Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card. Follow us on both Facebook and Instagram!
- AEW commentator Jim Ross kicks off tonight's AEW Dynamite with "It's Wednesday Night, and you know what that means." The show is coming to us from Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.
- The show begins with Tony Schiavone in the ring with AEW Owner and CEO Tony Khan for their big announcement. Tony Khan thanks all the fans for making the company what it is today. Tony Khan has announced that he has purchased Ring of Honor. Khan made a joke that "Shane is not here" referencing when the WWF purchased WCW. Khan talks about Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels and how they wrestled at the first Ring of Honor show and kick-off Dynamite.
Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels
Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson shake hands before locking up. Danielson and Daniels counter each other's holds and maneuvers.
The crowd chants "Fallen Angel," and Danielson poses in the middle of the ring.
Danielson takes Daniels down with a shoulder tackle. Danielson takes Daniels down and hits him with an arm breaker. Daniels knocks Danielson outside the ring; Daniels hits Danielson with a springboard moonsault. Danielson counters Daniels crossbody dive with a kick. Danielson begins teeing off on Daniels with multiple kicks to the chest.
Danielson lays in some more knees and begins working on Daniels's back. Daniels makes it over to the ropes, and the hold is released. Danielson and Daniels exchange chops; Daniels sends Daniels into the ropes and hits him with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Daniels takes Bryan down with an STO. Daniels slams Danielson and goes for the pin attempt, but Danielson kicks out at two. Danielson hits Daniels with a running jump kick. Danielson kicks Daniels multiple times and then follows it up with numerous chops. Danielson and Daniels go to the top rope, and he headbutts Danielson and knocks him off the ropes.
Danielson and Daniels exchange pin attempts, and now they exchange strikes. First, Danielson hits Daniels with a rolling elbow strike; he goes for the pin; however, Daniels kicks out.
Daniels goes for the top rope hurricanrana, now, Daniels goes for Best Moonsault Ever, and Danielson counters it immediately into a triangle sleeper. Paul Turner calls for the bell, and Danielson gets the victory.
After the match, Danielson cuts a promo talking about his first match in Ring of Honor, and the match would start with a handshake. Danielson says, "I'm not in Ring of Honor, I am in AEW, and it's time to kick someone's head in." Danielson begins kicking Daniels's head multiple times. Now, Danielson says the same will happen to Jon Moxley this weekend.
Jon Moxley's music hits, and he says that "his story is just beginning and he is writing the story and the first chapter will be written in blood." Moxley then challenges Danielson to go.
Winner: Bryan Danielson
- Darby Allin and Sting cut a backstage promo. They are cutting a promo for the upcoming AEW Rampage match for the TNT Championship.
Tag-Team Casino Royale
FTR and Top Flight with a returning Darius Martin kick off the match, the bell rings, and both teams begin going at it. Top Flight controls the action; the next team out is The Acclaimed. Max Caster cuts a rap taking a shot of ROH and Glen Jacobs's tweets. The Acclaimed enter the ring, and FTR begins attacking them right away. The next team out is Dark Order's Alan Angels, and Number 10 are out next, and they take charge right away. There have been four teams so far, and nobody has been eliminated. The Butcher and The Blade are the following teams out.
The first person eliminated is Alan Angels by FTR; the next team out is Varsity Blondes as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break. Bear Country is now out, and Brian Pillman Jr. is eliminated. Proud and Powerful are the next ones who come out and eliminate Bear Country. The Best Friends and The Dark Order's Stu Grayson and Evil Uno are the following two teams out. Max Caster and The Blade have been eliminated, Anthony Bowens gets hit with The Big Rig by FTR. The Young Bucks are now out. The Gunn Club comes in and is eliminated thirty seconds later by FTR and The Young Bucks. Next, Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson come out. Finally, Bowens eliminates 10 of The Dark Order.
Now, Stu Grayson was eliminated by Anthony Bowens. 2Point0 is the last team out; Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson get eliminated. Top Flight eliminates Anthony Bowens. Danhausen is out, putting a "curse" on Evil Uno, and Trent Berretta eliminates Evil Uno. 2Point0 gets eliminated, Dante Martin and Cash Wheeler eliminate each other. Matt Jackson eliminates Dax Harwood, The Young Bucks, and Darius Martin are the only ones left. Darius hits Matt Jackson with a standing Spanish Fly. Darius and Matt Jackson exchange strikes outside the ropes; Matt hits Darius with a low blow and then hits him with a superkick. The Young Bucks win and will now face reDRagon and Jurassic Express for the AEW Tag-Team titles at AEW Revolution.
Winners: The Young Bucks
- Chris Jericho is cutting a backstage segment and promoting his upcoming match against Eddie Kingston at AEW Revolution. Jericho says if Kingston beats him and he will get his undying respect. Proud and Powerful appear, Jericho asks them if they are good, and they both nod in agreement.
- CM Punk makes his way out for a promo, and he starts by asking himself, “am I the bad guy?” Punk says, “up until a week ago; I thought I was a week ago.” Punk talks about MJF and says he does not know if MJF is sincere. He talks about his famous photo with Stone Cold Steve Austin; how MJF attacked Dean Malenko; Malenko says Malenko is suffering from Parkinson’s. MJF verbally assaulted the late-great Brian Pillman. Punk calls out MJF, and MJF comes out, and Punk tells MJF about all the things he’s done. Punk says, “hurt people, hurt people,” and Punk says to MJF that “somewhere there is an 11-year-old kid who looks up to you, the way you looked up to me.”
Punk holds out his hand, and MJF hugs him; MJF then hits Punk with a low blow. Now, MJF hits Punk with the heat seeker. MJF tells The Pinnacle to come out, and they do; Wardlow hands the Dynamite Diamond Ring and hits Punk with it. Again, MJF beats Punk, and Punk is bloodied up. MJF gets in the face of CM Punk and says, “I am a snake.” Darby Allin, Sting, and Sammy Guevara run out to stop MJF and MJF retreats.
- Keith Lee is about to cut a promo and is interrupted by Ricky Starks and PowerHouse Hobbs. Lee has a match on Rampage, and Starks wants to remind him that he runs Rampage.
Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. and Jamie Hayter ( w/ Rebel) vs. Thunder Rosa and Mercedes Martinez
Before the bell rings, all four women begin fighting. Mercedes Martinez and Dr. Britt Baker start things; Baker takes Martinez down to the canvas and tags Jamie Hayter. Martinez makes it over to tag in Thunder Rosa. Rebel gets involved with Rosa, and now all four women are fighting in the ring as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.
We return from the break with Martinez getting the hot tag from Thunder Rosa; Martinez hits Hayter with a suplex. Hayter hits Martinez with a backbreaker, and Baker hits Martinez with a superkick. Baker tries to go for the Lockjaw; however, Martinez avoids it and tags in Thunder Rosa.
Baker and Rosa are exchanging strikes; Rosa hits Baker with the Death Valley Driver. Finally, Rosa hits Baker with the Fire Thunder Driver and pins Baker to victory.
Winners: Thunder Rosa and Mercedes Martinez
- Tay Conti says she will challenge Jade Cargill for the TBS Women’s Championship. Jade Cargill and "Smart" Mark Spears appear and Cargill attempts to set Conti off, but Anna Jay holds her back.
- A vignette airs promoting the upcoming match between Kris Statlander and “Legit” Leyla Hirsch.
Mr. Mayhem Wardlow ( w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Cezar Bononi
Cezar Bononi hits Wardlow; however, Wardlow comes back and hits Bononi with a Powerbomb. Wardlow does two more and then pins Bononi. Shawn Spears enters the ring and tries and hit Bononi with the chair, but Wardlow stops him. They get into each other's face, and Spears backs away.
Winner: Mr. Mayhem Wardlow ( w/ Shawn Spears)
- AEW announcers Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur begin promoting AEW Rampage and go over the matches for AEW Revolution.
Adam Cole and reDragon vs. Adam Page, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds
Bobby Fish gets tagged in, and Page takes control right away. Bobby Fish tags in Kyle O’Reilly, and Page hits the ropes and stops the double-team from O’Reilly and Fish. Page tags in John Silver.
Now, John Silver takes down Kyle O’Reilly, and then he tags in Alex Reynolds, and they hit O’Reilly with a combination attack and slam. Kyle O’Reilly recovers, and he begins stretching out Reynolds; O’Reilly hits him with multiple elbows. Finally, Reynolds gets out of O’Reilly’s grasp and gets to Page for the hot tag. O’Reilly tags in Adam Cole, Page attempts to go for the Dead Eye, but Cole gets out of it. So we go to our last picture-in-picture commercial break of the evening with neither team in control. Now, during the break, John Silver is in, and he gets taken down right away by Kyle O’Reilly. Adam Cole and reDRagon take control of the match and are beating down Silver by constantly tagging in and out.
Cole takes down Silver and then attempts to goat Page and Reynolds to go after him. Cole then sends Reynolds into the guardrail. Silver makes it over to Page to the hot tag, Cole tags out immediately, and Page clears the ring. O’Reilly makes it to Cole for the tag, and they get into each other’s faces. Cole hits Silver with a neckbreaker; Page hits Cole with a big lariat. Cole hits Page with an enzuigiri. Reynolds gets the tag, and Reynolds hits Cole with a running knee strike. Cole comes right back, and he nails Reynolds with two superkicks, and then Cole hits Reynolds with The Boom. Cole pins Reynolds and gets the win. After the match, Cole and reDRagon begin attacking Page, Silver, and Reynolds. Now, reDRagon duct tapes Page to the ropes, and now all three men start beating down their competitors. Cole hits Reynolds with the Panama Sunrise. We see Adam Cole and reDRagon stand tall and pose as the show goes off the air.
Winners: Adam Cole and reDragon