STARDOM held Dream Cinderella on April 4, 2021, in Yokohama, Japan.
Full results and highlights below.
STARDOM Yokohama Dream Cinderella (4/4) Results:
* Hina def. Lady C
* Momo Watanabe def. Mina Shirakawa
* Elimination Match: Odeo-Tai (Natsuko Tora, Ruaka, Konami, Saki Kashima & Rina) def. STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Saya Iida, Starlight Kid, Hanan & Gokigen Death)
- Gokiegen Death was the final wrestler eliminated and has defected to Odeo-Tai, being renamed "Fukigen Death"
* Wonder of STARDOM Championship: Tam Nakano (c) def. Natsupoi
* World of STARDOM Championship: Utami Hayashita (c) def. Bea Priestley
- After the match, Bea addressed the crowd, thanked them for her time in STARDOM and Japan before she said that it was her last match in the promotion (and potentially Japan)
* Goddess Of STARDOM Tag Team Championship: Giulia & Syuri def. Maika & Himeka
赤いベルト戦、これぞ赤と言いたくなる重厚な攻防! 終盤は思わずビーに肩入れしたくなる展開でしたが、最後を制したのは林下!
— 垂直落下式しゃれこうべライターM (@SRSwriterM) April 4, 2021
— 東スポ プロレス格闘技担当 (@tospo_battle) April 4, 2021
Utami pinned Bea after two BT Bombs to retain. V4 for Utami.
— We Are STARDOM (@we_are_STARDOM) April 4, 2021
After the match Bea said that Utami is not hust a young girl, but she is very strong. Bea said “Momo you suck right? I’m sorry I said that all those times. I think Momo is really my best friend.
Bea said she loves Utami, loves Momo and loves Stardom. She thanks Stardom and says it’s her last match. Thank you Japan.
— We Are Stardom (@we_are_stardom) April 4, 2021
For full results of past wrestling shows, click here.