David Starr has rallied against big promotions in the past, calling out WWE for accepting "Saudi blood money" and for failure to provide wrestlers with healthcare and benefits. Starr has also pushed for a union in wrestling.
Starr's latest target is EVOLVE and Gabe Sapolsky, who Starr called out for not paying wrestlers. The latest round in the issue began days ago when Starr posted an Instagram photo of Sapolsky blocking him on social media with the caption, "Remember how a WWE affiliate company and it’s booker blocked me because I asked them/him to actually pay their workers and not expect free labor?"
From there, Starr and Brian Cage had a discussion about the pay in EVOLVE in the comments section with Starr saying, "Meanwhile the wwe talent they use aren’t required to get a fee from evolve AND they are collecting money from workers for the seminars. From what I understand he’s still cramming 4 people in hotel rooms, not feeding workers or providing them water, and doesn’t cover everyone’s trans."
Cage stated he stopped working for EVOLVE in 2013, tired of working for "pennies" and believing he was worth more. Starr went on to say, "There is a power imbalance dynamic at evolve. Gabe knows a lot of people want to get to WWE and I know he holds that over workers heads (at minimum implicitly). It creates an feeling of inability to fight for yourself. That’s why we all need to stand with any worker that speaks for better treatment, more pay, etc. We have to stand together."
Starr continued things on Twitter on Monday, once again calling out Sapolsky for the lack of pay in EVOLVE.
Literally, it’s not that hard.
— (((David Starr)))-- (@TheProductDS) January 13, 2020
Just pay all of your workers for fuck’s sake.
Rather than commit to that, Gabe goes on a whinging spree about people being negative.
Gabriel, if your business is dependent on exploited labor to operate, then you don’t deserve to be in business.
Which pro wrestlers out there believe their time, efforts and physical & mental well being are worth exactly $0.00?
— (((David Starr)))-- (@TheProductDS) January 13, 2020
Asking for friend. DEFINITELY NOT GABE.
Seemingly fed up with the accusations and slander, Sapolsky responded by refuting the comments of Starr and providing his own insight.
Max Barsky, AKA David Starr, emailed me relentlessly to be in EVOLVE a few years ago. I gave him a shot and he ignored booking instructions. This is among the other shots he had, which he failed at. I was on the fence about him, though.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
In addition, I've had numerous talents complain to me about Max Barsky, AKA David Starr, stiffing them, giving them concussions and then actually blaming them for these accidents. I watched his heralded match with WALTER where he selfishly no sold to get himself over.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
Why AEW isn't interested in him I don't know. Maybe they are. Add to this the embarrassing and offensive picture of Max Barsky taking a selfie crying at a Holocaust memorial and I was finished with him.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
He wants headlines. He lies to get them. He stretches the truth. He exaggerates. He uses terms like "Fraud" about me when a simple Google search or seeing what Meltzer reported would show there is no basis. He plugs his shirt saying I "reportedly" told talent not to where it.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
We promote 2 shows a month in different markets. No indie does this. I negotiate all terms at the time of the booking. If I can't meet a wrestler's price, I understand and it's business. I don't expect any deals. If they can't work for what we pay, I understand & it's business.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
We have a unique stage and I want to give as many people the opportunity as possible to be on it. So yes, there might be 1-3 spots we don't pay for on a show. These are spots that are all over budget and otherwise wouldn't exist. They do not take spots from paid wrestlers.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
I feel it is important to give these opportunities, but if public outrage is so much I'll kill these spots. It's all the same to me honestly. I just love giving talent opportunity, watching them grow and watching them make money. It is my passion.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
I've worked too long and hard and been through too many bad times to let Max Barsky grab headlines at my expense. I realize I've done everything I'm swore I wouldn't hear but him starting this assault is too much.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
So go stiff more people Max. Go do your carny stuff. Go lie more. You are a true politician. You are a fraud. Go tag WWE.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
I'm sure some of you will twist my words around or whatever you do. I'll just block you. I got shows this weekend and other stuff to worry about.
Finally, while I am ashamed at myself for even tweeting this thread and contributing to the negative Twitter culture, I'll close by saying there's a lot more to issues and things than the headline you read in a 180 character tweet. Try to get the real story.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
Sapolsky deleted the thread shortly after posting it and made the following statement.
I apologize for my unprofessional rant. I pride myself on staying above it. I am ashamed of it.
— Gabe Sapolsky (@BookItGabe) January 13, 2020
I also assure you that everyone on EVOLVE shows will be paid.
Thank you for your support over the years. I look forward to getting back to what I love and working shows.
Starr offered up the following response.
If you cared about talent you wouldn’t take advantage of them.
— (((David Starr)))-- (@TheProductDS) January 13, 2020
You have a guaranteed WWE salary.
You use your connections to justify paying workers risking their bodies for you to work for less money or no money.
You’re the bad guy here, man.
Actually 1 more thing...
— (((David Starr)))-- (@TheProductDS) January 13, 2020
100% of the proceeds will go towards sponsoring wrestlers’ union dues for @EquityUK.
PayPal £25 to TheProductDS@ yahoo.com include your shirt size and shipping address.
Max Barsky AKA David Starr pic.twitter.com/e32GZ2eZfI
Starr caused waves among WWE NXT UK talent last June when he stepped on the NXT UK Championship during a bout with WALTER at OTT WrestleRama 3. Starr has continued to wrestle for PROGRESS and OTT. Both promotions have working relationships with WWE.