During their recent "Reborn By Fate" interview with Corey Graves, available now on the WWE Network, The Hardys discussed the possibility of their "Broken" personas coming to WWE.
Matt says that at first, it was weird being a "Repaired" version of himself.
“For me, it was very odd going back to regular Matt Hardy, Version 1.0, or Matt Hardy, Team Extreme--it was tricky at first. It was hard to be me, which sounds strange, but it was because I got so used to doing my other thing. Things that I had created or morphed into, I almost became. I felt like a broken man having to go back to plain old Matt Hardy in many ways. It’s still within me, it’s still contained; I think when the time is right, I will unleash it again.”
Of course, those nefarious Owl Men at Anthem Entertainment in The Zone Of Impact are gumming up the works with their lawyers and their disingenuous trademark applications and their leaking e-mail transcripts and contracts to the press. But Matt beleives all that is only a speed bump on the road to Broken Town.
“I definitely think there’s a chance. It’s something that’s a work in progress. Unfortunately, because of legal reasons, I really can’t go into that right now. But I find it very flattering and humbling that every time we come wrestle in front of the WWE Universe, they chant and they address it and they acknowledge it. Please, keep doing that. I mean, we love it when they do that. And hopefully sooner than later we’ll be able to go into more detail about everything. When it happens--I’m not even going to say ‘if’--when it happens, it’s going to be the most exciting thing to hit WWE programming in a long, long time.”
Matt and Jeff Hardy re-debuted in WWE with a Raw Tag Team Championship victory at WrestleMania 33 after a month in Ring of Honor, where they also had a stint as tag champions. They left TNA as their tag champs, never allowed to come back and drop the belts.
You can watch the interview on the WWE Network, at this link.