IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results: Josh Alexander Defends World Title Against Eric Young, More

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Steve Austin Provides Another Post-Knee Surgery Update, 'I’m In A Good Place, But I’ve Got Some Work To Do'


  • Josh Alexander (C) vs. Eric Young — IMPACT World Championship
  • Tasha Steelz (C) vs. Mia Yim vs. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Chelsea Green — Queen of The Mountain Match, IMPACT Knockouts World Championship
  • Ace Austin (C) vs. Trey Miguel vs. Kenny King vs. Andrew Everett vs. Alex Zayne — Ultimate X Match, IMPACT X Division Championship
  • The Briscoes (C) vs. Good Brothers — IMPACT World Tag Team Championship
  • The Influence (C) vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary — IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship
  • IMPACT Originals vs. Honor No More — 10-Man Tag Team Match
  • Moose vs. Sami Callihan — Monster's Ball Match

Live Coverage

Ace Austin (C) vs. Trey Miguel vs. Kenny King vs. Andrew Everett vs. Alex Zayne — Ultimate X Match, IMPACT X Division Championship

Austin attacks everyone with his cane right as the bell sounds. Speedball takes out the champion and stands tall as the lone competitor in the ring. Speedball wallops everyone on the outside with a dive over the top rope, and Zayne gets in the ring and does the same. Zayne starts to climb the X but Miguel comes in and trips him to the mat. King comes in and drills Miguel with a super kick but Miguel fires back with a hurricanrana that sends the Honor No More member to the outside. Austin and Everett are the lone participants in the ring and they go at it. Miguel comes in and nails Austin with a neck breaker and Speedball tries to get in the ring but Austin kicks him to the outside.

Everett plants Miguel with a German suplex on the apron and then goes up top but Zayne knocks him back. Miguel climbs the X but Zayne and King drop him to the mat with a double powerbomb. Speedball takes advantage of everyone being down and makes the climb but he decides to leap off the cable and take out Austin, Zayne, and King. Speedball drills Everett with an enziguri, Zayne comes in and dives off the top rope with a missile dropkick that takes out the entire field. Miguel goes up top and drills Zayne with a destroyer off the top turnbuckle. Austin and Everett come face-to-face in the ring. Austin drills him with a super kick then dives over the top rope to take everyone else out at ringside.

Everett plants Miguel with a German suplex then goes up top and drills Miguel with a diving corkscrew kick. Everett gets tossed out of the ring by Zayne and Zayne, and Miguel and Austin brawl in the ring. Speedball and Austin take out King, who just came back into the ring and Everett begins the climb up to the top but Speedball hits him with head scissors. Zayne climbs the X, Austin knocks him down, Speedball trips Austin to the mat and retrieves the belt! New champion!

Winner - 'Speedball' Mike Bailey (NEW IMPACT X Division Champion)

The Influence (Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne) (C) vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary — IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Valkyrie and Rayne start this one off. Valkyrie drills Rayne with a slam then grabs Rayne in a headlock and backs up to her corner where Rosemary makes the self-tag. All four competitors start to brawl, Valkyrie and Rosemary hit Rayne and Dashwood with matching suplexes and both go for the cover but both Rayne and Dashwood kick out. The brawl continues, The Influence send Valkyrie to the outside and hit a double leg sweep on Rosemary, Rayne goes for the cover but Valkyrie comes in and breaks it up. Valkyrie sends Dashwood to the outside, and Rosemary hits her finisher on Rayne and gets the 1-2-3! New champs!

Winner - Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary (NEW IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champions)

We then see a special message from former IMPACT World Champion, Kurt Angle, congratulating the company on their 20-year anniversary.

Moose vs. Sami Callihan — Monster's Ball Match

This one takes no time in getting started and the brawl begins down the entrance ramp. Callihan cracks Moose with an uppercut and retrieves a table from underneath the ring and sets it up at ringside but Moose rocks him with a right hook and slams Callihan on the entrance ramp. Moose cracks Callihan with a steel chair and Callihan is busted open. Moose plants Callihan with a choke slam through the table and tosses him back into the ring. Moose grabs another couple of steel chairs and brings them into the ring. Moose puts Callihan's surgically repaired knee inside of one of the chairs and tries to smash Callihan's knee with the other chair but Callihan kicks him back and fires him into a garbage can that was by the ring. Callihan puts Moose's head into the can and dumps him upside down into it before going to the outside, where he gets a door wrapped in barbed wire.

Callihan tosses the door into the ring and sets it up in the corner but Moose knocks Callihan back and goes up top. Callihan shoves Moose off the top turnbuckle and Moose goes flying out of the ring and through a table on the outside! Callihan goes to the outside and tosses Moose back into the ring and Callihan grabs a bag of thumbtacks on his way back in. Callihan dumps the tacks all over the ring, scoops Moose up, and goes to the middle rope but Moose grabs him and plants him with a spinning two-hand chokeslam directly onto the tacks and goes for the cover but Callihan lifts the shoulders at two and a half! Callihan kicks Moose back and powerbombs him through the barbed wire table!

Callihan grabs a steel garbage can lid and finds another that he tosses to Moose and the brawl begins as both start cracking each other with lids until they knock each other out. Both competitors struggle to their feet and trade strikes, Callihan scoops Moose and dumps him on his head with a piledriver and goes for the cover but Moose kicks out! Callihan goes for another piledriver but Moose shoves him back and grabs the garbage can and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Moose drags Callihan to the corner and goes up top but Callihan fights out and plants Moose with a powerbomb onto the can and plants him with another piledriver and goes for the cover but Moose launches Callihan off of him and screams in Callihan's face. Callihan grabs a barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat and cracks Moose with it then lands another piledriver and Callihan gets the three-count!

Winner - Sami Callihan

The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) (C) vs. Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) — IMPACT World Tag Team Championship

A brawl starts this one off. Jay and Karl battle it out on the stage and entrance ramp as Doc and Mark go at it at the ringside area. The team's switch off on who they're attacking but the brawl stays on the outside. Mark and Karl get in the ring but Mark quickly tosses Karl to the outside and grabs a steel chair that he sets up in the ring. Mark launches himself off the chair and takes out both Doc and Karl on the outside. Mark and Karl finally get in the ring and this one is officially underway. Karl takes out Mark with a super kick but Mark trips Karl to the mat and makes the tag to Jay.

Doc interferes and it gets Karl the momentum back. Karl slams Jay but Jay comes back with a slam of his own and goes for the cover but Karl kicks out and makes the tag to Doc, who comes in and cracks Jay with a pump kick and Jay tags out to Mark. Karl and Mark trade chops to the chest, Mark drops Karl to the mat with an elbow and Doc comes in and attacks Mark but Mark goes up top and lays Doc out with a diving clothesline then plants Karl with a German suplex. Mark puts Karl on the top turbuckle and slams him to the mat with an flying overhead slam before going for the cover but Karl kicks out.

Mark goes up top but Karl trips him and follows him up but Mark knocks Karl back and dives down with a cross body but Karl evades and plants Mark with a brainbuster then goes for the cover but Mark kicks out after a two-count. Karl makes the tag to Doc, who slams Mark and goes for the cover but Mark kicks out yet again. Doc plants Mark with another slam and goes for another cover but once again, Mark lifts the shoulders. Doc makes the tag to Karl and Mark and Karl trade elbows and forearms in the center of the ring until Karl plants Mark with a flatliner. Karl sends Mark to the corner and drills him with a corner splash then throws him to the opposite corner and goes for another but Mark slides out and makes the tag to Jay.

Karl trips Jay but Jay comes back with an ax handle DDT then puts Karl on the top turnbuckle. Karl jumps down and Mark goes up top but Doc interferes and tosses Mark out of the ring. Doc and Karl hit Magic Killer on Jay, Karl makes the cover and gets the 1-2-3! New champions!

Winners - Good Brothers (NEW IMPACT World Tag Team Champions)

After the match, James Storm and Chris Harris of America's Most Wanted's music hits and out come the former champions! All three teams stare each other down and Storm grabs a microphone. Storm offers both Briscoe brothers as well as Doc and Karl a beer, he and Harris grab one and they toast to the IMPACT Wrestling tag team division. Storm says America's Most Wanted is back, all six men toast to one another and the segment ends.

We then see a video package highlighting the legendary commentary duo of Mike Tenay and Don West.

Legendary referee Earl Hebner is shown in the crowd just days after the untimely passing of his brother, the late, great Dave Hebner.

IMPACT Originals (Nick Aldis, Frankie Kazarian, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley & TBA) vs. Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, PCO & Vincent) (with Maria Kanellis) — 10-Man Tag Team Match

Christy Hemme makes the introductions for this one. After Team IMPACT make their entrances, former TNA/IMPACT Wrestling President Dixie Carter makes her way out and announces the fifth and final member of Team IMPACT as Eddie Edwards' former tag team partner, Davey Richards! Sabin and Shelley attack Bennett and Taven right as the bell sounds. Bennett nails Sabin with a brain buster then goes for a quick cover but Sabin kicks out.

Sabin plants Bennett with a snap suplex and goes for a cover of his own but Bennett kicks out. Sabin makes the tag to Aldis, who slams Bennett to the mat and makes the quick tag to Kazarian as Bennett tags in Vincent. Kazarian sends Vincent to the corner and slams Vincent to the mat and goes for the cover but Vincent kicks out and makes the tag to Edwards. A brawl breaks out by all 10 competitors, Shelley takes out the entirety of Honor No More with an outside dive.

Richards applies a rear-naked choke on Taven, Shelley locks up Bennett with an abdominal stretch, Aldis has a cloverleaf on Vincent but Edwards and PCO make the save. PCO lays Aldis out with a slam then goes up top and cracks Aldis with a moonsault. Aldis comes back with a slam of his own and makes the tag to Richards, who hits PCO with a double stomp. Traci Brooks comes down to the ring and takes out an interfering Maria Kanellis.

Kenny King comes down to the ring but D’Lo Brown rushes the ring and takes King out then goes up top and lands a frog splash on King. Sabin and Shelley take out Bennett and Taven and Sabin plants PCO with the Cradle Shock, the referee was taken out so Earl Hebner jumps the barricade and comes in the ring and makes the 1-2-3!

Winners - IMPACT Originals

We then see current WWE star AJ Styles send in a video congratulating IMPACT Wrestling on their 20th anniversary.

Tasha Steelz (C) vs. Mia Yim vs. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Chelsea Green — Queen of The Mountain Match, IMPACT Knockouts World Championship

Mickie James is the special guest enforcer for this one. Steelz exits the ring as soon as the bell rings. Yim and Green go at it while Grace and Purrazzo lock up on the other side of the ring. Steelz sets up a table on the outside while back in the ring, Green and Purrazzo double team Yim. Green covers Yim but Yim kicks out. Purrazzo and Green continue their double team on Yim and send her to the outside. Purrazzo and Green turn their attention to Steelz and Purrazzo covers Steelz and Steelz is sent to the penalty box. Yim takes out Green with a super kick and goes for the cover but Purrazzo makes the save.

Grace and Yim sends Purrazzo to the outside and Yim hits a suplex on Green. Grace tosses Purrazzo to the corner but the former champion fights out as Steelz is free from the penalty box. The champion comes in and cracks Grace with a pump kick then double knees in the corner. Steelz takes out Yim and goes for the cover but Yim kicks out. Everyone brawls, Steelz is locked up in an armbar by Purrazzo and Steelz taps making Purrazzo eligible. Purrazzo and Green take out everyone else in the match, Green drills Grace with a backstabber and Yim grabs a ladder and fires it at Green. Yim kicks Green but Green trios Yim and goes for the cover but Yim lifts the shoulders.

Green clocks Yim with a kick but Yim rolls Green up but Green kicks out. Steelz gets out of the penalty box, Yim takes her out and sets a ladder up in the middle of the ring. Steelz takes her title from Yim, Green rips it out of Steelz’s hands and Mickie James pulls the title away from Green as Green began to climb the ladder. Grace hits Green with a Northern Lights Suplex and she and Steelz both cover Yim and get the 1-2-3 so now Grace and Steelz are both eligible. Grace hits a Muscle Buster on Steelz and Steelz is sent to the penalty box after a cover by Grace, who climbs the ladder and hangs it up! New champion!

Winner - Jordynne Grace (NEW IMPACT Knockouts World Champion)

Josh Alexander (C) vs. Eric Young — IMPACT World Championship

A lock up starts this one off. Alexander nails Young with an arm drag then sends Young to the corner where he lands a flying knee. Alexander goes up top and lands a moonsault but Young comes right back with a lariat then a moonsault of his own. A striking exchange goes down, Alexander sends Young to the corner and lands another flying knee. Deaner sets up a table on the outside and back in the ring, Young cracks Alexander with some chops then goes up top and drills Alexander with a diving elbow drop before going for the cover but Alexander kicks out.

The champion fired back with a back-body drop then a lariat on the challenger. Alexander folds Young with a German suplex then a floating DDT and dives through the ropes to take out Doering and Deaner on the outside. Alexander rushes back in the ring and slams Young to the mat and goes for the cover but Young kicks out. Alexander applies an ankle lock but Deaner tosses powder into the referee’s eyes and Alexander sends Young to the outside. Doering gets in the ring but Alexander slams him onto the outside and through the table they Deaner previously set up.

Deaner gets in the ring with the Violent By Design flag but Alexander goes under the ring and grabs a Canadian flag and cracks Deaner with the flag pole. Young comes back in and nails Alexander with a guitar over the head and goes for the pin but Alexander kicks out at two and a half! Young rips up the protective mat in the ring and drills Alexander into the exposed wood with a piledriver then goes for the cover but Alexander kicks out! Alexander trips Young and goes for the ankle lock, Young rolls out, Alexander plants Young with a spine buster then the C4 Spike into the exposed wood and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner - Josh Alexander (C) (STILL IMPACT World Champion)

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