Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- AEW commentator Jim Ross begins the telecast with "It's Wednesday Night, and you know what that means." Ross then welcomes the viewers to AEW Dynamite, and they are coming to us live from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ross then introduces colleagues to the show Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.
Eight-Man Tag-Team Match
The Elite (The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, and Kenny Omega) vs. Jurassic Express, Christian Cage, and Bryan Danielson
Jungle Boy and Nick Jackson begin things; Jungle Boy gets the upper hand by taking Nick down with an arm drag and then a dropkick. Adam Cole and Christian Cage are the legal men; neither men gain control. Jungle Boy gets tagged back in, and Cole takes advantage of the match after Matt Jackson gets involved.
Matt and Nick Jackson begin double-teaming Jungle Boy; Jungle Boy takes on The Young Bucks with ease. Bryan Danielson is tagged in, and Danielson delivers a series of kicks to the chest of Matt Jackson. Danielson tags Luchasaurus, and he clears the ring. Michael Nakazawa hits Christian Cage with a notebook of sorts. This allows The Young Bucks to hit Cage with a horrendous Indytaker. Marko Stunt checks on Cage, and he gets hit with a superkick by Matt Jackson. Omega is the legal man, and he goes for a snapdragon suplex; however, Jungle Boy avoids it and hits The Young Bucks with a big DDT. Jungle Boy tags in Danielson, and now Omega and Danielson get into each other's faces. They begin exchanging multiple punches.
Danielson and Omega run the ropes, and Danielson drops Omega; he then hits Omega with a splash. Danielson now hits Omega with a hurricanrana and diving headbutt. Danielson goes for the pin; however, Omega breaks up the pin. Danielson has Omega with the Cattle Mutilation; Matt Jackson hits Danielson with a Swanton Bomb.
Just a short time later, all hell has broken loose. Danielson hits tope suicida; Omega then dives over the ropes and lands on four people. Adam Cole is about to go for a dive as well but stops in the middle of the ring and yells out, "Adam Cole, baby!"
Danielson goes for a big knee to the face of Omega catches it, allowing Cole and The Young Bucks to hit a triple superkick. Then, the Super Elite hit a four-person BTE Trigger on Jungle Boy, and Adam Cole pins Jungle Boy to get the victory.
Winners: The Super Elite
- Jon Moxley cuts a promo saying that nobody can pin him and that if they want to play games tonight in Philly, bring it.
- CM Punk comes out for his promo. The Philly crowd chants CM Punk, and Punk asks the crowd if they are tired of it yet. He talks about how he lived in Philly for three years and how he loves Philly. Punk says because of Philly because he bought an iPod and a laptop. Punk says, "holy shit, I was rich." He was referencing that wrestling made him rich. CM Punk calls out Daniel Garcia to a match on Rampage.
- Arn Anderson is cutting a promo, and Cody Rhodes appears and asks Arn, "what are you doing in my house? Are you going to shoot me ?". Anderson is throwing some of Cody's belongings into a fire. Rhodes sees that Arn is about to throw a tie in to the fire, and Rhodes says, "you don't need to do this." Arn then slaps Cody and says he could paint a star on his face, and all will be fixed.
- Bobby Fish cuts a backstage vignette/promo talking about his history in the wrestling business.
TNT Championship Match
Bobby Fish vs. Sammy Guevara
Bobby Fish and Sammy Guevara lock up, and Fish comes at Guevara with multiple heavy shots. Guevara and Fish show each other respect. Guevara takes Fish down with a dropkick and then hits an enzuigiri. Sammy goes to the top rope for a maneuver; Fish takes him down quickly with a kick to the knee. Fish and Sammy Guevara exchange heavy shots, and the match goes back and forth as we go to our first picture-in-picture commercial break of the evening.
We return from the break with Guevara taking Fish down with a back elbow and multiple strikes. Fish hits Sammy with a backdrop suplex; Fish goes for the pin; however, Guevara kicks out. Sammy Guevara counters Fish attack with the Spanish Fly. Guevara goes to the top turnbuckle, Fish stops him, and Fish hits Sammy with the Avalanche Falcon Arrow; Bobby Fish goes for the pin; Guevara kicks out. Guevara hits Fish with the GTH and then pins Fish to get the win.
After the match, American Top Team and Scorpio Sky attack Sammy Guevara. Fuego Del Sol comes to try and save Guevara, but he gets taken down right away. Chris Jericho and Jake Hager come out to save Guevara and Fuego Del Sol.
Dan Lambert and his team leave the ring; he tells them to "turn the crap off." Instead, the Philly crowd begins singing "Judas." Lambert challenges Jericho, Hager, and Guevara to wrestle Junior Dos Santos and Men of the Year in Miami on Dynamite.
- The Acclaimed cut a promo and challenged The Lucha Bros. for a match on AEW Rampage.
- Tony Schiavone is in the ring to announce a new AEW Championship. The TBS Women's Championship will begin as a tournament starting the 5th of January.
- Jim Ross is interviewing Darby Allin, and Ross says he has a big challenge for this week's match against Nick Comoroto. Ross mentions the promo from last week and mentions Darby's face paint. Darby says he does it because 50% of him is dead inside and that MJF will not win this feud.
Darby Allin ( w/ Sting) vs. Nick Comoroto ( w/ The Nightmare Factory)
Darby Allin gets in the ring and immediately goes after Nick Comoroto and The Nightmare Factory. The match officially begins when both Comoroto and Allin get into the ring. Comoroto takes control right away by tossing Darby around with ease. Then, they head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break. Comoroto controlled the match during the break. They return, and Allin in on nails Comoroto with a massive strike. Allin goes up top and hits the Coffin Drop and then pins Comoroto for the win. After the match, QT Marshall hits Sting with a Diamond Cutter, and Sting gets right back up and drops Marshall with a Scorpion Death Drop.
- Dante Martin is cutting a promo and says that he has been a problem for everyone, and he will take on anyone. The lights go out and come back on, and Malakai Black appears behind Dante Martin. Black sprays black mist into the eyes of Dante Martin and then hits Martin with a wheelhouse kick. The lights go off for a few seconds and come back on, and Malakai Black says, "The House of Black accepts," and they head out for a commercial break.
- Ricky Starks is in the ring and talks about the FTW championship, and Starks says he wanted to fight Cage in a "Philly Street Fight," but Cage is not here. Cage's music goes off, and he runs to the ring to attack Ricky Starks. Cage gets a few shots in on Starks; however, Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook make the save.
Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb
The match begins with Hikaru Shida, and Serena Deeb starts with a tie-up; Deeb takes Shida with a quick takedown. Although Shida wants to shake Deeb's hand, Deeb slaps Shida. This causes Shida to start laying in some heavy shots on Deeb. Then, they head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break with Deeb in control.
We return from the break, and Shida then hits with a nice missile dropkick. Shida hits Deeb with a big knee to Deeb's face. Deeb is back up and hits Shida with a swinging neckbreaker and multiple elbow drops. Shida hits Deeb with another big knee to the face. Shida hits the running knee again, Shida hits the Falcon Arrow. Shida goes for the pin; however, Deeb kicks out. Deeb rakes the eyes of Shida and hits Shida with the Detox. Deeb then puts on the Serenity Lock, and Shida taps out. After the match, Deeb grabs the award that Shida would have received if she won tonight's match and hits her with it.
Winner: Serena Deeb
- After the match, Alex Marvez tells Darby Allin that MJF challenges Darby Allin for a match on next week's Dynamite. Allin accepts and begins to walk off, a Limousine pulls up, and The Pinnacle viciously attacks Darby.
- We get a promo from Lio Rush, and he says he wants to represent Dante Martin and get him to new heights.
- Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. says she is happy about the new TBS Women's Championship belt because now all the bitches in the back can stop going after her.
Casino Ladder Match
(Featuring Jon Moxley, Andrade El Idolo, Matt Hardy, Lance Archer, PAC, and Orange Cassidy)
The match begins with Orange Cassidy and PAC; the match goes back and forth for the first two minutes, Cassidy frustrates PAC, and PAC takes Cassidy down quickly. Andrade El Idolo is the third competitor, and he and PAC go right at each other. The ladder is in the middle of the ring; PAC and Andrade begin exchanging massive punches. Finally, Andrade takes control and hits PAC with a colossal sunset flip off of the ladder. Matt Hardy is the fourth competitor out now, and he takes down Cassidy with the Side Effect.
They head out for their last commercial break of the evening; during the break, Lance Archer is the fifth man out, and he cleans the ring out and is just destroying his competitors. Lance Archer could go up for the win, but he chooses not to, and Archer goes into the crowd to meet Moxley. Moxley and Archer begin fighting in the crowd and finally make it to the ring after a good two minutes. Orange Cassidy hits Archer with two Orange Punches.
Moxley then goes right at Cassidy and beats him down. Now, the final entrant is coming out. The Joker is none other than a returning "Hangman" Adam Page. The crowd is going nuts; Page clears the ring by taking out Cassidy, Archer, Moxley, and Hardy. Page gets hit with a chair by PAC, and PAC is laying it. Andrade now is going after PAC; PAC hits Andrade with a big headbutt, and Andrade falls probably close to sixteen feet on top of another ladder.
Page takes down PAC from the top of the ladder, and they go through a table. Moxley hits Page with a Paradigm shift. Page hits Archer with the Buckshot Lariat, it's Moxley and Page again, and Page has the strength and knocks Moxley off the ladder. Page goes to the top and pulls down the Casino Chip. "Hangman" Adam Page wins the Casino Ladder Match and earns a title shot.
Winner: "Hangman" Adam Page