Stardom held its New Century 2021 show on March 13, 2021, at the Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo, Japan.
Full results and highlights below.
Stardom Results (3/13/21):
- 3-Way Match: AZM defeated Lady C and Saya Kamitani
- Donna del Mondo (Maika and Himeka) defeated Stars (Gokigen Death and Hanan)
- Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa, and Unagi Sayaka) vs. Donna del Mondo (Giulia, Syuri, and Natsumi) ended in a Time Limit Draw
- Bea Priestley and Konami defeated Utami Yahashishita and Momo Watanabe
- Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, and Ruaka defeated Mayu Iwatani, Starlight kid, and Saya Iida
After the main event, Ruaka made a challenge to Iida for the Future of Stardom title.
Now on Stardom World from earlier today at Shinkiba, it's the main event as STARS battle Oedo Tai!
— We Are Stardom (@we_are_stardom) March 13, 2021
For full results of past wrestling shows, click here.