Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for ROH State Of The Art: San Antonio. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) def. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia) & Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)
Team CMLL (Stuka Jr., Atlantis & Guerrero Maya Jr.) def. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)
Sumie Sakai & Tenille Dashwood def. Thunder Rosa & Kelly Klein
Cody def. Jonathan Gresham
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia) def. The Boys
Jay Lethal def. TK O’Ryan
Bully Ray, Punishment Martinez & Shane Taylor def. Shane Helms, Cheeseburger & Delirious
Flip Gordon def. Rhett Titus
Silas Young def. Curt Stallion
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia) vs. The Boys
The match begins with The Boys jumping The Kingdom before the bell sounds, a boy then nails Marseglia with a drop kick. The Boys then hit Marseglia with a double soul food, the boy then hits Marseglia with a lung blower. Taven hits the ring and he eats a missile drop kick from a boy, The Kingdom are knocked out of the ring and nailed by double suicide dives from The Boys. The Boys regroup before landing another double suicide dive against The Kingdom, Taven is thrown in the ring and he connects with a leg lariat on a leaping boy. Taven sends a boy into the ring post as Marseglia throws the other boy under the ring, the boy returns from under the ring and Marseglia drags him under the flooring. The other boy fights back against Taven before getting nailed with a plethora of strikes, Marseglia tags in and he nails the boy with a series of running forearm strikes.
Taven interferes to hit the boy with a top rope elbow drop, Taven tags in and he stomps away on a downed boy. The boy fights back and Taven nails him with a drop kick, Marseglia tags in to work with Taven to hit the boy with a backpack drop kick for a near fall. Taven tags back in and Marseglia pops a balloon near the ear of the boy, Taven then hits the boy with a running knee strike. Marseglia tags in and he misses the Red Rum, the other boy tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. The boy then hits Marseglia with an enzaguri, the boy follows that up with a sliced bread on Taven before hitting Marseglia with a face buster for a near fall. Marseglia then sends one of the boys out of the ring, Marseglia then hits the other boy with a knee strike for a near fall. Taven attacks the boy before Marseglia nails the other with a reverse DDT, Taven then hits the boy with a frog splash for the three count.
Winners: The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia)
After the match, Matt Taven grabs the microphone to say that ROH World Champion Dalton Castle is faking his injuries and that he is the real world champion. Taven then says he and Marseglia will replace The Briscoes in the main event tonight.
Flip Gordon vs. Rhett Titus
The match begins with Titus wrenching away on the arm of Gordon, Gordon gets free and he traps Titus in a headlock. Titus traps Gordon in the ropes before landing a kick to the midsection, Titus misses a butt drop before Gordon nails him with a knee strike. Gordon misses a standing moonsault before landing a second attempt, Titus rolls out of the ring and Gordon botches a suicide dive attempt. Gordon then nails Titus with a rope assisted enzaguri, Titus recovers and he knocks Gordon to the arena floor with a drop kick. Titus goes out of the ring to rake the back of Gordon, Titus gets Gordon in the ring before landing a splash for a near fall. Titus twists away at the head of a downed Gordon, Gordon fights back and Titus drops him with a knee strike. Gordon fights back again by nailing Titus with a ton of chops, Titus recovers and drops a charging Gordon with a clothesline.
Titus traps Gordon in the corner before stomping away on him, Titus catches Gordon with a gut wrench suplex for a near fall. Gordon recovers and he catches Titus with a springboard sling blade, Gordon then nails Titus with a plethora of strikes. Gordon follows those up with a springboard drop kick on Titus, Titus rolls out of the ring and Gordon nails him with a suicide dive. Gordon gets Titus back in the ring before just leaping off the top rope onto his feet, Gordon then nails a charging Titus with a super kick followed by a Samoan Pop. Gordon then hits Titus with a running shooting star press followed by a middle rope moonsault for a near fall, Gordon goes to the top rope and Titus follows him up there. Gordon knocks Titus off the ropes twice and Titus goes back up a third time, Gordon traps Titus on the ropes before landing a top rope side kick for a near fall.
Titus avoids a kicking Gordon to roll him up for a near fall, Gordon and Titus exchange blows until Gordon drops him with a super kick. Gordon then nails Titus with a Star Spangled Stunner for the three count.
Winner: Flip Gordon
Sumie Sakai & Tenille Dashwood vs. Thunder Rosa & Kelly Klein
The match begins with Klein immediately tagging Rosa into the match, Rosa works over the arm of Sakai until eating a few hip tosses. Rosa and Sakai exchange roll ups followed by drop kicks, Sakai gets Rosa in an arm bar until Klein breaks it up. Sakai then hits Klein and Rosa with a double clothesline, Dashwood tags in to take out Klein and Rosa with a top rope high cross body. Dashwood follows Rosa out of the ring to nail her with a ton of strikes, Dashwood gets Rosa back in the ring to land more chops. Dashwood follows that up by catching Rosa with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Sakai tags in and Rosa high tails it out of the ring. Rosa then drops Sakai neck first on the top rope before nailing her with some strikes, Sakai recovers and drops Rosa with a head scissors takedown.
Sakai then hits Rosa with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Klein interferes and she kicks a charging Sakai. Klein tags in and she shoves a recovering Sakai to the mat below, Sakai fights back and Klein nails her with a fall away slam for a near fall. Rosa tags in and she distracts the referee while Klein nails Sakai with elbow strikes, Rosa then hits Sakai with a shotgun drop kick. Rosa then catches a charging Sakai with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall, Sakai fights back and Rosa nails her with a release German suplex. Sakai recovers to catch Rosa with a release German suplex of her own, Dashwood and Klein tag into the match. Dashwood quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Dashwood then locks Klein in the tarantula hold.
Dashwood then sends a charging Rosa into Klein before landing a Taste Of Tenille, Rosa interferes and she trips up Dashwood. Klein catches Dashwood with her version of an Attitude Adjustment for a near fall, Rosa tags in and Sakai gets a tag a few moments later. Sakai catches Rosa with a spinning fisherman buster suplex for a near fall, Klein and Rosa hit Sakai with a super tiger driver for a near fall. Dashwood and Klein take their battle to the arena floor, Sakai catches Rosa with a spinning neck breaker for the three count.
Winners: Sumie Sakai & Tenille Dashwood
Jay Lethal vs. TK O’Ryan
The match begins with O’Ryan slapping Lethal before getting out of the ring, Lethal gets O’Ryan back in the ring before a striking exchange breaks out. Lethal drops O’Ryan with a hip toss before landing a drop kick, O’Ryan recovers and he drops Lethal with a shoulder tackle. Lethal recovers to land a back body drop followed by some chops, O’Ryan responds by landing some chops of his own. O’Ryan retreats to the ring apron and Lethal knocks him to the arena floor with a springboard drop kick, O’Ryan avoids a charging Lethal before landing a clothesline on the arena floor. O’Ryan then drops Lethal head first on the ringside edge, O’Ryan gets Lethal back in the ring before landing a plethora of strikes. O’Ryan then hits Lethal with a suplex for another near fall, Lethal fights back and he nails O’Ryan with a bunch of chops.
Lethal kicks O’Ryan in the head before catching him with a few roll ups for a few near falls, O’Ryan recovers and he nails Lethal with a double under hook suplex for a near fall. O’Ryan slows things down further by holding Lethal in a chin lock, Lethal gets free and he has a striking exchange with O’Ryan. O’Ryan gains control by out striking a backing Lethal, O’Ryan misses a drop kick and he still manages to kick Lethal in the head a few moments later. O’Ryan goes to the top rope before missing a top rope elbow drop, Lethal and O’Ryan get into yet another striking exchange. O’Ryan backs Lethal into the corner while landing some more strikes, Lethal gets angry and he nails O’Ryan with a series of Irish whips into the corners. Lethal then nails O’Ryan with a DDT for a near fall, O’Ryan avoids a Lethal Injection to catch Lethal with an elevated DDT for a near fall.
O’Ryan gets Lethal on the top rope and he eventually follows him up there, Lethal catches O’Ryan with a ton of strikes to knock him off the ropes. Lethal gets off the ropes and O’Ryan catches him with a roll up for a near fall, Lethal then hits O’Ryan with a Lethal Injection for the three count.
Winner: Jay Lethal
SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. Team CMLL (Stuka Jr., Atlantis & Guerrero Maya Jr.)
The match begins with some chain wrestling between Daniels and Atlantis, Atlantis trips up Daniels before applying a chin lock. Daniels gets free and he works over the arm of Atlantis before rolling him up for a near fall, Atlantis then catches Daniels with a neck breaker before exchanging pin fall attempts. Sky and Stuka Jr get tegged in by their respective partners, Stuka Jr drops Sky with a shoulder tackle before landing a drop kick. Maya Jr tags in and Kazarian gets a tag a short time later, Maya Jr chases Kazarian into the ring before landing a springboard high cross body. Maya Jr knocks Kazarian to the ring apron before dragging him back in the ring to land a face buster, Maya Jr then nails SCU with tilt-a-whirl back breakers. Kazarian eventually drops Maya Jr before stomping away on him, Daniels tags in and he slams Maya Jr before SCU lands a series of slingshot leg drops on him.
Sky tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Maya Jr, Daniels tags in and he drops Maya Jr with strikes before tagging Kazarian in. Kazarian drops Maya Jr with a clothesline before landing a slingshot drop kick, Daniels tags in and he nails Maya Jr with more strikes. SCU works over Maya Jr in the corner as Daniels distracts the referee, Kazarian tags in as SCU nails Maya Jr with a trio of moonsaults. Maya Jr recovers and he catches Kazarian with a spear, Stuka Jr tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Stuka Jr then suplexes Sky onto a downed Daniels, Stuka Jr then hits Daniels with a splash for a near fall. Daniels and Kazarian work together to double team Stuka Jr for a near fall, Atlantis tags in and he attacks Daniels with strikes. SCU hits the ring and they all triple team Atlantis, Atlantis fights back and he catches SCU with a plethora of arm drags.
Team CMLL throws all the members of SCU into each other before applying the triple wishbone, Stuka Jr would knock Kazarian out of the ring as Maya Jr does the same to Sky. Team CMLL takes out Kazarian and Sky with some suicide dives, Atlantis nails Daniels with a tilt-a-whirl slam for a three count.
Winners: Team CMLL (Stuka Jr., Atlantis & Guerrero Maya Jr.)
Silas Young vs. Curt Stallion
The match begins with Stallion immediately nailing Young with a release German suplex, Young rolls out of the ring and Stallion nails him with a suicide dive. Stallion gets Young in the ring before kicking him in the head, Young recovers and he propels Stallion to the arena floor. Young goes out of the ring to slam Stallion on the arena floor, Young gets Stallion in the ring before smashing his head into the turnbuckle a few times. Young slows things down by holding Stallion in a chin lock, Stallion fights back and he has a striking exchange with Young. Stallion rolls through a sunset flip to catch Young with a double stomp, Stallion drops Young in the corner before landing a knee strike followed by a drop kick. Stallion follows that up by nailing Young with a DDT for a near fall, Stallion eventually catches Young with a modified neck breaker for a near fall.
Young rolls to the arena floor before Stallion propels him into the ring, Young then hits Stallion with a knee strike followed by a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall. Young gets Stallion to the top rope and he follows him up there, Stallion recovers and he nails Young with an inverted Spanish Fly. Stallion and Young have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Young catches Stallion with a roll up followed by a knee strike. Young then hits Stallion with Misery for the three count.
Winner: Silas Young
Shane Helms, Cheeseburger & Delirious vs. Bully Ray, Punishment Martinez & Shane Taylor
The match begins with Delirious attacking Taylor with some chops, Delirious then pokes Taylor in the eyes instead of landing more chops. Taylor misses a charge in the corner and Delirious catches him with a ton of clothesline strikes, Cheeseburger tags into the match and he gets right into Ray’s face before Ray tags in. Martinez then tags in as Ray mocks the fans in attendance, Martinez kicks Cheeseburger in the head as Cheeseburger tried tagging Helms in. Ray tags in and he nails Cheeseburger with a power bomb, Taylor tags in and he press slams Cheeseburger across the ring. Martinez tags in and he nails Cheeseburger with a tossing falcon arrow, Martinez follows that up by nailing Cheeseburger with a slam. Taylor tags into the match and he misses a splash attempt, Ray tags in and he prevents Cheeseburger from making the tag.
Ray then nails Cheeseburger with a series of jabs before eating a drop kick, Martinez and Helms get tagged in by their respective partners. Helms immediately nails Martinez with an inverted Unprettier, Helms then hits an interfering Taylor with a flatliner. Helms then sends a charging Taylor into Martinez before knocking Taylor out of the ring, Helms catches Martinez with a choke slam. Delirious interferes and he nails Martinez with a top rope, Cheeseburger also catches Martinez with a move off the top rope for a near fall. Cheeseburger takes out Taylor and Ray with a suicide dive to the arena floor, Martinez catches Delirious with a South Of Heaven choke slam for the three count.
Winners: Bully Ray, Punishment Martinez & Shane Taylor
Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Bernard The Business Bear vs. Jonathan Gresham
The match begins with Cody trying to work over the arm of Gresham, Gresham gains control for a short time by working over the arm of Cody. Gresham and Cody do a lot of chain wrestling with nobody getting a clear advantage, Cody would then drop Gresham with a shoulder tackle. Gresham also starts attacking Cody with some leg kicks, Cody avoids a kick from Gresham to landing an uppercut. Cody then nails Gresham with a front suplex before wrenching away on his arm, Gresham fights back and Cody cracks him with a forearm strike. Cody traps the arm of Gresham while landing a series of knee strikes, Cody traps Gresham in the corner while landing some strikes. Gresham trips up Cody before landing a running leg kick and a bulldog, Gresham manipulates the wrist of Cody while trapping his arm.
Gresham catches Cody in a roll up before going back to work on his injured arm, Gresham starts wrenching away on the leg of Cody as well. Gresham then frees Cody before attacking him with a shoulder tackle, Gresham goes back to wrenching away on the arm of Cody. Gresham and Cody exchange hip tosses until they both tumble to the arena floor, Gresham gets up first and he nails Cody with some chops. They battle back into the ring and Cody catches Gresham with a power slam for a near fall, Cody traps Gresham in the ropes before kicking him in the midsection. Gresham rolls out of the ring and Cody takes him out with a suicide dive, Cody gets Gresham in the ring before just leaping off the top rope. Gresham catches Cody in a roll up after slamming him shoulder first, Gresham and Cody have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.
Gresham stuns a swinging Cody with an enzaguri before stomping on the injured arm, Gresham then catches Cody with a roll up for a near fall. Gresham follows that up by catching Cody in the octopus stretch, Cody escapes and he cracks Gresham with a Disaster Kick. Gresham recovers and he catches Cody in a series of roll ups for some near falls, Gresham nails Cody with a German suplex for a near fall. Cody escapes the second German suplex to hit Gresham with the Cross Rhodes for the three count.
Winner: Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Bernard The Business Bear
Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Vinny Marseglia) & Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Lance Archer)
The match begins with Taven holding Scurll in a headlock, Scurll gets free and he wrenches away on the arm of Taven. Taven gets Scurll in the head scissors and Scurll quickly escapes, Taven gets up and he catches Scurll in a full nelson for a short time. Scurll gets free and he catches Taven in a modified abdominal stretch, Scurll goes for a finger snap and that starts a brawl between both teams. The brawl spills to the arena floor and some remain in the ring, The Bucks double team Smith Jr and knock him to the arena floor. Taven then takes everybody out with a suicide dive on the arena floor, Scurll then nails Taven with a super kick. Archer knocks Scurll to the arena floor before eating a super kick from Page, Page then takes everybody out with a moonsault to the arena floor.
The Bucks get Taven back into the ring before taking out both of The Kingdom members, Bullet Club then hit a cornered Taven with eight boots. Page tags into the match and he attacks Taven with some chops, Page goes to the top rope and Marseglia interferes to knock him off. Archer hits the ring and he lays out all the members of Bullet Club, a second brawl breaks out all over the place between both teams. Marseglia tags in and he double teams Page alongside Taven for a near fall, Smith Jr tags in and he nails Page with a delayed vertical suplex. Archer tags in and he nails a cornered Page with multiple avalanches, Marseglia tags in and he attacks Page with a plethora of kicks. Page recovers and takes out The Kingdom with a dropsault, Nick tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Nick nails Taven with a knee strike before taking him out with a bulldog, The Bucks then lock The Kingdom in sharp shooters.
Smith Jr drops Page and Scurll before locking them both in a double shooter, The Bucks then attacks Smith Jr with a double super kick. Archer hits the ring and he power bombs Nick into Matt, Nick recovers and he hits Smith Jr with a tornado DDT. Scurll and Taven get tagged in by their respective partners, Scurll eats a few strikes before catching Taven with a super kick to the knee. Scurll applies the chicken wing and Taven gets free to let Marseglia land a drop kick for a near fall, Scurll then gets quadruple teamed by the opposition for a near fall. Scurll fights back and his partners are taken out by the opposing team, Scurll then snaps the fingers of Archer before The Bucks nail everybody with super kicks. Taven hits the ring and he eats a quadruple super kick for a near fall, Page tags in and he power bombs Taven into enzaguris from The Bucks.
Bullet Club continues quadruple teaming Taven for a near fall, KES hit the ring and they clear the Bullet Club from it. Marseglia tags in and he attacks Page with some strikes, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Archer eats a double super kick before dropping The Bucks with a clothesline, Scurll grabs an umbrella and he hits Archer with it while the referee was distracted. Nick takes out three members of the opposing team with a suicide dive, Bullet Club nail Marseglia with a super Rite Of Passage for the three count.
Winners: Bullet Club (Marty Scurll, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)