Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 4/25/2023 edition of NXT Spring Breakin' on the USA Network.
We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Here's what is set for the show.
NXT Spring Breakin' (4/25/2023).
- NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Grayson Waller.
- NXT Women's Championship Match: Indi Hartwell (c) vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Tiffany Stratton.
- Brooks Jensen & Kiana James vs. Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley.
- Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade.
- Andre Chase (w/ Duke Hudson) vs. Bron Breakker.
- Trunk Match: The Family (Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).
- Oba Femi Makes NXT Debut.
Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens.
Live Coverage.
- After a vignette of the NXT Roster hanging out in a park for a picnic (including The Creed Brothers, Ivy Nile, Kayden Carter, Katana Chance, Odyssey Jones, Wendy Choo, Dabba-Kato, Elektra Lopez, Lola Vice, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson, Nathan Frazier, Valentina Feroz, and the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn), Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.
Trunk Match.
The Family (Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo) vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson).
The two teams brawled on the outside to begin the match, with Prince & Wilson catching the Family with consecutive uppercuts. Prince & Wilson got a chain from under the ring, but D'Angelo took the chain out of Prince until The Family aimed that the abdomen of Prince & Wilson before they laid in the punches on them. Stacks hit an uppercut on Prince before D'Angelo tossed Stacks onto Prince into a Cannonball Senton. The two teams headed backstage to tossed someone into the trunk of a classic car, but Pretty Deadly headed back into the ringside area. The Family attacked the backs of Wilson & Prince with Trash Can lids before pulling out a table, but Pretty Deadly tossed them into the ring post before taking the table to the Guerrilla Position. Stacks attacked Wilson before D'Angelo hit Prince's leg with a damn wheelbarrow (the device, not the move). D'Angelo tossed Prince & Wilson into a tiny pool before Stacks hit the two with a senton onto the tiny pool
D'Angelo got a tiny surfboard and hit Wilson with an unprotected board shot before he & Stacks double-teamed Prince inside the ring. Wilson got back in the ring and decked D'Angelo with an uppercut before firing away with punches on Stacks. Pretty Deadly regained control of the match, with Prince locking in a Boston Crab on Stacks while Wilson got a chair on Stacks's neck. D'Angelo tossed Wilson with an Iconoplasm while Stacks broke the hold and slamming Prince with a drop toe-hold onto the chair. D'Angelo & Stacks then hit Atomic Drops on Wilson & Prince ass-first into the edge of the chair to regain control.
Back from the break, Pretty Deadly tossed Stacks onto the outside before Wilson & Prince punted a football on Stacks, but D'Angelo clubbed them with a double clothesline. Back in the ring, Stacks & D'Angelo slammed chairs at Pretty Deadly before Stacks went for another cannonball senton, but Wilson evaded to send Stacks crashing spine-first into a chair in the corner while Prince decked D'Angelo with a fist-full of quarters. Wilson & Prince hanged Stacks upside down in the corner while they attacked D'Angelo before hitting a double Release Suplex on D'Angelo onto a trash can. Lorenzo tried to fight back, but Pretty Deadly neutralized him and hit the Spilled Milk on the ringside area. Prince & Wilson got Stacks into the car and placed him inside the trunk before they tried to get D'Angelo into the trunk, but Stacks fired at Prince with a Fire Extinguisher. D'Angelo hit Wilson right in the mouth with a crowbar to send Wilson into the trunk of the car before Stacks & D'Angelo hit a Double-Back Suplex into a random table. Stacks & D'Angelo then got Prince into the trunk to get the win. They drove out of the arena after the match.
Winners: The Family (Tony D'Angelo & Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo).
- Arriving in a Chevrolet trunk, Tiffany Stratton cut a promo saying that she had "it" and promised that tonight was "Tiffy Time".
- There was a backstage segment with Duke Hudson & Andre Chase. Hudson told Chase to stand up for Chase University, to which Chase responded that he would give Bron Breakker an Chase University-sized ass-whooping.
Andre Chase (w/ Duke Hudson) vs. Bron Breakker.
Chase immediately attacked Breakker in the corner, but Breakker got out. Breakker slammed Chase into the corner with vicious corner spears, smashing Chase's abdomen before hitting a T-Bone Toss on Chase. Breakker went for a corner spear, but Chase evaded to send Breakker crashing into the ring post before slamming Breakker's arm into the top rope. Chase hit a Russian Leg Sweep before going for the Chase U Stomps, but Breakker got his legs and hit a vicious lariat before hitting the Gorilla-Press Powerslam and locking in the Steiner Recliner on Chase for the dominant win.
Winner: Bron Breakker.
- There was a video package of NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes ahead of his match Grayson Waller later in the night.
- Ilja Dragunov arrived to the arena but was greeted by a boot kick from Dijak. The two brawled backstage before Dijak tossed Dragunov into a stack of ladders and slammed a garage door on Dragunov's ribs. Many referees and former NXT Tag Team Champion Oney Lorcan came in to stop Dijak.
Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade.
Valkyria laid in a series of strikes on Jade to begin the match before leaping over Jade and hitting a hip toss into a springboard crossbody on Jade for a near fall. During the picture-in-picture break, Valkyria booted Jade in the corner before catching her with a back elbow for a near fall. Valkyria hit a snap-mare knee drop on Jade before hitting her with a takedown into La Casita for a near fall. Valkyria continued to dominate proceedings before going for a springboard move, but Jade kicked the middle rope to send Valkyria crashing for a near fall. Jade then hit a Springboard Double-stomp on Valkyria's back for a near fall before hitting a snap-mare into a PK Kick for another near fall.
Back from the break, Jade got Valkyria in a submission, but Valkyria flipped over and hit an arm drag, but Jade caught her int he corner and hit a Rising Knee Strike, CM Punk-esque, on Valkyria for a near fall. Valkyria hit a series of kicks & strikes before hitting two Northern Lights Suplexes on Jade, but Jade responded with a knee strike. Jade went for another knee strike, but Valkyria tossed her out of the ring before hitting a sliding dropkick on Jade. Back in the ring, Valkyria hit a Diving Dropkick, a Roundhouse kick & a Perfect Plex on Jade for a near fall. Jade got Valkyria with an inside cradle before slamming her onto the mat. Valkyria blocked Jade's attempt of the Death Rider before hitting a Hand-spring Enziguri kick on Jade. Jade got a bat from outside, but the referee took the bat off her. Jade hit a chop block on Valkyria before hitting the Death Rider on Valkyria for the pinfall win.
Winner: Cora Jade.
- Stacks & D'Angelo continued to drive across the city while Wilson & Prince were begging to get out, but Stacks shut them up immediately.
NXT Championship Match.
Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Grayson Waller.
The two locked up and did some chain wrestling before Hayes leaped over Hayes and hit a dropkick on Waller. The two exchanged pins before Hayes went for the cross-face, but Waller immediately got a rope break. Waller hit a jab on Hayes, but Hayes responded with his signature springboard lariat and a snap suplex. Waller tried to suplex Hayes out of the ring, but Hayes responded with a slingshot suplex. Hayes climbed to the top rope, but Waller attacked the rope. Hayes regained control, but Waller rolled out of the ring. After Hays caught a thrown chair, Waller attacked Williams with a chair to the abdomen before laying out Hayes with a lariat on the outside.
During the break, Waller slowed down the pace and regained control of the proceedings before hitting a basement dropkick on Hayes's leg. Waller slammed Hayes's leg right into the apron to wear down Hayes. Hayes went for a pin, but Waller booted him. Waller went for a suplex, but Hayes reversed with a pin for a near fall. Waller got back up and slapped Hayes in the face before hitting a Snap Suplex on Hayes for a near fall.
After the break, Waller locked in a Single-Leg Crab on Hayes, but Hayes broke the hold by kicking Waller in the head. Hayes slammed Wller into the corner before Hayes hit the Fadeaway Leg Drop on Waller, but landed on his injured leg. Waller laid in the jabs on Hayes, but Hayes hit a chin breaker and a thrust kick, but the two collided with stereo lariats before Waller put his hand on Hayes's chest for a near fall. Hayes kicked Waller's legs repeatedly before hitting him with a PK into the leg, a Pump Kikc, and a Springboard Impaler DDT for a near fall. Hayes climbed to the top rope, but Waller rolled over. Hayes went for another slingshot Suplex, but Waller evaded and caught him with a jab. Waller rolled back in the ring, but Hayes attempted a Code Breaker, but Waller attacked him before hitting a Modified Death Valley Driver on Hayes for a near fall. Hayes went for another Springboard Lariat on Waller, but Waller reversed it mid-air with a Rolling Stunner, but Hayes rolled out of the ring to evade the pin. Waller immediately noticed this and got Hayes in the broadcast table before hitting an elbow drop on Hayes across the broadcast table. Waller got Hayes back in the ring and went for a pin, but Hayes kicked out at two. Waller went for another Reverse DVD, but Hayes caught him with a Code Breaker to send him to the outside. Waller tried to get back in with a Rolling Stunner, but Waller tripped with the Bottom Rope, allowing Hayes to hit the Diving Leg Drop on Waller for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL NXT Champion: Carmelo Hayes.
- After the match, Hayes called out Bron Breakker to a match for NXT Battleground before telling him to come to the ring. Breakker speared Williams and hit the Gorilla Press Powerslam on Hayes before locking. in the Steiner Recliner on Williams. Breakker then saw Hayes and speared him across a wall.
- There was a video vignette of Roxanne Perez detailing what brought her into the Wrestling business. Perez said that she was going to regain the NXT Women's Championship and that she would do it for the little girls that were like her and grew up being a professional wrestler.
- There was a video package detailing the feud between the team of Fallon Henley & Josh Briggs and the couple of Brooks Jensen & Kiana James ahead of their match.
- Joe Coffey was confronted by Joe Gacy & Ava Raine backstage, with them proposing a match between the Dyad & Gallus for the NXT Tag Titles. Gacy then made it intriguing as he challenged Coffey to a match, which if Gacy won The Dyad would get a title match but if Coffey won The Dyad could not challenge for the belts anymore. Coffey accepted.
Brooks Jensen & Kiana James vs. Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley.
Jensen & Briggs locked up before Jensen leaned Briggs into the corner. Briggs was bamboozled before Jensen hit a jab and a shoulder block on Briggs. Briggs responded with a shoulder tackle & an atomic drop, but Jensen responded with a corner lariat. Jensen hit an Irish Whip on Briggs, but Briggs tossed him out o the ring with a Bandera toss. James tagged in but was greeted immediately with a Thesz Press by Henley. Henley & James locked up before James hit a knee lift into a series of corner spears on Henley. James hit a back flip, but Henley caught her with a lariat before hitting a Swerve Kick and a sliding uppercut on James. Briggs & Jensen brawled on the outside before Henley & Briggs hit diving shoulder tackles on them before the break.
During the break, James attacked Henley inside the ring, regaining control of the match before slamming Henley into the corner with an Irish Whip. James stomped away at Henley in the corner before Henley hit a series of forearm strikes on James. Henley tried to tag in Briggs, but Jensen slammed Briggs into the apron to allow James to attack Henley inside the ring. Jensen & Briggs tagged in, with Jensen locking in a Nerve Hold on Briggs before catching him with a knee strike for a near fall.
Back from the break, Jensen hit a series of forearm strikes on Briggs, but Briggs responded with forearms of his own. Jensen & Briggs exchanged boot kicks and punches before James & Henley tagged in. Henley hit a back elbow, two chops, a roundhouse kick, and a running flat-liner on James. James hit a chin breaker, and a flapjack on Henley into the corner before James asked Jensen to attack Henley, but Briggs caught him with a POUNCE before hitting a series of punches, a side slam & a standing splash. Henley attacked James and tossed her into the stairs, but Jensen saw Briggs was distracted and caught him with a leg lariat. The two country boys exchanged vicious strikes before Jensen hit a neck lariat, a swinging lariat, and a Spinning Brainbuster on Briggs for a near fall. Jensen tried to hit Briggs with a bag, but Briggs evaded to send the bag flying and sending James into the ringside floor. This allowed Briggs to catch Jensen with a Stan Hansen Lariat for the pinfall win.
After the match, James nearly slapped Jensen in the face, but Jensen caught her hand. James told Jensen she never loved him before walking away from Jensen. Jensen & Briggs made up after the match.
Winners: Josh Briggs & Fallon Henley.
- Dragon Lee was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, saying that he was very interested by Noam Dar's Heritage Cup.
- SCRYPTS called out Axiom, saying that next week everyone will learn who between himself & Axiom believed in themselves more.
- There was a video promo of NXT Women's Champion Indi Hartwell, saying that her winning the title was years of work in NXT. Hartwell promised that the title would not change hands tonight.
- There was a Twitter video of NXT Anonymous showing someone attacking Sol Ruca in the Trainer's Room before being attended by Dani Palmer.
Oba Femi vs. Oro Mensah.
Femi smacked Mensah and locked in a wrist lock on Mensah to begin the match before stomping him in the chest. Mensah hit a forearm strike, a chop, and an uppercut on Femi, but Femi slammed Mensah into the corner before tossing him across the ring and hitting a corner uppercut on Mensah. Femi hit two shoulder blocks on Mensah before getting Mensah up, but Mensah hit two chops before Femi hit a chop on Mensah. Mensah got on the top rope, but Femi caught him with an uppercut to send him flying to the outside. Femi got Mensah back in the ring and went for a back suplex, but Mensah blocked it and hit a series of strikes on Femi before hitting two forearm strikes, a Scorpion kick & a Springboard Dropkick on Femi for a near fall. Mensah hit a vicious PK Kick on Femi, but Femi responded with a Rolling Forearm before hitting Spirit Bomb on Mensah for the pinfall win.
Winner: Oba Femi.
- Gigi Dolin challenged Jacy Jayne to a match next week, revealing that she would bring her brother to NXT to watch.
- Charlie Dempsey & Drew Gulak were interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Gulak promising to become the NXT North American Champion. Gulak sent a warning to Wes Lee, telling him that this was a marathon, not a sprint.
- Tyler Bate spoke to NXT North American Champion Wes Lee, telling him that he would like to be in Lee's corner for his match against Drew Gulak next week. They stayed backstage to watch the main event of the show.
NXT Women's Championship Match.
Indi Hartwell (c) vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Tiffany Stratton.
Hartwell & Perez took turns punching Stratton before all three exchanged pinfall attempts for near falls only. During the break, The three wrestlers locked up before Stratton got a headlock and a shoulder block on Hartwell. The three took turns in exchanging holds before Hartwell slammed Perez into the corner with an Irish Whip & and hit an Irish Whip into a lariat on Stratton in the corner. Hartwell got Perez and slammed her head into the top turnbuckle before going for a boot kick, but Stratton & Perez lowered the rope to send her flying to the outside. Stratton & Perez brawled inside the ring before Stratton stomped away at Perez in the corner for a near fall.
Back form the break, Stratton got a wrist lock on Perez, but Perez reversed it with a wrist lock of her own. The two continued to exchange wrist-locks before Perez got a bridge on Stratton and wiping Hartwell out of the ring. Stratton got a headlock on, but Hartwell broke the hold and got a near fall on Perez. Perez got a wrist lock on Hartwell and Stratton at the same time before hitting a double-arm drag on them before laying in the punches on Hartwell. Perez then hit a series of Topes Suicida on Hartwell & Stratton before hitting a diving cross-body on Hartwell for a near fall. Perez got a Guillotine Choke on Hartwell before transitioning into an Inside Cradle on Hartwell, but Hartwell pushed Perez face-first into the mat before hitting two short-hand lariats on Perez. Perez got a pin on Hartwell, but Stratton took the two out of the ring before she hit a Swanton on Perez & Hartwell to the outside. Back in the ring, Stratton hit an Irish Whip into a corner lariat on Perez before catching her with another lariat for a near fall. Stratton got a headlock on Perez while Hartwell was being checked on by medical officials. Perez hit a Stunner on Stratton before hitting body shots on Stratton, but Stratton responded with a knee lift. Perez regained momentum and went for a diving cross-body, but Stratton rolled over. Stratton went for a body slam, but Perez reversed it with a pin for a near fall. Perez got Stratton on the top rope and laid in the strikes before hitting an Avalanche Frankensteiner on Stratton for a near fall. Stratton & Perez exchanged strikes before Stratton went for a suplex, but Perez reversed it with an Inside Cradle into a gut kick on Stratton. Perez then hit a Russian leg Sweep on Stratton to get two pins, but Hartwell came back to the ring to get a near fall. Hartwell booted Perez & Stratton before hitting a Spinebuster on Stratton, but Perez hit an uppercut on Stratton to get a near fall. Stratton hit the BME on Stratton, but Hartwell pulled Stratton out of the ring before hitting the Hidden Blade on Perez for the pinfall win.
Winner AND STILL NXT Women's Champion: Indi Hartwell.
- Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo & Tony D'Angelo were in a lake before saying that they are going for Tag Team Gold. D'Angelo & Lorenzo revealed that they sent Pretty Deadly "swimming with the fishes" as they drove into he night to end the broadcast.
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.