IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/24/22): Tasha Steelz Defends Knockouts Championship Against Mickie James + More

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (3/24/22)!

We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

Taz Says He's Getting Stronger Every Day After Undergoing Successful Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The show begins and our commentary team of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight's show and Josh Alexander makes his way down to the ring. Alexander addresses Moose show up at his house last week and the aforementioned IMPACT World Champion doesn't waste any time in interrupting. Moose comes down to the ring and says at Rebellion, he'll disappoint his son Seth when he doesn't come home with the IMPACT World Title. Alexander's heard enough and attacks Moose. The pair brawl on the stage and it spills throughout the backstage area where other IMPACT stars break it up and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D'Amore is backstage with Josh Alexander. D'Amore says Madman Fulton and the rest of the locker room might've saved him by stopping the brawl. D'Amore tells Alexander to get his emotions in check because he has a chance to get the IMPACT World Championship back. Alexander says his emotions are in long as Moose stays away from his family. Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt run down next weekend's Multiverse of Matches card as well as tonight's card and it's time for our opening contest of the evening.

Willie Mack vs. Laredo Kid vs. 'Speedball' Mike Bailey — Winner Advances To IMPACT X-Division Championship Match At Rebellion

A triple lock-up to start, Mack throws both Laredo and Bailey to the mat, both quickly kip up and hit Mack with a double drop-kick. Mack tosses Laredo out of the ring with a hurricanrana, nails Bailey with a drop-kick that sends Bailey out of the ring then Mack dives through the ropes and takes both Laredo and Bailey and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and everyone's brawling, Mack gets Laredo to the mat with a slam then takes Bailey out with a thunderous chop to the chest but Bailey comes back with a bevy of kicks and drops the big man with a step-up enziguri. Bailey goes for a spring-board kick, Laredo slides out and lands a suplex, then goes up top and nails Bailey with a splash then goes for the cover but Bailey lifts the shoulders. Mack lands a Samoan drop on Bailey and then a standing moonsault before going for the cover but Laredo breaks up the pin. Mack plants Laredo with a Razor's Edge, Bailey tosses Mack out, covers Laredo and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winner - Mike 'Speedball' Bailey (Qualifies For The X-Division Championship Match At Rebellion)

Backstage, we see Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson of Good Brothers. Doc says it's about time they get their rematch for the IMPACT Tag Titles and tonight, Bullet Club will be by their side as they recapture gold.

Steve Maclin vs. Heath

Maclin and Heath brawl on the outside to start. Maclin tosses Heath into the barricade, then the steps before tossing him to the ring to officially start this one. Maclin lands a back-breaker, Heath comes firing back with some strikes, then a DDT and goes for the cover but Maclin kicks out at two. Maclin takes back control and holds Heath down, uses the ropes as leverage behind the referee's back and gets the three-count for the win!

Winner - Steve Maclin

After the match, Rhino rushes the ring and obliterates Maclin with a massive Gore.

We then see Tenille Dashwood backstage alongside Kaleb with a K. Tenille grills Kaleb about if he's loyal to she and Madison Rayne or to Cassie Lee and Jessie McKay of The IInspiration. Kaleb tries to scurry off but Madison and Johnny Swinger stop him fro leaving. Kaleb says he's loyal to Tenille and Madison then Madison reveals a lie detector test and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see a pre-taped promo from JONAH, who announces that he'll be facing Tomohiro Ishii from NJPW at Rebellion.

Violent By Design (Eric Young & Joe Doering) (C) (with Deaner) vs. Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) — Lumberjack Match, IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship

A brawl to start, all four men spill to the outside, the lumberjacks toss every back in the ring. Doering and Anderson are the legal men, Doering plants Anderson with a slam, makes the tag to Young, who lands an elbow-drop then goes for the cover but Anderson kicks out. Gallows and Anderson storm back and drill Young with the Magic Killer, Doering tosses Gallows out of the ring, the lumberjacks grab Gallows and Doering dives through the ropes and takes everyone out. Mike Bennett low-blows Anderson, Matt Taven hits the Climax and Young covers Anderson and gets the 1-2-3 to retain their titles!

Winners - Violent By Design (C)

We then see Gia Miller backstage with Savannah Evans and IMPACT Knockouts Champion Tasha Steelz. Miller asks Evans if Steelz is making her stay backstage for her match, tonight. Steelz mocks Miller and says that she's telling Evans to stay backstage ahead of tonight's title defense. Steelz and Evans make their way out and we head back to the ring for our next matchup.

Eddie Edwards vs. Rocky Romero

Both men slug it out to start, Edwards gets the better of the exchange and sends Romero to the outside with a clubbing forearm and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Romero slams Edwards, they exchange heavy strikes back-and-forth, Rocky gets the better of it, nails Edwards with a DDT, Eddie counters a slam into the Blue Thunder Bomb then goes for the cover but Romero kicks out. Romero with a few punches, Edwards fires back with a few of his own, Romero looks for a German suplex but Edwards rolls him up and gets the win!

Winner - Eddie Edwards

After the match, Edwards goes to shake Romero's hand, Romero extends his hand but Edwards attacks him. Ring of Honor World Champion Jonathan Gresham rushes down to the ring and makes the save. Gresham and Romero shake hands, Edwards and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see Johnny Swinger in the 'Swinger's Dungeon'. Zicky Dice exits the dungeon and says he can't wait to come back and Swinger informs Dice that the pair will be teaming up, next week. We then cut back to the ring and it's time for our main event of the evening.

Tasha Steelz (C) vs. Mickie James — Philadelphia Street Fight, IMPACT Knockouts World Championship

Both competitors waste no time in getting violent. A brawl ensues. Mickie with a neck-breaker on the entrance ramp and tosses Tasha back down the ramp to the ringside area and we head to an early commercial break. Back from the break and Tasha puts a garbage can over Mickie's head before drilling her with a kendo stick. Savannah Evans makes her way down to the ring, Tasha and Mickie hit each other with steel chairs, Tasha clocks Mickie with a stop sign, Mickie returns fire and does the same to Tasha. Mickie goes up top and nails Tasha with a dive, then lands the Mick-DT and goes for the cover but Savannah breaks up the pin. Mickie dives onto Savannah on the outside through the ropes but Savannah catches her and launches Mickie into the ring post. Chelsea Green rushes down with a steel chair but she sets up the chair and sits in it whilst Mickie's being attacked. Tasha and Savannah double-team Mickie then Tasha goes up top and lands a splash onto Mickie for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winner - Tasha Steelz (C)

After the match, Chelsea mocks Mickie, they brawl but Matt Cardona comes out of nowhere and plants Mickie with Radio Silence and he and Chelsea celebrate as the show goes off-the-air.

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