Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for ROH Honor Reigns Supreme. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) def. Bullet Club (Cody, Marty Scurll & Adam Page)
SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) def. Dalton Castle & The Boys
Jay Lethal def. Jonathan Gresham
The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) def. Best Friends (Chuckie T & Beretta)
Non-Title Match: Silas Young (ROH TV Champion) w/The Beer City Bruiser def. Josh Woods
Punishment Martinez def. Flip Gordon
Kenny King def. Shane Taylor
Tenille Dashwood & Mandy Leon def. Stacy Shadows & Kelly Klein
- ROH Enforcer Bully Ray makes his way to the ring and he has a microphone in hand, Ray says tonight is all about Ring Of Honor. Ray says ROH will show the world why they are the best wrestling company on the planet.
Punishment Martinez vs. Flip Gordon
The match begins with Martinez working over the arm of Gordon, Gordon gets free to apply a headlock and Martinez quickly gets free. Gordon gets Martinez in the corner before popping him with a right followed by an enzaguri, Gordon then sends a charging Martinez out of the ring. Gordon nails Martinez with a drop kick, Martinez gets back in the ring and Gordon catches him with another drop kick. Gordon then hits Martinez with a rope assisted enzaguri, Martinez then shoves Gordon from the ring apron to the barricade. Martinez goes out of the ring as well before tossing Gordon into more barricades, Martinez gets Gordon back in the ring before landing a running back elbow strike in the corner.
Martinez then hits Gordon with a clothesline strike in the corner followed by a slap, Martinez then misses a springboard senton on Gordon. Gordon fights back and he attacks Martinez with some strikes, Gordon rolls to the ring apron before propelling Martinez into the corner. Gordon then hits Martinez with a springboard sling blade, Gordon goes to the top rope and he leaps off before nailing Martinez with a Samoan Pop followed by a running shooting star press for a near fall. Martinez fights back and he nails Gordon with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Gordon escapes a Psycho Driver to get into a striking exchange with Martinez.
Martinez wins the exchange before dropping Gordon with a clothesline, Martinez goes to the top rope and Gordon crotches him. Gordon goes to the top and he kicks Martinez in the head before landing a super hurricarana, Gordon hits Martinez with a 450 splash for a near fall. Martinez gets right back up and Gordon nails him with a knee strike, Martinez hits Gordon with a full nelson slam followed by a curb stomp. Martinez hits Gordon with South Of Heaven for the three count.
Winner: Punishment Martinez
Kenny King vs. Shane Taylor
The match begins with Taylor popping King with a jab before eating a leg kick, King then attempts to take Taylor down with some shoulder tackles. Taylor nails King with a strike before dropping him with a shoulder tackle, Taylor then traps King in the corner before landing a few strikes. King recovers and he catches Taylor with a roll up followed by a drop kick, Taylor rolls out of the ring before avoiding a diving King. King recovers to clobber Taylor with a leaping forearm strike, King then takes Taylor out on a second dive attempt. King gets Taylor in the ring before catching him with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Taylor then slams a charging King to the mat below.
Taylor then stomps away on a downed King before choking him in the corner, Taylor then mauls King with strikes in the corner. Taylor misses a charge in the corner and King does the same a short time later, Taylor then nails a downed King with a splash for a near fall. Taylor slows things down by holding King in a camel clutch, King gets free and he nails Taylor with a spin kick to the head. King follows that up by peppering Taylor with some jabs, King then drops Taylor with a leg lariat for a near fall. King and Taylor continue their battle onto the ring apron, King drops Taylor to the arena floor before taking him out with a suicide dive.
King waits for Taylor to get back in the ring before landing a springboard blockbuster for a near fall, Taylor recovers and he drops King with a clothesline for a near fall. Taylor follows that up by clobbering King with a pair of knee strikes, Taylor then hits King with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Taylor goes to the middle rope and King follows him up there, King then cracks Taylor with an enzaguri before landing a Royal Flush for the three count.
Winner: Kenny King
- Ian Riccaboni announces that Tenille Dashwood is the final participant in the ROH Women’s Title Tournament, Dashwood comes out to a huge applause. Dashwood she is here to enter the tournament and become the first ever ROH Women’s Champion. Bully Ray comes out and he says that Dashwood will tag with Mandy Leon later tonight.
Non-Title Match: Silas Young (ROH TV Champion) w/The Beer City Bruiser vs. Josh Woods
The match begins with Woods scoring a few takedowns on Young, Young gets mad and Woods punches him in the shoulder. Young responds by poking Woods in the eyes before applying a headlock, Woods gets free and Young works over his arm.Young releases the arm to pop Woods with a few strikes, Woods recovers to hit Young with an overhead belly to belly suplex followed by an avalanche in the corner. Young distracts the referee so the Bruiser can attack Woods on the arena floor, Young gets out of the ring to throw Woods into the barricade.
Young gets Woods in the ring before landing a slingshot double stomp, Woods fights back and Young assaults him with a few more strikes. Young then hits Woods with a back breaker followed by a pendulum clothesline, Young corners Woods before kicking him in the face. Young downs Woods while holding him in a chin lock, Woods gets free and Young shoves him to the mat. Woods recovers and he catches Young with a roll up for a near fall, Bruiser then cracks Woods with a beer bottle before dragging him out of the ring. Woods recovers to send a leaping Young into the Bruiser, Woods then hits Young with an overhead release suplex on the arena floor.
Woods gets Young in the ring before getting into a striking exchange, Young then catches Woods with a roll up for a near fall. Woods drops Young before landing a knee strike for a near fall, Young escapes a gut wrench suplex and Woods applies a knee bar instead. Bruiser interferes again and he helps Young get to the ropes to break the hold, Young gets to the ring apron before nailing Woods with a knee strike. Woods then hits Young with a Chaos Theory for a near fall, Woods then applies another knee bar and Young escapes with a roll up. Young then hits Woods with a knee strike followed by Misery for a three count.
Winner: Silas Young w/The Beer City Bruiser
Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)
The match begins with Daniels backing Castle into the corner before letting him go free, Castle then does the same to Daniels. Daniels and Castle misses a ton of clothesline attempts in the corner, Daniels pokes Castle in the eyes before shoving him to the ground. The Boys hits the ring and they lay everybody out as Castle attacks Daniels, Kazarian tags in and one of the boys tags in as well. Kazarian quickly attacks the boy and the other boy tags in to nail Kazarian with some double team moves. The other boy tags back in and he goes to the top rope, Sky distracts the boy and Kazarian knocks him to the arena floor.
Daniels and Sky attack the boy on the arena floor, Kazarian tags Sky into the match and he nails the boy with a back breaker. Daniels tags in and he clocks the boy with a few strikes, Daniels then throws the boy into the boots of his partners. Daniels then hits the boy with a slingshot elbow drop, Kazarian tags into hit the boy with a slingshot leg drop. Sky tags into hit the boy with a slingshot splash, everybody rotates tags as they stomp away on the cornered boy. SoCal Uncensored the attacks the boy with some more triple team moves, Kazarian stays in the ring and he nails the boy with a gut wrench slam.
Daniels tags in and he catches the boy with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Daniels keeps the boy down before landing the Arabian Pres for a near fall. Castle distracts the opposing team so the boys can witch places inside of the ring, the boy the attacks Daniels and Kazarian before tagging Castle in. Castle quickly starts cleaning house on the opposing team, Castle catches all of his opponents with a variety of suplexes. Castle then hits Daniels with a running knee strike in the corner, Castle then traps Daniels on the top rope before landing another knee strike. Castle follows that up with a German suplex on Daniels for a near fall.
Sky hits the ring to argue with the ref and Castle shoves Daniels into him before getting a near fall on a roll up, Castle launches the boys onto the members of the opposing team on the arena floor. The boy tags in and he quickly gets nailed by Celebrity Rehab by Daniels and Kazarian for a near fall, Castle hits the ring before taking Kazarian out of it. Sky catches the boy with a back heel kick for the three count.
Winner: SoCal Uncensored (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)
After the match, SoCal Uncensored continues attacking their opponents until Dalton Castle clears the ring.
- The Briscoes make their way to the ring, Jay grabs the microphone and he says a whole lot of blood is going to be shed around here. Jay says it is going to be the fans fault when all of their heroes get taken out, Mark grabs the microphone and he takes shots at the crowd. Mark says they want the ROH World Tag Team Titles back and then he talks about injuring Chris Sabin last week, Jay then demands that Alex Shelley hand them the titles. Shelley appears from behind and he attacks The Briscoes with a title belt, The Briscoes get the upper hand and they double team Shelley.
Jay attacks and chokes Shelley with a chain before dropping him with a headbutt, security hits the ring and The Briscoes take them out as well. Jay then hits Shelley with a Jay Driller. Jay proclaims The Briscoes as the greatest tag team on the planet before they exit the ring.
Stacy Shadows & Kelly Klein vs. Tenille Dashwood & Mandy Leon
The match begins with Leon attacking Shadows with a variety of strikes, Shadows quickly drops a charging Leon with a forearm strike. Dashwood tags in and she traps Shadows in the ropes before nailing her with kicks, Dashwood drops Shadows neck first on the middle rope for a near fall. Shadows drops a charging Dashwood before tagging Klein in, Klein attacks Dashwood with a series of knee strikes. Dashwood gets free and she hits Klein with a Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Leon tags in and Klein immediately corners her before landing a running cross body block.
Klein then wrenches away on the head of Leon, Klein drops Leon and kicks her in the back as Shadows tags herself into the match. Shadows catches Leon with a suplex for a near fall, Shadows then chokes a dazed Leon on the middle rope. Shadows then stomps away on the back of a downed Leon, Shadows applies the chin lock to a downed Leon. Leon tries fighting back and Shadows quickly drops her, Leon fights back again and Shadows blocks the tag from happening. Leon then hits Shadows with a DDT before tagging Dashwood in, Dashwood quickly cleans house on the opposing team.
Dashwood then nails Shadows with a shotgun drop kick followed by a cross body block, Dashwood does for a double under hook DDT and Shadows blocks it. Dashwood then hits Shadows with a reverse DDT for a near fall, Dashwood cracks Shadows with a strike to the side of the head for a three count.
Winners: Tenille Dashwood & Mandy Leon
Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham
The match begins with some chain wrestling between Lethal and Gresham, Gresham starts working over the arm of Lethal. Lethal gets free and he drops Gresham with a hip toss, Gresham trips up Lethal and he wrenches away on his legs. Gresham goes back to working over the arm of Lethal, Lethal takes Gresham down and Gresham recovers to wrench away on the arm of Lethal. Lethal gets free again and he attacks Gresham with chops, Lethal then hits Gresham with a back suplex for a near fall. Lethal traps Gresham in the corner before attacking him with some strikes, Gresham gets into a striking exchange with Lethal.
Lethal drops Gresham with a chop before landing a suplex, Lethal backs Gresham into the corner while landing forearm strikes. Lethal then hits a charging Gresham with a hip toss followed by a drop kick, Lethal traps Gresham in the ropes before landing some more strikes. Gresham recovers to catch a charging Lethal with a back elbow strike before kicking him in the arm, Gresham follows that up by nailing Lethal with a European uppercut to the arm. Gresham then wrenches away on the injured arm of Lethal, Lethal gets free and Gresham rolls him up for a near fall. Gresham goes back to wrenching away on the arm of Lethal, Lethal fights back by getting into a striking exchange with Gresham.
Gresham then hits Lethal with some arm drags before drop kicking him out of the ring, Gresham goes to the ring apron to kick Lethal in the injured arm. Gresham injures his knee as Lethal avoids a dive and then Lethal hits Gresham with a cutter on the arena floor, Lethal and Gresham barely beat the twenty count into the ring. Gresham and Lethal have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Lethal attacks the injured knee of Gresham and Gresham attacks the injured arm of Lethal. Gresham then hits Lethal with a snap German suplex before eating a bicycle kick, Lethal is too hurt to perform the Lethal Injection and Gresham eventually gets him in the cross face.
Lethal gets free to nail Gresham with an enzaguri followed by the Lethal Combination for a near fall, Lethal goes for the figure four and Gresham counters with a roll up for a near fall. Lethal then hits Gresham with multiple dragon screw leg whips and atomic drops to the knee, Lethal goes to the top rope and Gresham follows him up there while wrenching away on his arm. Lethal gets free and he fails at a sunset flip bomb attempt, Gresham then hits Lethal with a tornado DDY followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Gresham and Lethal have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Lethal nails a super kick and Gresham kicks him in the arm during a Lethal Injection attempt.
Gresham applies the octopus stretch and Lethal slams him to get free, Lethal goes to the top rope and he nails Gresham with Hail To The King for a near fall. Lethal then applies a figure four leg lock to Gresham and the tap out follows.
Winner: Jay Lethal
Bullet Club (Cody, Marty Scurll & Adam Page) w/Brandi Rhodes vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)
The match begins with Taven and Cody grabbing chairs after Brandi Rhodes was threatened by O’Ryan, Marseglia works over the arm of Scurll as the action starts in the ring. Marseglia and Scurll do some chain wrestling, Marseglia then drops a charging Scurll with a drop kick. Scurll grabs an umbrella and Marseglia grabs an axe and they threaten each other with them, Page and O’Ryan get tagged in by their respective partners. O’Ryan traps Page in the corner before landing a few chops, Page corners O’Ryan before assaulting him with chops. Page eventually catches a leaping O’Ryan with a kick to the knee, Cody and Taven tag into the match.
Taven then demands that Cody kiss the ring and Cody nails him with a Beautiful Disaster, The Kingdom are knocked to the arena floor and Scurll takes them out with a suicide dive. Cody and Page follow suit to nail dives on The Kingdom, Page then attacks Taven and Marseglia in the ring before getting a near fall on Taven. O’Ryan slows Page down before Marseglia nails him with forearm strikes in the corner, O’Ryan tags in and he nails Page with a German suplex as Taven lands a springboard elbow drop. O’Ryan then chokes a downed Page on the middle rope, Page recovers and he drops O’Ryan with a roaring elbow strike.
Scurll tags in and he immediately cleans house on the opposing team, Scurll then nails O’Ryan with a side kick to the knee. Scurll catches Marseglia in a roll up and Taven breaks it all up, Marseglia goes to the top rope and Scurll crotches him. Scurll then suplexes O’Ryan into a crotched Marseglia, Scurll catches Marseglia with a superplex as Taven tags himself into the match. Taven knocks Scurll out of the ring with a TKO into the ropes, The Kingdom works together to throw Scurll into the barricade. Taven gets Scurll into the ring before choking him multiple times, Marseglia tags in and he attacks Scurll with strikes in the corner.
O’Ryan tags in and he nails a charging Scurll with a spine buster, Marseglia illegally enters the ring to hit Scurll with a headbutt. Taven tags in and he mauls Scurll with a series of strikes, Scurll starts fighting back and Marseglia drags him out of the ring. Scurll gets back in the ring and Taven crushes him with a running knee strike for a near fall, The Kingdom rotated tags and Scurll tries fighting them off. O’Ryan hits Scurll with a Twist Of Fate and then Scurll gets his knees up as Marseglia goes for a swanton bomb, Cody tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team. Cody knocks O’Ryan to the arena floor with a Beautiful Disaster, Cody then hits Taven with a dragon suplex for a near fall.
Cody the trips up Taven so Bullet Club can triple team him, Cody gets Marseglia out of the ring before tossing him into the crowd. O’Ryan hits the ring to attack Cody and Scurll takes him out, Marseglia returns and Page takes him out. Taven then attacks Page with a kick to get him out of the ring, Cody applies the American Death Lock to Taven and he eventually gets to the ropes. Cody traps Taven in the ropes before O’Ryan distracts him, the referee argues with the ref and gets tossed out of the match. Competitors from both teams brawl on the arena floor, Taven hits Cody with the Ring Of Honor before getting the three count.
Winners: The Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia)
Best Friends (Chuckie T & Beretta) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)
The match begins with Beretta and Matt doing a little chain wrestling, Matt then drops Beretta with a shoulder tackle. The Bucks then lock the Best Friends in sharp shooters for a few moments, Nick tags in and The Bucks attack Best Friends with a plethora of double team maneuvers. Matt tags in and he cracks Beretta with a few strikes, T tags in and he double teams Matt alongside Beretta. Nick hits the ring and he takes out the Best Friends with a top rope high cross body, Best Friends then knock The Bucks out of the ring. T then takes out The Bucks with a suicide dive, The Bucks return and they knock the Best Friends out of the ring.
The Bucks follow that up with a double suicide dive onto the Best Friends, a brawl breaks out between both teams on the arena floor. Best Friends throw Nick into the barricade before nailing Matt with a lawn dart cutter on the arena floor, Beretta gets Matt in the ring before attacking his back with strikes. T tags in and he catches Matt with a back breaker for a near fall, Beretta tags in and he catches Matt with a top rope double stomp to the back. Matt tries fighting back and Beretta drops him with a knee strike to the midsection, Beretta then locks Matt in the abdominal stretch. Beretta releases the hold and he nails Matt with an Irish whip into the corner, T tags in and he applies the abdominal stretch to Matt.
Beretta tags back in and he reapplies the abdominal stretch to Matt while smoking a cigarette, Matt eventually gets free and Beretta attacks his back with an axe handle smash. Matt then nails Beretta with a super kick that knocks the cigarette out of his mouth, Nick tags in and he cleans house on the opposing team. Nick nails T with a knee strike before landing a bulldog on him, Matt tags in and his back is too hurt for him to pick Beretta up. Nick tags back in and he nails Beretta with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Nick then uses a drop kick to knock T to the arena floor. Nick then takes out Beretta before catching T with a moonsault on the arena floor, Matt hits the ring and he fails to get Beretta up due to the injured back.
Beretta attacks Matt while T crotches Nick on the top rope, Beretta nails Nick with a superplex while T lands a top rope double stomp for a near fall. T tags in and he mauls Nick with a plethora of strikes, Nick fights back and he attacks both Best Friends. T hits Nick with Sole Food and Beretta gets a near fall on him afterwards, Matt eventually tags in and he knocks Beretta into T. T traps Matt in the ropes before Beretta nails him with a release German suplex, Beretta goes to the middle rope and Matt trips him to send him crashing to the mat. Nick and Matt nail their opponents with super kicks, The Bucks hit Beretta with a swanton bomb/DDT combo for a near fall.
Matt goes to the top rope and Beretta follows him up there, Beretta attacks the injured back of Matt with strikes while on the top rope. Matt knocks Beretta off the ropes and Beretta recovers to crotch him on the top rope, Beretta goes for a super hurricarana and Matt rolls through. Beretta locks Matt in a sharp shooter and Nick breaks it up with a super kick, T locks Matt in a sharp shooter while Nick holds Beretta in one as well. T and Nick have a striking exchange after the referee breaks both sharp shooters up, Beretta hits the ring to propel Nick into the corner. Beretta then attacks the back of Matt as he entered he ring, the Best Friends then double team the injured Matt.
Beretta then destroys Matt with a pile driver on the ring apron, Best Friends go for a super Dude Buster on the arena floor and Nick breaks it all up with super kicks. Nick hits T with a 450 splash in the ring for a near fall, Nick misses a knee strike and T nails him with an Awful Waffle for the near fall. Matt hits the ring and he eventually tags into the match, T immediately nails Matt with a series of back breakers. Matt recovers to nail a charging T with a spear followed by a super kick, Beretta tags in and he rolls up Matt for a near fall. Matt recovers and he nails Beretta with a series of super kicks, The Bucks hit Beretta with the Meltzer Driver for the three count.
Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)