GCW Presents Joey Janela’s Spring Break Results: UFC Veterans Wrestle, A Clusterf*ck Match & Tons Of Blood

Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for GCW Presents: Joey Janella’s Spring Break. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below.

Roman Reigns vs. CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins Confirmed As WWE WrestleMania 41 Saturday Main Event

GCW Title Match (Anything Goes Match/Falls Count Anywhere Match): Matt Tremont def. Eddie Kingston to retain the title

Joey Janela def. Marty Jannetty

Matt Riddle def. Dan Severn

Andy Williams & Penelope Ford def. Braxton Sutter & Allie

Lio Rush def. Keith Lee

Joey Janella’s Clusterf*ck Match: Jimmy Lloyd is the winner

Sami Callihan def. Kyle The Beast

Match By Match Recap

The show begins with a video package highlighting Joey Janela’s obsession for a match with Marty Jannetty, which includes a special guest appearance by Scott Hall as a magical genie who grants Janela his wish to face Jannetty.

Larry Legend is the ring announcer and this show is a completely different atmosphere when compared to the Evolve 80 show that was in the building a few hours earlier.

Sami Callihan vs. Kyle The Beast

The match begins with Callihan catching Beast with a suicide dive during his entrance, Callihan celebrates and Beast nails him with a suicide dive. Beast celebrates and Callihan recovers to nail him with a suicide dive, Callihan again celebrates and Beast again catches him with a suicide dive. Callihan grabs a beach ball and he nails Beast with it, Beast goes for a power bomb and Callihan escapes to nail him with a knee strike from the ring apron. Callihan starts attacking Beast with a series of chops, Callihan then takes the opportunity to throw Beast into the barricade. Callihan follows that up by nailing Beast with a running bicycle kick, Callihan charges again and Beast kicks him right in the face.

Beast throws Callihan into the ring for a pin attempt that gets a two count, Beast then nails Callihan with a rolling spear. Beast goes to the ring apron before nailing Callihan with a slingshot swanton bomb for a near fall, Beast traps Callihan in the corner before assaulting him with chops. Beast charges at Callihan and Callihan trips him up into the turnbuckles, Callihan then hits Beast with several face washes in the corner. Callihan charges at Beast and he gets nailed with a bicycle kick, Callihan recovers to hit Beast with an air raid crash for the near fall. Beast hits a charging Callihan with another bicycle kick and the Angle Slam with bridge for a near fall, Callihan and Beast exchange bicycle kicks in the middle of the ring.

Callihan and Beast then have a forearm strike exchange in the middle of the ring, Beast then hits a charging Callihan with a spear and a jackhammer for another near fall. Beast then places Callihan on the top rope before going up there himself, Callihan bites Beast and that gets him off the ropes. Callihan drags Beast back up on the ropes, Callihan looks for a sunset flip bomb and Beast blocks the move. Callihan traps Beast’s head in the corner before nailing him with a bicycle kick, Callihan nails Beast with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Callihan then locks Beast in the stretch muffler to force a tap out.

Winner: Sami Callihan

After the match, Sami Callihan grabs the microphone and he puts over Kyle The Beast before shaking his hand. 

Before the next match, Allie grabs the microphone before introducing herself and her husband. Allie talks to Andy Williams about his friendship with wrestlers before insulting him, Williams wants the microphone and he pushes her to the ground.

Andy Williams & Penelope Ford vs. Braxton Sutter & Allie

The match begins with Sutter quickly nailing Ford with a super kick, Williams then hits Sutter with a clothesline and they brawl on the arena floor. The women get up and they fight on the opposite side of the arena, Allie Tosses Ford into the barricade before nailing her with chops. Sutter drops Williams before starting a search for some weapons, Sutter finds a door and he places it against the barricade. Sutter traps Williams in the barricade before nailing him with chops, Williams recovers and he suplexes Sutter through the door. Allie brings Ford into the ring before stomping on her, Allie assaults a dazed Ford with a series of chops.

Allie hits a seated Ford with a low clothesline for a near fall, Allie traps Ford in the corner before assaulting her with a bunch of stomps. Ford recovers and she nails Allie with a handspring clothesline and then a handspring back elbow, Ford follows that up by nailing Allie with a bronco buster. Sutter hits the ring and he clotheslines Ford, Williams hits the ring and Allie nails him with a low blow to help her husband. Allie nails Williams with a springboard bulldog for a two count, Sutter chokes Ford while Allie chokes Williams. Sutter traps Williams in the ropes so he and Allie can assault him with chops, Williams and Sutter take each other out with a double clothesline.

Allie and Ford then take each other out with a double running face buster, Williams misses a charge at Sutter and Allie nails him with a super kick. Ford then hits Allie with a stunner before catching Sutter with a head scissors, Ford hits Allie and Sutter with a double handspring stunner. Williams then hits Sutter with a choke slam, Ford hits Sutter with an assisted moonsault for the three count.

Winners: Andy Williams & Penelope Ford

GCW Title Match (Anything Goes Match/Falls Count Anywhere Match): Matt Tremont (Champion) vs. Eddie Kingston

The match begins with Kingston poking Tremont in the eyes before attacking him with a bunch of punches, Tremont fights back by landing a few shots of his own. Tremont then catches Kingston with an avalanche in the corner before throwing a few doors into the ring, Kingston grabs a door and he hits Tremont with it. Kingston goes on the arena floor to throw Tremont into the ring post, Kingston then tosses Tremont into the barricade before tossing him back into the ring. Tremont slows Kingston down before placing the doors into the corners, Tremont also hits Kingston in the midsection with a door. Kingston sends a charging Tremont through a door and Tremont is a bloody mess, Kingston grabs a fork and he stabs Tremont with it multiple times.

Kingston takes a dazed Tremont and he throws him out of the ring, Tremont grabs a weapon and both wrestlers start stabbing each other. Kingston and Tremont continue fighting into the crowd, Kingston stabs Tremont with the fork while in the crowd. Kingston and Tremont fight up to the second level of the bleachers, Kingston throws Tremont down to the bottom of the bleachers. Kingston grabs a fans sign and he puts in on Tremont’s face while punching him, Tremont recovers by suplexing Kingston through a table. The wrestlers exchange blows as they continue brawling through the crowd, Kingston continues stabbing Tremont with the fork as they battle back to the ringside area.

Tremont grabs Kingston and he tosses him into the barricade, Tremont grabs a door and he places it from the ring to the barricade. Tremont goes to the top rope while Kingston stays on the ringside edge, Kingston tosses Tremont from the middle rope to the door that Tremont just set up. Kingston takes one of the doors in the ring and he places it in the corner, Tremont gets back in the ring and he nails Kingston with a death valley driver through a door to get a three count.

Winner: Matt Tremont, still your GCW Champion

More action on Page Two...

Joey Janella’s Clusterf*ck Match: Flip Gordon vs. Façade w/Danni Mo vs. John Silver vs. Veda Scott vs. Bryan Idol w/Candy Cartwright vs. Crazy Boy vs. Jervis Cottenbelly vs. The Invisible Man vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Arik Cannon vs. Glacier vs. Dink vs. Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers

The match starts with #1 Gordon and #2 Façade as the first two entrants, Gordon scores a takedown on Façade and he controls his head. Façade gets up and he trips up Gordon, the wrestlers do a series of reversals that ends with Gordon mocking Façade by doing a bunch of kip ups. #3 is John Silver and he lays out both opponents with clotheslines, Silver then tosses Façade across the ring before kicking away at both opponents. Silver then hits both opponents with a double suplex, #4 is Veda Scott and she attacks Façade with a bunch of chops. Gordon then nails Scott with a super kick and then Silver nails her with one as well, Silver goes back to fighting Façade. #5 is Bryan Idol and he dumps Gordon out of the ring, Façade then nails Idol with an atomic drop before knocking him out of the ring.

Façade then takes out a few of the competitors with a suicide dive, Mo goes to the top rope and she dives onto the competitors as well. #6 is Crazy Boy and he just dances around the ringside area, Boy hits the ring and Façade goes to work on him. Idol is then thrown into the barricade by one of the wrestlers, Façade then kicks a downed Boy before getting rolled up for a near fall. Boy and Façade exchange a bunch of roll ups for a bunch of near falls, Boy then drops kicks Façade in the back of the legs. Boy nails Façade with a death valley driver and #7 is Jervis Cottenbelly, Cottenbelly immediately starts hugging some of the competitors. Cottenbelly tickles his opponents before nailing then with back elbow strikes, a lot of the wrestlers are fighting each other on the arena floor.

#8 is The Invisible Man and all the wrestlers are trying to find him, Invisible man nails some of the wrestlers with low blows. Silver gets flipped onto his back by Invisible and then he hits Scott with a German suplex, Façade and Invisible exchange punches in the middle of the ring. Invisible nearly pins Façade after a DDT, #9 is Jimmy Lloyd and he takes out everybody with bicycle kicks. Lloyd eliminates Gordon via pin fall after catching him with a modified pile driver (Eliminated: Flip Gordon), Scott then nails Lloyd with a super kick. Silver hits the ring and he hits Scott with a brain buster, a lot of the wrestlers continue brawling on the arena floor. Silver catches Idol with a lariat and a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Silver then brings Cottenbelly into the ring.

Silver and Cottenbelly hug in the ring until Cottenbelly passes out for a few moments, Cottenbelly hits Silver with a belly to belly suplex for a near fall. Silver then hits Cottenbelly with a running European uppercut, Silver knocks Cottenbelly out of the ring with a super kick. #10 is Arik Cannon and he hits the ring while drinking beer, Cannon and Silver drink beer until Cannon hits Silver with a stunner to pin and eliminate him (Eliminated: John Silver). #11 is Glacier and he immediately gets in the ring with his full gear on, Glacier attacks everybody with chops. Glacier nails Boy with a boot to the face to get the three count (Eliminated: Crazy Boy), #12 is Dink and he goes face to knee cap with Glacier. Glacier chops Idol and they brawl to the arena floor, Scott hits the ring and Dink bites her in the behind. Cannon hits the ring and he slaps Scott in the ass, Scott fights back and Dink leaves the match to eliminate himself (Eliminated: Dink). Scott then hits Cannon with a tornado DDT, #13 is Ethan Page and he comes out with The Gatekeepers at his side. Page hits Scott with a uranage to get the three count (Eliminated: Veda Scott), Invisible attacks Page with a ton of chops. Page throws Invisible out of the ring and he lands on all the competitors out there, Page nails Invisible with a uranage to get the three count (Eliminated: The Invisible Man). Page then hits Lloyd with a steel chair multiple times, Façade then hits Page with a missile drop kick from the top rope. Cottenbelly hits the ring and he takes out Façade with a head scissors, Façade catches Cottenbelly with a flip pile driver for a three count (Eliminated: Jervis Cottenbelly).

Cannon hits the ring and he nails Façade with a rope assisted neck breaker for the three count (Eliminated: Façade), Idol hits the ring and he gets power bombed by Cannon. Cannon nails Idol with a brain buster for the three count (Eliminated: Bryan Idol), Glacier nails Cannon with a boot to the face for the three count (Eliminated: Arik Cannon). The Mortal Kombat theme plays as Page goes to battle with Glacier, Page then rolls up a distracted Glacier for the three count (Eliminated: Glacier). Lloyd hits the ring and he nails Page with an emerald fusion for a near fall, The Gatekeepers interfere by tripping up Lloyd. Page wraps a chair around the head of Lloyd before throwing him into the turnbuckle, The Gatekeepers throw a bunch of weapons into the ring. Page grabs a door and he smashes it over the head of Lloyd, The Gatekeepers get in the ring to work over Lloyd with Page. The Gatekeepers throw Lloyd through a door and Page gets a near fall on the pin attempt, The Gatekeepers throw Lloyd through another door and Page gets another near fall on him. Page throws Lloyd through another door and he gets yet another near fall on him, Lloyd fights back for a few moments and The Gatekeepers drop him quickly. One of The Gatekeepers messes up a suicide dive and he takes out the other gatekeeper, Lloyd hits Page with a modified pile driver to get the three count (Eliminated: Ethan Page).

Winner: Jimmy Lloyd

Lio Rush vs. Keith Lee

The match begins with Rush attacking Lee with a series of strikes, Rush then sends a charging Lee out of the ring. Rush goes for a suicide dive and Lee catches him, Lee then takes Rush and he power bombs him right on the ring apron. Rush gets back in the ring and Lee traps him in the corner before nailing him with a few punches, Rush recovers to hit Lee with a series of kicks. Lee stops Rush by simply throwing him across the ring, Lee trash talks and Rush slaps him right in the face. Lee gets angry and he throws Rush right out of the ring, Rush gets back into the ring and he attacks Lee with a few forearm strikes.

Lee drops Rush with a move before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Lee places Rush in the corner before going to the middle rope. Rush gets up and he attacks Lee with a few strikes, Lee drops Rush with a huge chop to the chest as he avoids an enzaguri. Rush gets back up and he nails Lee with a second enzaguri, Rush picks up Lee and he nails him with a death valley driver. Rush then crushes Lee with the Dragon Claw for a near fall, Rush follows that up by attacking Lee with a series of kicks. Lee blocks a kick from Rush and then he hits Rush with a Spirit Bomb for the near fall, Lee then goes to the top rope and Rush rolls to the ring apron.

Rush then nails Lee with a toe kick to the upper body, Rush follows Lee to the top rope before attempting a sunset flip bomb. Lee blocks it and drops Lee with a single punch, Rush gets back up and he catches Lee with a power bomb for a near fall. Rush again attacks Lee with some forearm strikes and chops, Lee fights back with some chops of his own. Lee then goes to the top rope and he brings Rush with him, Rush then hits Lee with a hurricarana from out of nowhere. Rush then hits Lee with a trio of frog splashes for the three count.

Winner: Lio Rush

Final matches are on Page Three...

Joey Janela vs. Marty Jannetty

The match begins with both wrestlers seeking some crowd adoration, Janela shakes his with Jannetty before punching him in the face. Janela jumps a downed Jannetty by nailing him with some more strikes, Janela brings Jannetty out of the ring and he smashes his face on the ring steps. Janela traps Jannetty in the corner of the barricade before nailing him with a few running pump kicks to the head, Jannetty hip tosses a charging Janela onto a chair. Jannetty then throws Janela into the ring post a few times, Janela recovers and he smashes Jannetty into the ring post. Janela then smashes a chair into the knee of Jannetty, Janela continues attacking Jannetty with chair shots.

Janela then brings Jannetty back into the ring before stomping on his knee, Janela goes for a super kick and he nails the referee instead. Janela then locks Jannetty in the sharp shooter before another referee hits the ring, Janela attacks and knocks out the next referee. A third referee comes out and Janela takes him out as well, then the same things happens to a fourth referee. Janela then pile drives a fifth referee onto another referee, Janela again applies the sharp shooter to Jannetty. Earl Hebner hits the ring and Janela gets angry with him as well, Janela eventually takes out Hebner as well. Virgil comes to the ring and he attacks Janela, Jannetty then attacks Virgil as well before ripping the mask off of his face.

Janela attacks Virgil and he knocks him out of the ring, Jannetty then hits Janela with a flip pile driver from a near fall. Jannetty grabs Janela and he places him on the top rope, Janela attacks Jannetty and drops him with a series of punches. Janela catches Jannetty with a top rope splash for a near fall, Janela grabs some chairs and he brings them in the ring. Jannetty and Janela exchange a bunch of punches, Janela puts Jannetty on a chair and he misses the follow up swanton bomb. Jannetty cracks Janela with a Rocker Dropper on a chair for a near fall, the wrestlers again exchange blows in the ring. Janela then hits Jannetty with a super kick to get the three count.

Winner: Joey Janela

After the match, Joey Janela cuts a promo thanking the fans for coming while being an ass at the same time, Marty Jannetty grabs the microphone and he thanks everybody as well. 

Dan Severn grabs the microphone before the match and he says he is here to see if Matt Riddle can kick his ass.

Matt Riddle vs. Dan Severn

The match begins with Riddle scoring a takedown on Severn and the two go through a series of reversals, Severn wrenches on the arm of Riddle until he gets to the ropes. Severn scores a takedown on Riddle and Riddle sweeps him to get top position, Severn gets top position until they get caught in the ropes. Severn scores a takedown on Riddle and he locks him in a knee bar until Riddle gets to the ropes, Severn then hits Riddle with a German suplex and a belly to belly suplex. Riddle rolls out of the ring for a short time to compose himself, Riddle returns to the ring and he attacks Severn with chops. Severn and Riddle have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring, Severn nails Riddle with another belly to belly suplex.

Severn picks up Riddle to hit him with knee strikes and another suplex, Severn looks for a dragon sleeper and Riddle escapes. Severn scores a takedown on Riddle and Riddle looks for an arm bar for a short time, Riddle backs Severn into the corner while landing a few strikes to his midsection. Riddle scores a takedown on Severn and he attacks him with a bunch more strikes, Riddle goes for the arm bar and Severn gets to the ropes. Severn scores a takedown on Riddle and Riddle gets back up while eating strikes, Severn avoids a kick to nail Riddle with a German suplex. Severn nails Riddle with another German suplex, Riddle gets angry and he nails Severn with a knee strike followed by a German suplex of his own.

Severn catches Riddle with some knee strikes to the spine, Severn catches Riddle in the dragon sleeper and Riddle escapes. Riddle attacks Severn with a plethora of elbow strikes, Riddle locks Severn in the Bromission to get the tap out.

Winner: Matt Riddle

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