Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dark. We'll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
Hikaru Shida vs. Rache Chanel
The match begins with Chanel avoiding Shida before eating a kick to the midsection, Shida focuses her attack on the arm of Chanel. Shida gets Chanel in a headlock and Chanel escapes to fix her hair, Chanel gets mad and she nails Shida with a knee strike. Chanel then hits Shida with a running neck breaker, Chanel corners Shida while smashing her face into the top turnbuckle. Chanel traps Shida in the ropes while landing some strikes, Chanel grabs a comb and she fixes Shida’s hair. Chanel then hits Shida with a back suplex for a near fall, Shida fights back and a striking exchange breaks out. Shida corners Chanel before landing a running knee strike, Shida gets Chanel to the ring apron before landing another knee strike. Shida follows up with a suplex on Chanel for a near fall, Chanel fights back and she nails Shida with a spinning elbow strike. Shida catches a leaping Chanel to land a back breaker, Shida gets Chanel in an arm bar and Chanel gets to the ropes. Shida drops Chanel before landing a sliding elbow strike and knee strike for a near fall, Shida then hits Chanel with a falcon arrow for a three count.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford vs. Corey Hollis
The match begins with Sabian dropping Hollis while working over his arm, Hollis gets free and he works over the arm of Sabian. Sabian gets free and he drops Hollis with a flying mare, Hollis recovers and he lands an arm drag of his own on Sabian. Sabian looks to lock up with Hollis before attacking him with a bunch of strikes, Hollis fights back and Sabian nails him with a leg lariat. Sabian corners Hollis before landing a running head kick followed by a sliding lariat, Sabian keeps Hollis down while nailing him with a penalty kick. Hollis blocks a tornado DDT before kicking Sabian in the midsection, Hollis follows up by nailing Sabian with an enziguri. Hollis then hits Sabian with a springboard head kick for a near fall, Sabian fights back and he nails Hollis with Deathly Hollows for a three count.
Winner: Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford
- Dasha Gonzalez interrupts a training session between Dustin Rhodes and The Nightmare Sisters, Allie says there goal is to win and Brandi Rhodes says they wanted to catch AEW's attention. Allie and Rhodes start arguing with each other as the interview ends.
Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. Brady Pierce & Sabby
The match begins with Sabby shoving Trent to the mat below, Trent then gets Sabby in a headlock and Sabby gets free to land a shoulder block. Trent gets angry and he exchanges some strikes with Sabby, Trent escapes Sabby’s grasp before landing a chop block. Trent keeps Sabby down while attacking him with more strikes, Trent then hits Sabby with a back suplex for a near fall. Taylor tags in and Pierce also gets a tag a short time later, Pierce escapes a headlock to nail Taylor with a shoulder block. Taylor fights back and he lands a few strikes followed by a missile drop kick, Trent tags in and he double teams Pierce with Taylor. Trent corners Pierce before landing a few strikes, Taylor tags in and he nails Pierce with a top rope back smash. Sabby interferes and that allows Pierce to hit Taylor with a spine buster, Sabby tags in and he nails taylor with a series of strikes. Sabby then drops Taylor with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Pierce tags back in and he nails Taylor with more strikes. Sabby tags in and he cracks Taylor with a drop kick. Pierce tags in and he misses a pump kick before eating a knee strike, Trent tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Trent then hits Pierce with a back drop suplex, Sabby tags in and Trent drops him with a back elbow strike. Trent follows up by nailing Sabby with a tornado DDT, Trent then hits Sabby with a knee strike for a near fall.
Pierce distracts Trent and that allows Sabby to eventually land a power slam, Pierce tags in and he attacks Trent with some strikes. Taylor makes a blind tag and he double teams Pierce with Trent, Sabby hits the ring and Taylor nails him with an enziguri. The Best Friends clear the ring before landing a few dives, Trent tags in and Best Friends hit Pierce with Strong Zero for a three count.
Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)
Ricky Starks vs. Will Hobbs
The match begins with Hobbs shoving Starks to the mat below, Starks tries attacking Hobbs with shoulder tackles and Hobbs stays on his feet. Starks eventually drops Hobbs with a leaping shoulder tackle, Starks follows up by nailing Hobbs with a back elbow strike. Hobbs recovers and he nails Starks with a delayed vertical suplex, Starks leaves the ring and Hobbs follows him out there before getting knocked into the barricade. Starks gets Hobbs in the ring before landing a missile drop kick, Starks mounts a downed Hobbs while landing some strikes. Hobbs fights back and he nails a charging Starks with a spine buster, Hobbs follows up by looking for an Oklahoma stampede. Starks gets free and he nails Hobbs with a swinging neck breaker, Starks then hits Hobbs with a double underhook DDT for a three count.
Winner: Ricky Starks
Scorpio Sky vs. Aaron Solow
The match begins with Solow working over the arm of Sky and Sky does the same to him, Solow then gets Sky in a headlock before working over his arm again. Sky gets free to trip up Solow and work over his arm, Sky then hits Solow with a shoulder tackle before working over his arm again. Solow gets free after cracking Sky with a forearm strike, Sky recovers and he nails Solow with a side Russian leg sweep. Sky follows up by nailing Solow with a leg drop for a near fall, Sky keeps Solow down while working over his arm again. Solow gets free after clotheslining Sky along the top rope, Solow keeps Sky down while stomping away on him. Solow also mounts Sky and lands a bunch a strikes, Sky fights back and Solow nails him with a spinning head kick. Solow keeps Sky down while holding him in a chin lock, Sky gets free and he nails Solow with a drop kick. Sky follows up with a clothesline and jumping back elbow strike against Solow, Sky then kicks a charging Solow in the face before landing a flat liner for a near fall. Solow fights back and he drops Sky before landing a double stomp for a near fall, Solow then hits Sky with a series of kicks before propelling him into the corner for a near fall. Solow looks for a top rope elbow strike and Sky avoids it before landing a TKO for a three count.
Winner: Scorpio Sky
Diamante vs. KiLynn King
The match begins with King doing some work on the arm of Diamante, Diamante gets free and she does the same to King. King trips up Diamante before getting her in a front face lock, Diamante gets free and she gets King in a headlock. King gets free and she nails a charging Diamante with a shoulder block, King then hits Diamante with an arm drag before wrenching away on her arm. King looks for a delayed vertical suplex and Diamante gets free, King recovers and she nails Diamante with a suplex for a near fall. Diamante fights back and she propels a charging King into the corner, Diamante then hits King with a basement drop kick for a near fall. Diamante keeps King down while attacking her with strikes, Diamante traps King in the corner while landing more strikes. King fights back and she attacks Diamante with some strikes of her own before rolling her up for a near fall, Diamante backs King into the corner before landing a back elbow strike. King gets free and she nails Diamante with a few clotheslines, King then nails Diamante with a pump kick to the head. Diamante recovers and she hits King with a code red for a three count.
Winner: Diamante
Darby Allin vs. Robert Anthony
The match begins with Allin staring down Taz while Anthony tries getting his attention, Allin fights back and he nails Anthony with a few strikes followed by a code red for a near fall. Anthony leaves the ring and Allin follows him out there before sending him into the barricade, Allin then nails Anthony with an avalanche into the barricade. Anthony fights back and he drops Allin on the top of the barricade, Anthony follows up by nailing Allin with a suplex on the arena floor. Anthony then throws Allin face first into the ring frame, Anthony gets Allin back in the ring before applying a rolling Romero special to him. Anthony releases the hold before getting a near fall on Allin, Anthony keeps Allin down while attacking him with strikes. Allin fights back to trip Anthony up and apply an arm bar to him, Anthony eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Allin drops Anthony again before reapplying the arm bar to him, Anthony eventually gets to the ropes again. Anthony rolls to the ring apron and he rakes the eyes of Allin, Anthony then clotheslines Allin to the arena floor. Anthony gets Allin to the ring apron and Allin sends him shoulder first into the ring post, Allin then hits Anthony with a Coffin Drop and both crash to the arena floor. Allin waits for Anthony to get back in the ring to land a stunner and Coffin Drop for a three count.
Winner: Darby Allin
After the match, Brian Cage hits the ring and he attacks Darby Allin, Robert Anthony tries making the save and Ricky Starks attacks him. Cage then hits Allin with multiple power bombs, Starks then hits Allin with a double underhook DDT.
The Butcher & The Blade vs. Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates
The match begins with Blade backing Cutleer into the corner before landing a few strikes, Cutler fights back and he lands some strikes of his own. Cutler then nails Blade with a springboard forearm strike, Butcher and Avalon are tagged in by their respective partners. Butcher quickly drops Avalon before tagging Blade in, Butcher and Blade double team Avalon for a near fall. Butcher tags back in and Avalon shoves him into Blade, Avalon then hits Butcher with a drop kick. Cutler tags in and he catches Butcher in a roll up for a near fall, Avalon tags back in and Butcher nails both opponents with a double suplex. Blade tags in and he knocks Cutler out of the ring, Blade then drops a swinging Avalon on the top rope. Butcher tags in and he nails Avalon with a clothesline followed by some strikes, Butcher then drops Avalon with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Blade tags in and he attacks a cornered Avalon, Butcher tags back in and he nails Avalon with a suplex for a near fall. Butcher then tosses Avalon out of the ring before Leva leaps onto him, Avalon then takes Leva and Butcher out with a suicide dive. Blade tags in and Cutler gets a tag a short time later, Cutler quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Cutler lands kicks on both opponents before hitting Blade with a springboard drop kick.
Cutler clears the ring before nailing everybody with suicide dives, Avalon tags in and he nails Blade with a frog splash for a near fall. Avalon follows up by nailing Blade with a double knee strike, Cutler tags in and he nails Blade with a springboard elbow drop. Avalon interferes and he attacks Blade before eating a spear from Butcher, Butcher tags in and Cutler is hit with Full Death for a three count.
Winners: The Butcher & The Blade