryan Danielson to retain the AEW World Championship.

Winner: "Hangman" Adam Page

- The Acclaimed cut a promo talking Sting, and they said they would be releasing a new music video next week.

MJF vs. Capt. Shawn Dean

The bell rings, CM Punk, runs down to the ring, MJF leaves the ring. CM Punk is waiting for MJF to get back into the ring. CM Punk then hits Capt. Shawn Dean with the GTS. The referee calls for the bell, and Dean wins by disqualification.

After the match, Punk tells MJF that he will continue to do this until MJF fights him. MJF then begins to insult CM Punk; MJF says that things got more personal when he compared to himself Roddy Piper, you got mad.

MJF tells Punk that Piper had talent and was talented enough a Wrestlemania, unlike you. Punk then tells MJF if he believes the grass is greener, then go there and main event night 4 of a buy-one-get-one extravaganza, and when he gets released, he will be there waiting to kick his ass.

Winner: Capt. Shawn Dean

- Chris Jericho is out to cut a promo. Jericho promotes Dynamite moving to TBS; the crowd chants "TBS." Jericho says the last time he was on TBS, he wrestled Booker T on WCW Saturday Night. He smiles and says he thinks he cheated.

Jericho says he did not go out to save Eddie Kingston; he went out to attack 2Point0. 2Point0 makes their way to the ring; Jericho calls them Terrence and Phillip (South Park characters).

Jericho insults 2Point0, calling them Squarehead and Pinhead. Jericho grabs Floyd, and Daniel Garcia enters the ring and attempts to attack Jericho; Jericho is ready for him. Then Jericho gets attacked by 2Point0 and Garcia. Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz come down for the save.

- Adam Cole cuts a promo saying that he knows Kyle O'Reilly did not mean to kick him last week. Cole challenges newly signed Jake Atlas on AEW Rampage.

Antonio Zambrano vs. Wardlow ( w/ Shawn Spears)

Shawn Spears attacks Antonio Zambrano while the ref is checking Wardlow's tights. Spears rolls Zambrano into the ring, and Wardlow hits Zambrano with five powerbombs. Wardlow then pins him for the victory.

Winner: Wardlow ( w/ Shawn Spears)

AEW TBS Championship Finals
Jade Cargill ( w/"Smart" Mark Sterling) vs. Ruby Soho

Before the match begins, they show Jade Cargill's young daughter in the crowd. The bell rings, and we see Jade Cargill and Ruby Soho have a staredown. Ruby sends Cargill to the outside, Soho hits Cargill with a shotgun dropkick. Cargill hits Soho with a few strikes, Soho gets sent out of the ring.

Soho then hits Cargill with an arm drag. Soho exits the ring selling her shoulder injury; Mercedes Martinez makes her way out and gets in the face of Ruby Soho.

Thunder Rosa runs down and begins attacking Martinez; they start fighting and are off the screen. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Cargill in complete control. We return from the break, and Soho gets some offense on Cargill. Soho hits Cargill with a few kicks; Soho goes for a pin attempt; however, Jade kicks out at two. Jade hits Soho with a shoulder breaker and a pump kick and then hits Jade with a Saito suplex.

Mark Sterling distracts the referee, sending Sterling to the back. Ruby hits No Future and goes for the pin; Cargill kicks out at two. The competitors are both on the ropes, and Cargill hits Jaded on Soho from the second rope. Jade Cargill pins Ruby Soho to become the first TBS Champion.

Winner and First-Ever TBS Champion: Jade Cargill ( w/ "Smart" Mark Sterling)

- Jim Ross interviews Serena Deeb; Deeb talks about her feud with Hikaru Shida and says she told Tony Khan that she demanded a match with Shida.

Brian Pillman Jr. ( w/ Julia Hart) vs. Malakai Black

The bell rings, and they start with a tie-up. Malakai Black goes for a roundhouse kick; however, Brian Pillman Jr. ducks, and Black misses him. Pillman hits Black with a dropkick; later, Pillman hits Black with a diving dropkick. We then go to a picture-in-picture commercial break with Pillman in control.

Pillman lost control a short time later; Black began punishing Pillman with multiple strikes and lariats. We return from the break, Pillman goes for a quick rollup pin, and Black kicks out. When Black gets back up, he hits Pillman with a roundhouse kick. Next, Pillman hits Malakai with considerable chops, and Pillman hits Black with a bodyslam. Next, Pillman goes for a springboard; however, Pillman attempts to stop, but it does not work as Malakai Black ends it with the Fade to Black. Black pins Pillman for the win.

After the match, Malakai Black goes back into the ring. He walks over toward Julia Hart, who is checking in on Pillman. We then see The Lucha Bros. come out, and Malakai leaves the ring.

Winner: Malakai Black

AEW World Tag-Team Championship
Jurassic Express ( w/ Christian) vs. Lucha Bros. ( w/ Alex Abrahantes)

The match begins with Jungle Boy and Rey Fenix; they both counter each other a few times before Fenix takes him down. Jungle Boy hits Fenix with a quick hurricanrana; Jungle Boy goes for the pin, Fenix kicks out. Fenix hits Jungle Boy with a quick dropkick.

El Penta Zero M and Luchasaurus are tagged in; Penta hits Luchasaurus with a big chop. Now, each competitor enters the ring, and they attack each other and either hit chops or dropkicks. Jungle Boy uses his speed to avoid Penta and Fenix. Jungle Boy goes for a tope suicida; however, he does not hit it. Jungle Boy gets on the canvas on the ring, and Fenix walks the tightrope and kicks Jungle Boy.

We go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break with The Lucha Bros. are in control. We return with Jungle Boy, trying to get to Luchasaurus for the hot tag, Fenix stops him, but Jungle Boy hits Fenix with a lariat. Penta gets tagged in, and Jungle Boy avoids Penta and dives to tag in Luchasaurus for the hot tag.

Luchasaurus hits Penta and Fenix with a double clothesline. The Lucha Bros. hit Luchasaurus with stereo kicks. Jungle Boy dives over and hits Fenix with a Canadian Destroyer. Fenix hits Luchasaurus with a Canadian Destroyer of his own.

Penta then hits Jungle Boy with Made in Japan. Penta hits Jungle Boy with the Fear Factor on the apron. Fenix takes out Luchasaurus! The Lucha Bros hit the combination Fear Factor! They go for the pin, and Jungle Boy kicks out!. Alex Abrahantes has prepared a table. Christian begins to chase Alex to the back.

Luchasaurus choke slams Fenix through the table; Fenix lands horribly, and more than likely broke his arm. Jungle Boy goes for the Killswitch; Penta attempts to counter, and by trying to counter, Jungle Boy now goes for the rollup pin, and he pins him. Jurassic Express become the new AEW Tag-Team Champions. After the match, we see Jungle Boy's Mom and Sister crying in celebration.

We then see multiple tag teams come out by the entrance area and watch Jurassic Express celebrate. They show Malakai Black watching from some seats, and we see Chris Jericho watching from club seats. Then, the show goes off the air.

Winners and New AEW Tag-Team Champions: Jurassic Express ( w/ Christian)

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