Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- Head AEW Commentator Jim Ross begins the show with, "It's Wednesday night, and you know what that means." Ross then welcomes the viewer to AEW Dynamite live from the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- We go to a backstage promo with MJF and Wardlow with both men promoting tonight's main event in Labour Match Number Four; Chris Jericho vs. Wardlow.
Dante Martin and The Sydal Brothers vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) (w/ Brandon Cutler, Michael Nakazawa, and Don Callis)
Before the match begins, AEW commentator Excalibur says that Kenny Omega will officially face AEW number one contender Christian Cage at All Out.
The match begins with Matt Sydal and Matt Jackson; Sydal hits a standing senton to start things. Then, matt tags his brother Mike Sydal, and he goes right after Matt Jackson. Matt Jackson gets a few strikes in, Mike tags in Dante Martin, and now Nick Jackson gets the tag from his brother.
The Sydal Brothers hit a stereo dropkick after Omega hits Martin with a cheap shot; however, Kenny Omega is not the legal man.
Dante Martin gets an assist by The Sydal Brothers and hits The Young Bucks and Omega with a swan dive over the top rope. Dante Martin tags in Mike Sydal, and Nick tags in Omega. Omega takes down Mike Sydal, and he quickly tags in Matt Jackson. Matt and Kenny each exchange tags after each getting in a few strikes. The Elite are triple-teaming Mike Sydal in their corner; Omega hits Mike Sydal with a big chop, and then Omega and Nick Jackson hit Mike Sydal with a facebuster.
Matt Sydal avoids a strike from Nick Jackson and tags in Nick Sydal for the hot tag. Sydal hits The Young Bucks with a double hurricanrana. Omega hits multiple snapdragon suplexes, Dante then avoids multiple shots from Omega, and now Matt Sydal gets to Dante Martin for the hot tag. Martin hits Omega with a tope suicida. Next, Dante hits a swan dive hurricanrana. Omega now hits the V-Trigger and then goes for one-winged angel, Martin counters and gets out of it. Omega hits another V-Trigger, and The Young Bucks hit Martin with a superkick. Omega ends it with another V-Trigger and a One-Winged Angel. Omega then pins Martin, and The Elite wins.
Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks) (w/ Brandon Cutler, Michael Nakazawa, and Don Callis)
- After the match, Tony Schiavone goes in to interview The Elite; Callis takes the microphone and is immediately interrupted by Christian Cage. Callis calls Cage "The Stamford Stooge" Callis then asks Cage if he is dumb because there are ten members of The Elite and only one of him. Then the music hits for Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus.
Finally, the commentators tease what we will hear after the commercial break. First, Christian Cage says he talked to Tony Kahn, and their match will happen at All Out. Next, Christian Cage says he will wrestle Omega for the Impact Championship on the first episode of AEW Rampage. Then Jungle Boy interrupts and says he talked to Tony Khan and that next week's Dynamite, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus will challenge The Young Bucks for the AEW Tag-Team Championship titles.
- We get a promo from Malakai Black, and he talks about how he took out Cody Rhodes.
- We get a preview for the new AEW series "Rhodes to the Top" before going to another commercial break.
- Miro cuts a promo and states that he will face Fuego Del Sol on Rampage, and if Del Sol wins, he will get an AEW contract.
Daniel Garcia (w/ 2.0) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Sting)
Darby Allin and Daniel Garcia begin with a tie-up; Garcia sends Allin to the corner and releases the hold. They tie up again, and Darby Allin takes control. Garcia and Allin are countering each other's moves. Allin attempts to put an armbar on Garcia, Garcia reaches the ropes. 2.0 then distracts the referee, which allows Garcia to get in a cheap shot in on Allin.
Sting walks over to Matt Lee, and 2.0 stops what they are doing. Garcia essentially hits Allin with an arm drag into the corner turnbuckles. AEW heads out for a commercial break.
We return from the commercial break, and Allin avoids a senton from Garcia. Allin goes to the top turnbuckle for a move; however, 2.0 distracts Allin. Garcia takes advantage and takes Allin down with a heavy strike. Garcia, now as the hammerlock on, Allin makes it to the rope. Garcia and Allin and exchange strikes and counters; Garcia is down after a firm strike from Allin. Allin goes to finish the match and hits the Coffin Drop to get the victory.
Winner: Darby Allin (w/ Sting)
- We get a promo from The Lucha Bros. and PAC; PAC tells The Lucha Bros. that he wants them to avoid Andrade and keep their focus on the AEW Tag-Team Championship.
Orange Cassidy, Chuckie T, and Wheeler Yuta (w/ Kris Statlander) vs. Matt Hardy and Private Party (w/ The Blade, The Bunny, Hybrid )
Orange Cassidy and Matt Hardy begin the match, Cassidy goes to put his hands in his pocket, but Hardy won't let him. Cassidy then takes Hardy's hand and puts it in his pocket. Hardy gets out of it and hits Cassidy with the side effect.
Isiah Kassidy is tagged in, and he gets a few shots in on Cassidy; however, Wheeler Yuta is tagged in by Orange Cassidy, and he hits a splash on Kassidy in the corner. Marq Quen assists Isiah Kassidy and sends Yuta to the outside of the ring. We head out for a commercial break.
We are back from the break, and Yuta takes out Private Party with a missile dropkick. The Bunny gets involved in the match, and Kris Statlander attempts to stop her; however, Statlander gets attacked by Nyla Rose. Private Party hits Gin & Juice on Wheeler Yuta. Cassidy breaks up the pin attempt; Matt Hardy then pushes Isiah Kassidy into Orange Cassidy. Hardy is the legal man, and he hits Yuta with the Twist of Fate to get the pin and the win.
Winners: Matt Hardy and Private Party (w/ The Blade, The Bunny, Hybrid )
- We get a promo from Andrade El Idolo, and Chavo Guerrero cut a promo and challenges PAC at All Out.
- We get a promo of Proud & Powerful telling FTR that they want to fight them again.
Kris Statlander (w/ Orange Cassidy) vs. Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)
The match starts right away when Nyla Rose attacks Kris Statlander right away. Rose is entirely in control; Rose has Statlander on the ropes. Rose distracts the referee, and Vickie Guerrero takes a cheap shot at Statlander.
Statlander is now on fire and getting a bunch of strikes in on Rose. However, it does not last long. Rose chokeslams Statlander. Rose has Statlander on the top rope and goes for the flying knee, but Statlander gets away from Rose.Rose takes Statlander to the corner turnbuckle, and Statlander counters and powerbomb's Rose. Statlander then goes for and hits the Aerial 451 to get the pin and the big win.
Winner: Kris Statlander (w/ Orange Cassidy)
- We get a promo from The Young Bucks talking about their match next week against Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus. They have a basketball and attempt to dunk the ball, and Luchasaurus blocks it and knocks both Matt and Nick Jackson down. Jungle Boy then hits a slam dunk and tosses the ball at Nick.
- They air a promo of the upcoming AEW Rampage main event with Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. vs. Red Velvet.
- Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D.; Tony tells the crowd to start waving their Terrible Towels. Baker makes her way to the ring and gets a massive reaction, as expected. The crowd is chanting "DMD." Tony asks Baker about what she thinks about the rise of Red Velvet. Baker says, "she cannot relate because she has always been the baddest bitch". Baker says she bleeds Black and Gold like everyone here, and they had a tough year, so she offers hope (Baker raises her title). Baker says Velvet has no shot at beating her in Brittsburgh. Red Velvet attempts to attack Baker, but she does not get any shots in really.
- There is a promo setting up Brian Cage and Ricky Starks to meet next week.
Impact Tag-Team World Championship
Good Brothers (w/ Brandon Cutler) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson)
Scott D'Amore joins commentary for this match. Before the match, Stu Grayson hits The Good Brothers with a big dive over the top rope. The bell rings, and Evil Uno starts with a flurry of strikes on Karl Anderson. Uno tags in Grayson and he gets a few strikes in, but control goes to The Good Brothers after Brandon Cutler gets involved and trips Grayson. Colt Cabana then hits Cutler with a big right hand. Cutler retreats, and now Frankie Kazarian is on the ramp. Kazarian starts beating Cutler down and takes him away. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.
We return from the break with The Good Brothers in control; Grayson then hits both men with a flurry of strikes and takes both of The Good Brothers down. The Good Brothers go for The Magic Killer, but Evil Uno breaks it up; Uno hits Anderson with a flat liner. Gallows distracts the ref, and Anderson hits the gun stun, allowing The Good Brothers to hit the Magic Killer and get the victory and retain their Impact Tag-Team titles.
Winners: The Good Brothers
- We get a promo for Leyla Hirsch and Kamille promoting their upcoming match at NWA EmPowerr
- The Factory is in the ring for an apology to Tony Schiavone. QT Marshall says he won't apologize for what he is about to do, and he has Nick Comoroto grab Tony Schiavone's son, and Marshall punches Tony's son, and then Marshall hits Tony's son with a Diamond Cutter. Paul Wight's music hits, and he makes the save. QT pushes Aaron Solow into Wight, and Wight hits Solow with a big chokeslam.
- We are back from the commercial break and show Joey Janela attacking Sonny Kiss from AEW Dark: Elevation.
Labour Match Number Four
Chris Jericho vs. Wardlow (w/ MJF)
The match begins with Chris Jericho going right after Wardlow; Wardlow does not let Jericho get many strikes in. Wardlow is throwing Jericho around with ease. Wardlow is beating down Jericho now outside the ring; Wardlow throws Jericho into the rails outside the ring. Wardlow rolls Jericho back into the ring and hits Jericho with multiple powerbomb's. We go to the last picture-in-picture commercial break.
Wardlow distracts the ref, allowing MJF to attack Jericho; soon after, Wardlow hits Jericho with another powerbomb. Jericho hits Wardlow with a few chops, but they are doing anything to Wardlow. Wardlow has hit Jericho with a half-dozen powerbombs. Finally, Wardlow hits Jericho with an F-10; Wardlow goes to end it in the corner; however, Jericho counters and puts Wardlow in the Walls of Jericho.
MJF rakes the eyes of Jericho; the referee is distracted, and MJF attempts to hand something to Wardlow; however, the Referee, Aubrey Edwards, catches him and sends MJF to the back. Jericho has Floyd (Baseball Bat) and hits Wardlow with it. Jericho then hits the Judas Effect to get a big victory and faces MJF next week on Dynamite.
After the match, Shawn Spears enters the ring and attacks Jericho. Sammy Guevara comes down and attempts to save Jericho; however, Wardlow is back up, attacking Guevara. MJF runs back down and has Jericho in a submission hold; Jericho is tapping out. Jake Hager is now out and makes the save. MJF, Wardlow, and Spears retreat. MJF then tells Jericho his stipulation next week is "No Judas." Jericho cannot use the Judas Effect or his entrance music; Judas or MJF automatically wins. The show then goes off the air.
Winner: Chris Jericho