This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP! Tonight in our main event Low-Ki defends his X-Division title against Andrew Everett, LAX takes on VOW in the GFW Tag Team Tournament Finals and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!
-EC3 comes out to start the show and celebrates with a barbershop quartet singing his theme song. Alberto El Patron comes out to the ring before all of the management come out to the stage. Bruce makes a match between Alberto and EC3 where Alberto defends his GFW belt and EC3 his IMPACT title number one contendership in a six sides of steel match as we go to commercial.
Eli Drake vs Moose IMPACT Grand Championship Match
Round 1
Moose drops Eli repeatedly before tossing him across the ring, then Eli starts focusing on Moose's ankle before putting him in an ankle lock. Moose then gets to the ropes right before the round ends, barely able to stand.
Round 2
Eli stays focused on the ankle of Moose before wrapping it around the ring post. Moose dropkicks Eli off of the top rope and to the floor with thirty seconds to go in the round before hitting a pop-up powerbomb and a moonsault as the round ends.
Round 3
They brawl to start the round before Moose hits a boot, then Go to Hell for a near fall. They exchange a variety of strikes before Drake hits the Sky Lord Slam as the round ends
Winner: Moose via decision
Amber Nova vs Allie
Nova is in control early then they lock up for a not so clean break when Nova chops Allie in the corner. She whips her across the ring and Allie counters, but Nova drops her with a knee before smashing her face into the mat. Allie comes back with a clothesline, then hits a Death Valley driver for the pin and the win.
Winner: Allie via pinfall
LAX vs VOW GFW Tag Team Championship Match
They brawl to start the match, then LAX double team Wilcox before he takes Santana and Ortiz down with a double clothesline. VOW double team Ortiz before Santana attacks them from behind, then Homicide beats on Wilcox at ringside. Ortiz and Santana double team Mayweather, keeping him away from his corner and tagging in and out frequently. Homicide then hit Wilcox with the belts before LAX hit their finisher for the pin and the win.
Winner: LAX via pinfall
Low-Ki vs Andrew Everett X-Division Championship Match
They lock up to start the match for a clean break before Low-Ki plays to the crowd only for Everett to dropkick him for his troubles. Low-Ki hits a mule kick that sends Andrew across the ring before headbutting him, then they take turns diving to the outside as Low-Ki has some choice words for Sonjay at the commentary table as we go to commercial.
Low-Ki stomps on Everett before Everett dropkicks his knee once he's on his feet, but Low-Ki yanks him from the top rope for a quick two count. Low-Ki puts him in a variation of an octopus stretch before playing to the crowd when he lets it go on his own. Andrew comes back with a Pele kick into a huricanrrana and finishes with a standing star for a near fall. Andrew misses a shooting star press, then Low-Ki hits a double foot stomp for the pin and the win.
Winner: Low-Ki via pinfall
-Rockstar Spudd comes out through the crowd and beats on Swoggle before hitting him with a hammer before leaving.
Alberto El Patron vs EC3 GFW Championship Six Sides of Steel Match
EC3 tries to escape as soon as the bell rings, but Alberto pulls him down and throws him into the cage before choking him. EC3 stops Alberto from trying to climb out of the ring, then beats him down clubbing blows before choking him in the ropes. Alberto hits a tornado DDT before climbing the cage, nearly reaching the top before EC3 hits a Samoan drop off of the top rope as we go to commercial.
EC3 gets a series of quick two counts off of a back drop, then rams him into the side of the cage. Alberto fights back and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker before climbing the cage again, but EC3 hits an electric chair sit-out facebuster for a near fall. Alberto comes back with a backstabber when EC3 is climbing the cage, then hits a superkick before EC3 hits a cutter for a near fall. Alberto hits an arm breaker into a rolling armbar, but he gets out of it and hits a one percenter and a sit-out powerbomb for another near fall. Alberto hits a double foot stomp from the top of the cage, then hits a frog splash for the pin and the win.
Winner: Alberto El Patron via pinfall