Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for WWE NXT (3/29/22)!
We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.
— The show begins and Imperium are making their way to the ring but MSK and LA Knight attack our opening contest of the evening is immediately underway.
Imperium (GUNTHER, Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) vs. LA Knight & MSK (Wes Lee and Nash Carter)
— Knight and Aichner start this one off. Knight with kicks to a downed and cornered Aichner, then drills Aichner with a running knee to the cheek. Aichner kicks Knight back, Aichner takes control with a running clothesline and then applies a head-lock. Aichner makes the tag to Barthel, who locks-up Knight's left arm. Knight powers to his feet and reverses the arm-lock but Barthel drags him to the mat and continues to work over the arm. Knight escapes and makes the tag to Lee, who makes the tag to Carter and MSK nail Barthel with a double-kick, Carter goes for the cover but Barthel kicks out. Carter makes the tag to Knight, Barthel shoves Knight back, Knight with a slam, Barthel slides out and makes the tag to Aichner, who knocks Knight down with a strike, Barthel makes the blind tag to Aichner as Aichner slides out of the ring and Barthel attacks Knight from behind after Knight didn't see the tag. GUNTHER's tagged-in, goes on the offensive on Knight, lays into him with some kicks and makes the tag to Aichner, who slams Knight, goes for the cover but Knight lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Aichner slows the pace down and applies a head-lock to Knight in the center of the ring, Knight tries to fight out but Aichner sends him right back to the mat with a clubbing forearm to the mid-section. Wade Barrett mocks Aichner's home country of Italy for not qualifying for this year's World Cup, Vic Joseph with a Will Smith-Chris Rock Oscar's reference and Knight escapes Aichner's hold and makes the tag to Lee. MSK clear the ring of all three members of Imperium, Carter with a dive through the ropes that takes out Aichner and Barthel GUNTHER annihilates Lee with a kick, Knight comes in the ring and goes face-to-face with GUNTHER and the crowd is on fire. The referee clears Knight from the ring, GUNTHER plants Lee with a knee to the back followed by a slam before locking in the double-leg Boston Crab. Knight looks to interfere but is stopped by the ref, Barthel uses the distraction to cheap shot Lee and GUNTHER tags him in. Barthel with a slam, goes up top and comes crashing down on Lee with a knee before going for the cover but Lee kicks out. Barthel makes the tag to GUNTHER, who drills Lee with a knee, then a boot to the chin. GUNTHER scoops and slams Lee, drags him to Imperium's corner and makes the tag to Aichner. The Italian locks in a cross-face, Lee struggles to the ropes, Aichner rolls him back and makes the cover but Lee's able to lift the shoulders at two. Aichner clocks Lee with a forearm, then clubs him again directly in the jaw. Lee fights back and hits Aichner with a boot to the face, then a step-up enziguri and makes the tag to Knight, who clears the ring of all three members of Imperium and drills the now legal Barthel with an elbow before going for the cover but Aichner makes the save. Knight tosses Aichner out of the ring, Knight tags-in Carter, GUNTHER trips Carter up and slides him out of the ring, Knight and GUNTHER brawl at ringside and eventually go into the crowd and out of the picture. Back in the ring, Carter rolls up Barthel but Barthel isn't legal, Aichner knocks Lee off the apron with a front-kick and Aichner and Barthel clubs Carter with a high-and-low lariat, Aichner pins Carter and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!
Winners - Imperium
— After the match, Brutus and Julius Creed confront Imperium on the entrance ramp and all three teams stare each other down from afar ahead of their title match this Saturday.
— We then see Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai backstage in a pre-taped promo. Kay Lee says Mandy Rose is delusional if she thinks she's the best women in NXT and she and Io knew that Mandy would accept their proposal of a fatal-4-way match at Stand & Deliver. Io says it'll be hilarious when Mandy loses her title this weekend. Kay Lee says she and Io are no strangers to holding titles in WWE and when she [Kay Lee] wins the title, she won't need any backup unlike Mandy. Io says she's going to win on Saturday night, even if it means going through Kay Lee. They both stare each other down and say 'may the best woman win'. Commentary hypes up the fatal-4-way match this weekend at Stand & Deliver where champion Mandy Rose will defend her title against the aforementioned Kay Lee Ray and Io Shirai as well as Cora Jade. It's announced that Ivy Nile will face Tiffany Stratton after the commercial break.
Ivy Nile (with Malcolm Bivens) vs. Tiffany Stratton
— Stratton with an arm-drag to start, then lands a standing moonsault before going for the cover but Nile kicks out at two. Nile with a clothesline, Stratton with another arm-drag, trips Nile into the ropes and lands a back thrust to the back of the head. Stratton with a head-lock, transitions into a head-and-arm choke and slams Nile face-first into the mat. Nile lights up Stratton with a bevy of kicks, then a splash to the corner, then a step-up kick to the chest. Nile locks-up Stratton in a double-arm lock and drills Stratton with a kick to the back that sends Stratton face-first to the mat. Stratton takes control back with a front-slam, smoke appears next to the ring and Sarray appears. Sarray gets on the apron and yells at Stratton, Nile catches Stratton in a standing, front bulldog choke and Stratton immediately taps out!
Winner - Ivy Nile
— It's announced that we'll take a 'closer' look at Dolph Ziggler's NXT World Title reign after the break.
— Back from the break and we see Tommaso Ciampa backstage. Ciampa says backstage area has long been his sanctuary and a place for he and 'us' to connect. Ciampa says when he first arrived in NXT, he had so much to prove...to his peers, to the fans, to the critics and most importantly, himself and it's been a long journey that's included the highest of highs and the lowest of lows and whether we realize it or not, we've been a big part of it. Ciampa says whether it's been something as public as him winning a title or as sacred as his wife having five miscarriages before the eventual birth of his miracle daughter, the fans were his constant and together, we overcame while making black and gold magic. Ciampa says he's heard that Stand & Deliver may be his last ride in NXT and on Saturday, in Dallas, when he faces Tony D'Angelo, we'll create that magic...one final time. Ciampa folds the chair he was seated on and it reveals the dates 9/9/2015 and 4/2/2022...signifying the end of Tommaso Ciampa in NXT.
— We then see a video package highlighting the accolades and career of NXT Champion, Dolph Ziggler.
— Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde make their way to the ring alongside Elektra Lopez and Legado del Fantasma will be in-action after the break.
— Back from the break and we see a pre-taped promo from Cora Jade. Cora says it's her lifelong dream to become the NXT Women's Champion and to hold the same title that women like Paige made so special. Cora says the women before Mandy Rose held the title with dignity and she's coming for Mandy. Cora shows some of her WWE memorabilia and says on Saturday, not only does she have to deal with Mandy, she has to deal with two of the most dominant women's champions in WWE history Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray and while the odds are against her and she's the underdog, it'll all just be that much more sweet when she becomes NXT Women's Champion
Legado del Fantasma (Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde) (with Elektra Lopez) vs. Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs (with Fallon Henley)
— Jensen and Wilde start this one out. Jensen slams Wilde with a slam, then tosses Wilde to the corner and unloads a few elbows before tossing Wilde to the opposite corner and lands a splash. Jensen drags Wilde to his corner and makes the tag to Briggs. Wilde breaks-free from Briggs and makes the tag to Mendoza, who lands a spinning-back kick, an elbow and leaps over Briggs with a spring-board flip but Briggs grabs Mendoza and launches him to his corner to make the tag to Jensen. Brooks and Jensen lands simultaneous elbows to Mendoza, Jensen stares down Elektra Lopez at ringside, Mendoza lands a drop-kick that sends Jensen out of the ring, Mendoza makes the tag to Wilde and Wilde holds himself up horizontally by the ring post while the rest of his body floats in the air and eventually comes crashing down on Jensen at ringside with an elbow. Wilde tosses Jensen back into the ring and drills him with a running clothesline to the corner before making the tag to Mendoza, who does the same before tagging Wilde right back in and Wilde does the exact same again before, you guessed it, making the tag to Mendoza, who, you guessed it, lands another running clothesline. Mendoza lands a step-up enziguri, Wilde with the self-tag, Legado hits a double-suplex, Wilde goes for the cover but Jensen kicks out. Wilde locks-in a head-lock, Jensen shoves Wilde to the corner, Wilde jumps on his back and locks-in the sleeper, Mendoza comes in but is shoved aside by Jensen, who breaks free of the head-lock and finally makes the tag to Briggs, who clears the ring of Legado and drills Mendoza with a slam and then a standing splash before crushing Wilde with a back-breaker and goes for the cover but Mendoza breaks it up. Briggs tosses Mendoza out of the ring, Lopez distracts Briggs on the apron, Mendoza with a missile drop-kick from the top, Wilde's tagged-in and goes up top but Fallon Henley attacks Lopez at ringside which distracts Wilde but Wilde gathers himself and goes for the 450-splash from the top but Briggs catches him by the throat, kicks off Mendoza and plants Wilde with the choke-slam. Briggs makes the tag to Jensen, they double-team Wilde with the up-and-under lariat and Jensen covers Wilde for the three-count and the win!
Winners - Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs
— Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta are shown in the locker room. Persia says she's spent all weekend rubbing lotion into Duke Hudson's 'sexy chest' after GUNTHER's attack on him last week and says she's sure that Duke has a big thank you planned for her this weekend in 'the big D'. Indi says the D stands for Dexi, Persia says it stands for 'big Dersia energy' and tells Indi to stop being jealous. Indi makes fun of the 'Dersia' name and points to her ring, Persia challenges Indi and Dexter Lumis to what sounds like a couple's fashion show of sorts to prove who's 'the sexiest couple in NXT' this Saturday at Stand & Deliver. Indi accepts, Persia calls Indi and Dexter the 'second best' and leaves. Commentary announces that we'll hear from NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose as well as NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne of Toxic Attraction after the break.
— Back from the break and we see Cameron Grimes backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. Grimes says he's usually confident, perhaps too confident but tonight, he can honestly say that he's nervous because it's the biggest match of his career. Grimes says A-Kid and Roderick Strong are great competitors but they just don't need to win tonight as much as he does. Grimes says he needs to go to Stand & Deliver because this is more than just standing on the top of the ladder and hoisting up the NXT North American Championship, it's about delivering the promise that he made to his father. Grimes thanks McKenzie and heads out.
— NXT Women's Champion Mandy Rose, alongside NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne of Toxic Attraction then make their way down to the ring. Mandy says this Saturday at Stand & Deliver, she was supposed to face Cora Jade one-on-one but Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray took what she said out of context and manipulate her. Mandy says she said she'd fight any woman...but didn't mean at the same time. Mandy says she's not scared, she never is, which reminds her, that everyone needs to remember exactly who she is, which is the baddest bitch in the game and has the greatest backup the company has ever seen. Mandy says Toxic Attraction has dominated the women's division for the past six months and this Saturday, she's going to eliminate Cora Jade, rid of NXT of Io Shirai and send Kay Lee Ray back under the bridge where she came from. Mandy says after she wins on Saturday, she'll become the greatest NXT Women's Champion of all-time but before Saturday comes around, they have some business to tend to tonight. Mandy says she, Gigi and Jacy did Wendy Choo and Dakota Kai a favor by taking out the most dangerous team in the Dusty Cup in Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez and all they had to do was beat Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray...but they failed them [Toxic Attraction]. Gigi and Jacy have a backpack and Mandy says Wendy 'apologized' for not winning, Gigi and Jacy dump Wendy's slippers, sleeping mask, stuffed animal and water bottle out of the backpack and they're all ripped up and broken. Gigi says she and Jacy's beaten everyone, Io and Kay Lee forfeited their title match and Dakota can't find Wendy and say they run this division. Jacy asks who's left, but that's a trick question, because nobody is. Jacy says they've beaten and embarrassed everyone that's been put in front of them and on Saturday, she and Gigi will walk in as their tag champions and they'll watch Mandy Rose 'beat three bimbos' at the same damn time. Mandy says they'll walk into Stand & Deliver as champions and they'll walk out of Stand & Deliver as champions because not only are they the Toxic Attraction, they are THE attraction. Dakota Kai's music hits and she attacks all three but the numbers catch up and they beat Dakota down but Raquel Gonzalez's music hits and she makes the save for her former best-friend! Raquel and Dakota clear the ring, Toxic Attraction retreat, Dakota squares up with Raquel but they hit it out and the crowd's in a frenzy! Dakota and Raquel hold up the NXT Women's Tag Team Titles, Toxic Attraction is furious and exit.
— We then cut backstage where McKenzie Mitchell is with NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes alongside Trick Williams. McKenzie asks Carmelo what he thinks about the qualifying matches that have taken place thus far. Carmelo says that everybody needs to put some respect on his managerial skills because a he's responsible for putting on all these 'banging' qualifying matches and since he's done that, he'll be on commentary for tonight's main event which is the final qualifying match. Grayson Waller and Sanga interrupt. Grayson says maybe he and Sanga will also join commentary tonight and tells Carmelo to look how far they've come, and at WarGames, he jumped off the cage to sacrifice himself the win for their team, so just imagine what he'll sacrifice to become NXT North American Champion this Saturday. Carmelo says he can imagine the lengths Grayson's willing to go to just to get a little bit of attention but all the 'A Champ' has to do is be himself to go viral and at Stand & Deliver, Grayson will find out the hard way. Grayson says he's going to take the title on Saturday and tells Carmelo that 'mine is bigger than yours' and walks off. We then see Bodhi Hayward backstage with Duke Hudson and Bodhi will face Von Wagner after the break.
Von Wagner (with Robert Stone) vs. Bodhi Hayward (with Duke Hudson)
— KUSHIDA and Ikeman Jiro join commentary for this one and we're underway. Hayward attacks early and tosses Wagner out of the ring, Hayward with a clothesline and gets Wagner back in the ring but Wagner drills him with a boot to the face. Sophia Cronwell is staring on from ringside, Jacket Time start shouting at her, Wade Barrett says Miss Cronwell is a business partner of Robert Stone. Back in the ring, Wagner corner splashes Hayward and tosses him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. Hayward with a spring-board flip into a pin but Wagner quickly kicks out. Wagner catches a cross-body from Hayward and slams him on the small of his back. Jacket Time continue to fawn over Sophia Cronwell and back in the ring, Hayward lands some strikes on Wagner, who missed a running boot in the corner, Hayward chops Wagner in the knees, then a pair of running elbows and goes for the slam but Wagner sends Hayward face-first into the middle turnbuckle before planting Hayward with a spinning side-slam for the 1-2-3 and the win!
Winner - Von Wagner
— After the match, Wagner attacks KUSHIDA and Ikeman Jiro. Wagner slams KUSHIDA's face into the announce table, tosses Jiro into the ring and plants him with a side-slam. Wagner rips Jiro's jacket, much to the chagrin of the audience and Wagner stares down Sophia Cronwell from afar and heads out.
— We then see Tony D'Angelo in a pre-taped promo. Tony says it was a mistake for Tommaso Ciampa to attack him and in the streets, you need to make a name for yourself but as you climb up the food chain, you need to make a decision...and now he has to remove Ciampa from NXT and after he beats Ciampa on Saturday, he'll control any and everything as he'll become the new Don of NXT. It's announced that Nikkita Lyons will be in-action after the break.
Nikkita Lyons vs. Sloane Jacobs
— Lyons with a head-lock to start, Jacobs shoves Lyons into the ropes, Lyons with a trio of arm-drags then a slam. Lyons goes for a suplex, Jacobs slides out, Lyons wallops Jacobs with a spinning-back kick then goes for the cover but Jacobs kicks out. Jacobs with a few strikes, tosses Lyons to the corner, Lyons powers out and lands some strikes of her own before planting Jacobs with a German suplex. Lyons scoops and plants Jacobs with a Samoan Drop, then unloads some Muay Thai kicks then a split-leg leg drop that gets the win!
Winner - Nikkita Lyons
— After the match, Lash Legend appears on the big screen. Lash congratulates Lyons and says her win deserves two snaps and a clap. Lash says after Stand & Deliver, they have some unfinished business to take care of and while Lyons is 'OK', she's no Lash Legend and after she steps to her, she'll see why Lash is more athletic than her, more talented than her and most importantly, a bigger superstar than her. Lash says 'Lash out', Lyons continues to celebrate in the ring and we cut backstage.
— Malcolm Bivens, Roderick Strong, Ivy Nile and the Creed Brothers of Diamond Mine are shown backstage. Bivens says the craziest thing today is the people that brag that they can walk the streets alone but they're also the same people who are afraid to fight Diamond Mine one-on-one but tonight, that changes when Roderick Strong wins the NXT North American Championship qualifying match and on Saturday, Strong will become a two-time North American Champion and the Creed Brothers will beat two other teams and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions. Bivens says it's WrestleMania weekend and it doesn't get any bigger than that and after this weekend, Malcolm Bivens will have more gold than WWE Hall of Famer Mr. T himself and he pity's the full on who wants it with 'big nasty'. Malcolm, Nile and Strong exit and the Creed Brothers receive a text from someone who says they'll be watching their match on Saturday. They suspect it's the anonoymous team who attacked them last week and they try and calm each other down. Roderick Strong, being flanked by Malcolm Bivens makes his way to the ring and our main event is next up after the break.
Cameron Grimes vs. A-Kid vs. Roderick Strong — Qualifying Match For The NXT North American Championship Ladder Match
— All three competitors feel each other out and then they go on the attack. They exchange roll ups, none of which stick for a three-count, Strong tosses Grimes into Kid, Strong trips Grimes, Kid goes for a choke, Strong rolls out, Grimes narrowly misses the Cave In on Strong and they all stare each other down. Grimes takes down Strong with a slam, Kid with a drop-kick to Grimes, Strong sends Kid to the corner and unloads a massive chop to the chest of Kid, Grimes tosses Strong into Kid, who lands a hurricanrana on Strong before drilling Strong with a spring-board double-kick on Strong after leaping off of Grimes' shoulders. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams make their way to commentary and the action continues inside of the ring. Grimes tosses Strong to the outside, Grimes dives out of the way of a kick from Kid, who dives through the ropes and drills Grimes, who lays Kid out with a kick to the chest, Strong drops Grimes on his back on the apron and Solo Sikoa makes his way down to the ring to get a closer look at a potential opponent for this Saturday. Strong and Kid struggle back into the ring, Kid with a kick and a forearm then looks for an arm-bar but Strong rolls him into a pin and stomps on his back after breaking the hold. Grimes comes out of nowhere and flips over the top rope and takes out Strong, Grimes goes up top, Strong follows, Grimes knocks him off, Strong comes right back and plants Grimes with a super-plex, Kid lands an elbow off the other top rope and Grayson Waller, alongside Sanga as well as Santos Escobar make their way down to evaluate the matchup as now all members of the title match for this Saturday are now at the ringside area. Back in the ring, Kid goes for another arm-bar but Strong slams him into Grimes. Strong goes for a double-leg double-Boston Crab but he's shoved aside. Kid with an elbow to Strong, Grimes with a double-hurricanrana then delivers some elbows to both Strong and Kid before going up top and lands a cross-body on Strong. Grimes wallops Kid with a slam and goes for the cover but Strong breaks it up. All three men struggle to their feet, Grimes with a back-flip slam to Atrong, Kid goes up top, Grimes catches him after a dive attempt but Kid counters into a flying DDT. All three again struggle to their feet as the fans pour in the 'holy sh*t!' chants, all three exchange strikes in the center of the ring, Strong gets the best of it, Kid lands a chop to Strong's chest but Kid eats a back-breaker from Strong, who lands a flying knee to Grimes in the corner, then another back-breaker to Kid, then one to Grimes, Kid comes flying in but Strong catches him and launches him into Grimes, who slides out of the ring. Kid with a kip-up, Strong with a knee to the face then hits another back-breaker on Kid, Grimes comes out of nowhere with the Cave In on Strong and gets the three-count for the win!
Winner - Cameron Grimes (qualifies for NXT North American Championship Ladder Match)
— After the match, Carmelo Hayes congratulates Grimes and says while he's sure Grimes' dad is proud of him, there's no way he walks out of Stand & Deliver as the 'A Champion'. Santos Escobar tells Carmelo to 'callate' and says he's going to take the title and bring it back to 'La Familia'. Grayson Waller says family doesn't matter and the image of him bringing down the North American Title is going to go viral. Solo Sikoa says the streets' champion is going to become the NXT North American Champion. Cameron Grimes says he's going to take the NXT North American Title 'to the moon!'. Everyone brawls as the show goes off-the-air.