's Andrew Thompson participated in the Triple H post-show media conference call for NXT Takeover: New York. You can see highlights below, as well as the full audio.
I’m on the NXT TakeOver: New York media call on behalf of @Fightful #NXTTakeOverNewYork
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019
Triple H brings up how good Matt Riddle currently is and is thinking about how good he’ll be in a year #NXTTakeOverNewYork
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019
#NXTTakeOverNewYork Triple H is asked about KUSHIDA’s signing; reiterates that he has wanted KUSHIDA in NXT for a while @FightfulWrestle
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019
Triple H is asked about the upcoming FOX deal and NXT possibly factoring into that; he says there is a lot of interest in both NXT and NXT UK @FightfulWrestle #NXTTakeOverNewYork
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019
Triple H recalls gathering his team together after Tommaso Ciampa was declared unable to compete at TakeOver. Credits the performers that were in the 5-way #1 Contender’s match for NXT Title #NXTTakeOverNewYork @FightfulWrestle
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019
Triple H talks about Aleister Black and Ricochet’s opportunities on RAW and SD. He says the real work for them starts now and nothing is a given in terms of their success. Adds that NXT is their home and their sendoff was bittersweet @FightfulWrestle #NXTTakeOverNewYork
— Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) April 6, 2019