Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for WWN Supershow: Mercury Rising. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
You can see the full results below.
WWN Title Decision Match (6 Way Elimination Match): Matt Riddle def. Parrow, Tracy Williams, Jon Davis, Fred Yehi & Timothy Thatcher to win the title
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge (Evolve Title Match): Evolve’s Zack Sabre Jr. def. Progress’s Mark Haskins to retain the title
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge (Progress Title Match): Progress's Pete Dunne def. Evolve’s ACH to retain the title
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge: Evolve’s Ethan Page def. Progress’s Jimmy Havoc
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge: Progress’s The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) w/Dahlia Black def. Evolve's Catch Point (Chris Dickinson & Jaka)
SHINE Title Match: Lufisto def. Toni Storm to retain the title
Four Way Freestyle Match: Keith Lee def. Jason Kincaid, Austin Theory & The Gatekeeper
Match By Match Recap
Drew Galloway hits the ring as Lenny Leonard is going over the card for tonight’s event, Galloway says that he doesn’t ask for much. Galloway says a quote from The Rock’s autobiography, Galloway says he was the one that got the eyes on Evolve. Galloway says his mission was to save Evolve from itself, but his mission has changed and he wants to save WWN from itself. Galloway issues a warning to the other five wrestlers competing in the main event tonight, Matthew Riddle comes out and he attacks Galloway. Galloway cracks Riddle with a pile driver from out of nowhere, the other members of Catch Point eventually chase Galloway away. Galloway starts to talk again and Keith Lee arrives to have a stare down with him. Galloway says that he can help build Lee as the future of the company, Galloway wants Lee to be on his side and Lee gives a thumbs down. Galloway attacks Lee with a headbutt and Lee nails him with a Spirit Bomb followed by a power slam. Lee then crushes Galloway with a moonsault. Lee grabs the microphone and says that now he is the King of the wrestling world.
Before the match, Stokely Hathaway hits the ring and he says that Timothy Thatcher will be a part of the main event tonight. Darby Allin comes out and says that he is not medically cleared to fight, but he is competing tonight anyway. Ethan Page jumps him from behind and he lays him out. Then Page tells one of The Gatekeepers to compete tonight.
Four Way Freestyle Match: Keith Lee vs. Jason Kincaid vs. Austin Theory vs. The Gatekeeper
The match begins with Gatekeeper quickly attacking Theory and brawling with him on the arena floor, Theory eventually throws Gatekeeper into the barricade. Theory gets back in the ring and he goes after Lee, Kincaid joins Theory to go after Lee until he takes both of them out. Lee drops Theory before nailing him with a slingshot elbow drop, Gatekeeper hits the ring and he takes out Lee with a hurricarana. Theory and Gatekeeper start double teaming Lee, Gatekeeper and Theory then hit Lee with a double team power bomb. Gatekeeper attacks Theory and he nails him with a series of running clotheslines, Theory recovers and he knocks Gatekeeper out of the ring. Theory then takes out Gatekeeper and Lee with suicide dives, Lee catches a diving Theory and he smashes him into the ring post.
Gatekeeper brings Theory in the ring and he nails him with a boss man slam, Lee comes back in the ring and he nails Theory with a forearm strike. Lee traps Theory in the corner before attacking him with chops, Theory recovers to nail Lee with a clothesline. Theory goes for a rolling maneuver and Lee nails him with a choke slam instead, Gatekeeper and Lee exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Lee nails Gatekeeper with a Spirit Bomb and Ground Zero for the three count.
Winner: Keith Lee
Lufisto grabs the microphone and says that Su Yung decided not to show up tonight, Lufisto says she is the greatest SHINE Champion of all time. Toni Storm hits the ring and she attacks Lufisto to get the impromptu match going.
SHINE Title Match: Lufisto (Champion) vs. Toni Storm
The match begins with the competitors beating the crap out of each other on the arena floor, the wrestlers exchange chops until they both accidentally chop the ring post. Lufisto then tosses Storm into the ring post before tossing her into the ring, Lufisto rips away at the hair of Storm. Lufisto continues to attack the back of Storm with a bunch of strikes, Lufisto then attacks Storm with some headbutts and chops. Lufisto traps Storm in the corner before attacking her with more headbutts, Lufisto follows that up by choking Storm with her foot. Storm starts fighting back and she attacks Lufisto with chops of her own, Storm charges at Lufisto and just kicks her for a near fall.
Lufisto recovers and she drops Storm with a jaw breaker and a slam, Lufisto cracks Storm with an inverted curb stomp for a near fall. Lufisto slows things down a little bit by holding Storm in a chin lock, Storm tries fighting back and Lufisto just throws her to the canvas below. Lufisto misses a charge to the corner and Storm crushes her with a running hip attack, Lufisto recovers and throws Storm into the turnbuckles. Lufisto then attacks Storm with a running hip attack and cannonball followed by a face wash for a near fall, Storm recovers and she nails Lufisto with a release German suplex followed by a kick for a near fall. Lufisto gets back up and catches Storm with a reverse death valley driver for a near fall, Storm avoids a strike from Lufisto to drop her with a lung blower.
Storm goes to the top rope and Lufisto gets her off the ropes, Lufisto nails Storm with a burning hammer for a three count.
Winner: Lufisto, still your SHINE Champion
The Progress Wrestling owner and an Evolve representative come to the ring next, they both hype up the series of matches that are forthcoming.
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge: Evolve’s Ethan Page w/The Gatekeeper vs. Progress’s Jimmy Havoc
The match begins with Havoc sending a charging Page out of the ring, Havoc attacks Page with strikes before smashing his head on the guardrail. Page recovers and he throws Havoc into the crowd, Page then starts nailing Havoc with a series of forearm strikes. Page grabs a woman’s purse and he nails Havoc with it, Havoc fights back by nailing Page with forearm strikes of his own. Havoc grabs Page and he throws him into the bleacher section of the crowd, Havoc takes a selfie with a fan while beating Page up some more. Page recovers and he places Havoc on a table while nailing him with a running elbow drop, Page follows that up by slingshotting Havoc into the table.
Havoc recovers and he throws Page into the merchandise table, Page gets up and hebattles Havoc some more, Page then tosses Havoc onto another table. Havoc grabs Page after that and he plants him on the guardrail, the competitors then brawl down the aisle way and towards the ring. Havoc charges at Page and Page clobbers him with a super kick, Havoc gets to the ring and apron before nailing Page with some kicks of his own. The Gatekeeper interferes and that allows Page to hit Havoc with an RK Ego inside the ring for a near fall, Havoc goes to the top rope and he nails Page with a front head scissors. Havoc then hits Page with a lung blower for a near fall, Havoc hits Page with an elbow strike before sending him into the turnbuckles.
Havoc then attacks Page with a face wash before missing a charge in the corner, Page eventually drops a charging Havoc with a bicycle kick for a near fall. The wrestlers exchange some strikes in the middle of the ring, The Gatekeeper interferes again and that allows Page to nail Havoc with a kick to the head. Havoc counters Page’s finisher with a roll up for a near fall, Havoc then hits Page with a double stomp for a near fall. The Gatekeepers interfere again and Page hits Havoc with a Spinning Dwayne to get the three count.
Winner: Evolve's Ethan Page w/The Gatekeepers
After the match, Ethan Page says that he is going to ruin the friendship between Evolve and Progress Wrestling before attacking Jimmy Havoc, Darby Allin hits the ring to help Havoc fight off Page and The Gatekeepers.
More action on Page Two...
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge: Evolve’s Catch Point (Chris Dickinson & Jaka) vs. Progress’s The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) w/Dahlia Black
The match begins with Jaka dropping Cooper with a shoulder tackle, the wrestlers exchange forearm strikes Cooper nails Jaka with an enzaguri. Banks and Dickinson get the tags from their respective partners, Dickinson and Banks go through a series of reversals. Banks rolls up Dickinson and Dickinson then rolls up Banks for some near falls, Cooper tags in and Dickinson attacks him with a series of chops followed by stomps. Dickinson grabs Cooper’s shirt and he chokes him with it, Dickinson chops Cooper again before tagging Jaka into the match. Jaka drops Cooper before nailing him with an elbow drop, Jaka attacks Cooper with chops before nailing him with an exploder suplex.
Dickinson tags back in and he attacks Cooper with more chops, Dickinson then decides to just choke Cooper in the corner. Dickinson locks Cooper in a Boston crab after kicking him a few times, Cooper eventually gets to the ropes to break the hold. Jaka tags in and he mauls Cooper with strikes in the corner, Jaka then cracks Cooper with a suplex for a near fall. Dickinson tags back in and he assaults Cooper with more chops before kicking him in the back, Dickinson then locks Cooper in a submission hold. Jaka tags in and he nails Cooper with a penalty kick to the midsection, Jaka then cracks Cooper with a headbutt and more chops.
Cooper recovers for a short time before he leaps at Jaka and Jaka nails him with a headbutt, Dickinson tags in and Cooper lays out both opponents. Banks and Jaka get the tags from their respective partners, Banks starts to clean house on both of his opponents. Banks eventually sends a charging Jaka into a downed Dickinson, Banks nails both opponents with a cannonball. Banks then catches Dickinson with a brain buster for a near fall, Dickinson and Banks battle on the ring apron as Jaka takes out Cooper with a suicide dive. Dickinson then cracks Banks with a reverse DDT on the ringside edge, Banks recovers to nail both opponents with a suicide dive. Cooper goes to the top rope and he dives onto both members of Catch Point, all four competitors take turns taking each other out until all are down.
Jaka and Dickinson eventually nail both opponents with release German suplexes followed by clotheslines, Banks attacks both members of the opposing team. Catch Point then assaults Banks with a series of double team holds for a near fall, Jaka knocks Cooper out of the ring with a super kick. Dickinson and Jaka nail Banks with more double team holds for another near fall, Jaka goes hits Banks with a double stomp and then Cooper catches him with a super kick. Banks and Cooper start double teaming Dickinson on route to getting a near fall, Banks then hits Dickinson with a leaping kick to the head. Banks and Cooper take turns nailing Jaka with super kicks, Dickinson takes out both opponents with a double German suplex. Banks lays out Dickinson and Cooper nails him with a springboard 450 splash for a near fall, Banks and Cooper hit Dickinson with a double team elevated DDT for the three count.
Winners: Progress’s The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) w/Dahlia Black
It was announced that Drew Galloway will not be competing in the main event.
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge (Progress Title Match): Evolve’s ACH vs. Progress’s Pete Dunne (Champion)
The match begins with ACH working over the arm of Dunne, Dunne eventually shoves ACH to the ground before working over his leg. Dunne and ACH do some chain wrestling with neither man getting the advantage, Dunne traps ACH on the mat before wrenching on his arms. The wrestlers get back to their feet and ACH goes to work on the arm of Dunne again, the wrestlers go through another series of reversals. ACH knocks Dunne out of the ring before going to the ring apron himself, Dunne blocks a kick from ACH before tripping him up on the ring apron. Dunne and ACH battle back into the ring before ACH drops Dunne with a drop kicks, ACH starts attacking Dunne with chops and knee drops.
Dunne tries fighting back and ACH drops him with an enzaguri for a near fall, ACH trips up Dunne again and he locks him in the Moon Lock. Dunne escapes and ACH attacks him with some more chops, Dunne throws a charging ACH into the ropes before nailing him with a pedigree for a near fall. Dunne bends the arm of ACH before just kicking away at it, Dunne stands on the calves of ACH while bending the rest of his body in unnatural ways. Dunne eventually traps ACH in the corner and he decides to just choke him, Dunne goes back to just stomping on the arm of ACH.
ACH tries fighting back and Dunne attacks him with a variety of strikes, ACH and Dunne have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. ACH eventually nails Dunne with a low blow before knocking him out of the ring with a hurricarana, ACH follows that up by dropping Dunne with a soccer kick. ACH throws Dunne into the ring and he misses a top rope double stomp, ACH then drops Dunne with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Dunne gets up and ACH attacks him with a few forearm strikes, Dunne gets angry and he clobbers ACH with a forearm strike and a running knee strike. ACH recovers to hit Dunne with a code breaker and a death valley neck breaker for a near fall, ACH goes to the top rope and Dunne nails him with an enzaguri.
Dunne follows ACH to the top rope and ACH goes for a sunset flip bomb, they both escape the ropes and exchange headbutts. Dunne recovers to drop a charging ACH with a lariat and a tombstone pile driver for a near fall, Dunne goes back to work on the arm of ACH. ACH escapes a hold from Dunne and he starts biting his hands, ACH rolls to the ring apron before catching Dunne with an ace crusher followed by an air raid crash for a near fall. ACH goes back to the top rope and Dunne nails him with a forearm strike when he leaps off, Dunne hits ACH with a Drop Dead for a near fall. Dunne then locks ACH in a Regal Stretch, ACH escapes and he rolls up Dunne for yet another near fall. Dunne nails ACH with a low blow and ACH responds by nailing him with a lariat, ACH then hits Dunne with a Buster Bomb for a near fall. ACH goes to the top rope and he misses a 450 splash, Dunne locks ACH in the Regal Stretch and ACH taps out.
Winner: Progress’s Pete Dunne, still your Progress Wrestling Champion
Final matches are on Page Three...
Evolve vs. Progress Challenge (Evolve Title Match): Evolve’s Zack Sabre Jr. (Champion) vs. Progress’s Mark Haskins
The match begins with Sabre Jr. forcing Haskins to the corner before letting him go, Sabre Jr. drags Haskins back to the ground and Haskins winds up working on his arm. Sabre Jr. reverses Haskins and he starts wrenching on his arm, Haskins responds by working on Sabre Jr.’s arm again. Sabre Jr. and Haskins get their legs tangled up before Sabre Jr. locks him in a head scissors, Haskins escapes and he catches Sabre Jr. with a roll up for a near fall. Haskins grabs Sabre Jr. and he holds him in the kravat, Sabre Jr. escapes and he goes back to work on the arm of Haskins. Haskins escapes and he holds Sabre Jr. in a head lock, Sabre Jr. escapes again and he puts Haskins in a head scissors again. Haskins scrambles and he catches Sabre Jr. in a modified single leg crab, Sabre Jr. goes for a sunset flip and Haskins winds up stomping on his hurt arm.
Haskins continues wrenching away on the arm of Sabre Jr. before he gets to the ropes, Sabre Jr. gets up and Haskins drags him back to the ground to lock him in an arm triangle choke. Sabre Jr. breaks free and he rolls up Haskins for a near fall, Sabre Jr. drops a leap frogging Haskins before rolling him up for a near fall. Haskins gets up and he drops Sabre Jr. with a basement drop kick, Haskins then kicks the arms of Sabre Jr.. Haskins follows that up by locking Sabre Jr. in a modified trailer hitch, Sabre Jr. breaks the hold by catching Haskins with a kimura. Haskins changes things up by wrenching at the leg of Sabre Jr., Haskins kicks Sabre Jr. in the leg before nailing him with a few dragon screw leg whips. Haskins goes for a knee breaker and Sabre Jr. winds up kicking him in the arm, Sabre Jr. looks for a penalty kick and Haskins counters while looking for an arm bar.
Sabre Jr. counters with a head scissors and Haskins winds up going for the arm bar again, Sabre Jr. escapes and he nails Haskins with a variety of strikes. Haskins gets mad and he just drops Sabre Jr. with a lariat, the wrestlers have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Haskins eventually takes Sabre Jr. down with a powerslam into a cross face, Sabre Jr. eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission. Haskins goes for the Pain Killer and Sabre Jr. counters with a roll up for a near fall, Haskins then nails Sabre Jr. with a death valley driver for a near fall. Haskins attacks a downed Sabre Jr. with a plethora of kicks, Haskins eventually locks Sabre Jr. in the Star Armbar. Sabre Jr. gets up and he breaks the submission attempt from Haskins, Sabre Jr. then catches Haskins in the octopus stretch into a roll up for a near fall.
Sabre Jr. follows that up by locking Haskins in the cross arm breaker, Haskins escapes and he hits Sabre Jr. with Cradle To The Grave for a near fall. Haskins waits for Sabre Jr. to get up and he nails him with a bicycle kick, Sabre Jr. recovers to drop Haskins with a European uppercut and a soccer kick. The wrestlers go through a series of reversals that ends with Sabre Jr. catching Haskins in a triangle choke, Sabre Jr. transitions into a submission hold to force a submission.
Winner: Evolve’s Zack Sabre Jr., still your Evolve Champion
WWN Title Decision Match (6 Way Elimination Match): Parrow w/Drennan vs. Matt Riddle vs. Tracy Williams vs. Jon Davis vs. Fred Yehi vs. Timothy Thatcher w/Stokely Hathaway
The match begins with an all out brawl breaking out between everybody in the match, Yehi and Davis are exchanging a ton of chops. Yehi stuns Davis before attacking his foot, Davis charges at Yehi and he gets tossed to the ring apron during that charge. Thatcher and Williams go to work on each other on the arena floor, Williams goes back into the ring while everybody else fights on the arena floor. Eventually all three members of Catch Point reunite inside of the ring, Parrow and Davis attack Catch Point while everybody else battles in the ring. Parrow nails Riddle with a sit out pile driver before nailing Davis with a clothesline, Thatcher hits the ring and he locks Parrow in a rear naked choke. Catch Point attacks Parrow while Thatcher holds him in the rear naked choke, Parrow goes out cold after a long struggle (Eliminated: Parrow).
Thatcher and Davis attack all three members of Catch Point, Davis eventually nails Williams with a pounce from out of nowhere. Davis grabs Williams and they battle each other on the arena floor, Thatcher nails Riddle with a release German suplex. Davis eventually chops the ring post after Williams gets out of his way, Yehi starts attacking Thatcher with a series of running forearm strikes. Yehi eventually drops Thatcher with a neck breaker for a near fall, Davis returns to the ring and Williams follows him in there. Williams and Yehi double team Davis for a short time, Davis then throws Williams out of the ring before battling Yehi. Davis hits Yehi with a flapjack followed by a buckle bomb and spine buster for a near fall, Williams returns to the ring and he attacks Davis.
Thatcher starts locking all of his opponents in rear naked chokes, Riddle hits Thatcher with a tombstone pile driver. Williams hits Thatcher with a brain buster and locks him in the cross face to force a tap out (Eliminated: Timothy Thatcher), Davis starts defending himself against the attack from Catch Point. Riddle starts attacking Davis with a series of kicks, Davis grabs Yehi and Riddle until Williams makes the save to help his teammates. Davis then nails Williams with a spine buster, Davis grabs Yehi and he power bombs him on top of Williams for a near fall. Davis hits Riddle with 3 Seconds Around The World for a near fall, Catch Point eventually gains control and they work over Davis. Williams hits Davis with a diving forearm strike for a near fall, Catch Point locks Davis in a triple team submission to force a tap out (Eliminated: Jon Davis).
Riddle stats attacking Yehi and Williams with a series of strikes, Williams and Yehi gain control to start working over Riddle. Yehi and Williams just take turns assaulting Riddle with strikes as they get a near fall, Riddle starts fighting back while nailing both opponents with knee strikes. Yehi recovers and he nails Riddle with a release German suplex, Williams and Yehi take turns suplexing Riddle. Yehi then clobbers Riddle with a fisherman buster suplex, Williams rolls up Yehi from out of nowhere for the three count (Eliminated: Fred Yehi). Williams then attacks a downed Riddle with a plethora of strikes that go unanswered, Williams then locks Riddle in the kravat. Riddle fights back and Williams continues working over his neck for a near fall, Riddle and Williams have a forearm strike exchange after some heated words.
Riddle eventually drops Williams with a pele kick to the head, Riddle then hits Williams with a Bro To Sleep and a German suplex for a near fall. Riddle gets up first and he assaults Williams with a series of kicks, Riddle places Williams on the top rope while looking for a superplex. They eventually battle off the ropes and Williams nails Riddle with a DDT into a cross face, Williams releases the hold to nail Riddle with another DDT for another near fall. Williams goes for a pile driver and Riddle somehow blocks it, Williams locks Riddle in another cross face and Riddle gets to the ropes to break the hold. Williams starts attacking Riddle with a ton of unanswered elbow strikes, Williams locks Riddle in another cross face and Riddle somehow escapes again. Williams and Riddle get into a striking exchange for a brief time, Riddle also holds Williams in a triangle choke as they are tangled in the ropes.
Riddle goes to the top rope and Williams follows him up there, Williams nails Riddle with a top rope butterfly suplex for a near fall. Riddle catches Williams in the Bromission after a series of reversals and Williams taps out (Eliminated: Tracy Williams).
Winner: Matt Riddle, your first WWN Champion
