Rachael Ellering hasn’t gotten an All Elite graphic, but she is All Elite, by golly.
A Fightful Discord subscriber asked about Ellering’s status with the company after ROH’s website included her on their official roster page.
Sources have indicated to Fightful that Ellering has been signed to an AEW/ROH deal for quite some time. In many circumstances, there are “All Elite” graphics applied, though that isn’t always the case. Whenever we find out of situations like that, we’ll report accordingly.
Ellering wrestled on AEW TV in 2020 against Penelope Ford, as well as in the Women’s Tag Team cup, and then made an appearance on last week’s Rampage against Thunder Rosa. However, she’s appeared on ROH television semi-regularly for the last year, working 17 matches on the brand and picking up six wins.
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