Guide (1-2: DOODY! 3-4: Below Average 5: Average 6: Above Average 7: Good 8: Great 9: Excellent 10: All-Time)
Roppongi Vice, Briscoes Will Ospreay defeated Bullet Club (Young Bucks, Marty Scurll, Bad Luck Fale, Takahashi)
- Good idea to kick off a match with Young Bucks, Briscoes, and several other talent that the audience at home is likely to be familiar with.
- This is the spotfest you'd expect, and to get the crowd warm that's understandable. Why WOULDN'T this be a spotfest? It's tough to employ psychology with ten dudes in a match.
- Scurll is kicked off of the apron and his umbrella hilariously floats down.
- Bad Luck Fale hits a Bad Luck Fall over the top rope onto the crowd. Outstanding!
- "I have a deal at hot topic, I can't lose on TV!"
Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, EVIL, SANADA & Hiromu Takahashi) defeated Dragon Lee, Jushin Liger, Titan & Volador, Jr.
- Jim Ross is struggling with names and pronounciations early.
- Liger got a great ovation. The man is 52.
- Titan and Volador hit a couple of crazy dives in stereo that are scarier because of the rails being where they are.
- Super cool merry-go-round chair spot. Takahashi gets the win.
- Another spotfest, but much different than the first match. I didn't enjoy this one nearly as much.
Jay Lethal defeated Hangman Page
United States Title Tourney
- They want the Adam Page thing to work, but he does shooting star shoulderblocks from the apron so it won't work.
- Someone tell me how a shooting star shoulder block from the apron makes a shit of sense.
- Lethal is still busted up from an all-time ass kicking from Silas Young and Beer City Bruiser.
- Jay Lethal also screams out the name of the figure four before he does it, which doesn't make a lot of sense.
- Lethal gets the win, but this wasn't good at all.
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Juice Robinson
- Juice Robinson was going nowhere in NXT. A lot of guys would have just left the business.
- Funny that for all the talk that he doesn't look the part, Zack Sabre had an ideal MMA body type.
- Zack Sabre's offense is just fantastic.
- Imagine being Juice Robinson, coming back to the states and having the crowd chant your name .
- When they gonna institute small joint manipulation rules in NJPW?!
- This was outstanding.
David Finlay, Jay White, Kushida & Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Sho Tanaka, Yohei Kamatsu, Yoshi Tatsu & Billy Gunn
- KUSHIDA's use of the double wristlock made me fall in love with his work.
- KUSHIDA trolling Billy Gunn was outstanding.
- What the shit are those boots Finlay is wearing?
- Jay White gets the win and Tanahashi escapes unscathed.
IWGP Tag Team Championship
War Machine defeated Guerrilas Of Destiny (c)
NO DQ Match
- Who thought Camacho would EVER end up back on US TV?
- This is a straight up brawl.
- Roa buries one of Hanson's moves by waving it on. He treats a lot of things like they're jokes. I don't know that the U.S. debut is the place for that.
- Spinebuster on Tanga onto Roa. Sick. Powerbomb on chairs from Roa. Gross.
- They even brought the Japanese tables!
- There's a hilarious no-sell spot from Roa, where he knees and nods his head that it hurt.
Tomohiro Ishii defeated Tetsuya Naito
United States Championship Tournament
- Ishii somehow looks 190 and 320 pounds at the same time.
- Naito has translated well to America. The perfect salvation of shit direction is that guy.
- Naito has one of the smoothest looking super frankensteiners
- Naito spit in his face. Yikes.
- Ishii gets planted with a gross tornado DDT.
- I'm not a fan of Red Shoes' reffing work.
- Ishii advances.
Kenny Omega defeated Michael Elgin
United States Championship Tournament
- Elgin's strength is one of those things that doesn't seem like it'll ever fail to impress.
- Missed countout spot. Hard to tell who was at fault there. Omega slammed Elgin kind of late in the count there.
- Elgin takes forever going for a clothesline and does the Terminator clap, and the crowd isn't happy about it. They're happy when Omega reverses it though.
- What a psychotic avalanche splash mountain powerbomb from Elgin. This is outstanding.
- Omega throws a series of knees that have to be seen to be believed.
- Go out of your way to watch this match, please.
- What a Jesus Christing match.
IWGP Heavyweight Championship
Okada (c) defeated Cody Rhodes
- Cody is doing an awful lot of stalling and posing for my liking, but he's a heel so whatever, I guess.
- Deep into the match, Cody hits a great super arm drag.
- Cody is trying to play mind games, but that's a tall task against Okada.
- OMEGA HAS THE TOWEL!!! The crowd is BEGGING for the towel to be thrown in! So wild.
- Rhodes hits a Rainmaker of his own, and I bought it as a finish. Okada hits the Cross Rhodes, too!
- This is the best Cody Rhodes match ever.
- Okada Rainmakers him to a win.