Salina De La Renta is best known for her managerial services or running her own promotion on-screen, but she was an active in-ring competitor at one point.
Salina made her in-ring debut in 2016, but hasn't wrestled since 2022. Despite being a prominent figure in MLW throughout her career, she has never competed in an official MLW bout.
Speaking to Jeremy Lambert & Joel Pearl on In The Weeds, Salina was asked if she had plans on returning to the ring.
"I have no aspirations of getting back into the ring. I thought I wanted that, and for the longest time, I tried it. I would call wrestling my toxic boyfriend. We'd break up, come back together, and are never good for each other. I feel that's what is happening with me as a professional wrestler. I got injured several times and the last time, I had a concussion. I care about my brain, I love my brain, and when I realized that from a concussion I could lose my memory or worse, I realized this is not worth it for me and not a job worth risking my life for. I'd rather just manage, run the show, and still relevant," she said.
Salina returned to MLW at MLW Fury Road in September after a two year absence.
Fans can find her explanation for leaving the company and returning by clicking here.
Salina is set to be part of MLW Slaughterhouse on October 14, cornering Rocky Romero for his match against AKIRA.
Fans can find tickets for MLW Slaughterhouse by clicking here.
Watch the full interview with Salina in the video above.