Kate (@MissKatefabe) and SP3 (@TruHeelSP3) review tonight’s episode of ROH, while Joel (@JoelPearl) and Cresta (@CrestaTheeStarr) bring you tonight’s TNA post show:
-Mark Briscoe vs. Johnny TV for the ROH Championship
-Blake Christian vs. Lio Rush
-Ariya Daivari vs. Katsuyori Shibata
-Griff Garrison vs. Serpentico
-Viva Van vs. Harley Cameron
TNA Impact:
-Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA World Championship
-Mike Santana vs. Moose
-Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz
-Chris Bey vs. John Skyler vs. Riley Osborne in a qualifying match for the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence
-Ace Austin vs. Jason Hotch vs. Rich Swann in a qualifying match for the Ultimate X match at TNA Emergence
-Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace speaks
-Steve Maclin speaks