The production meetings had a few more attendees and took longer to complete, but Shane Helms left the just-completed set of tapings for Impact Wrestling impressed with the new creative team.
Helms, who works as an agent for the promotion, discussed the new creative team during the latest episode of his podcast here at Last week, Fightful reported changes to the creative team at Impact Wrestling, with Jeff Jarrett in charge of a team of writers that is being led by Dutch Mantel. The former head of creative, John Gaburick, is still with the company but now serves as a consultant who ran the gorilla position during the recently completed round of tapings in Orlando.
Describing it as "kind of business as usual", Helms noted a few more attendees at the pre- and post-show meetings: Jarrett and Mantel, of course, along with Scott D'Amore and Bruce Prichard.
"Some of those post-show meetings went a couple hours into the night and into the early morning," Helms said. "It really wore the agents out and creative out, man, but the next day it was well worth it because we put together some really good shit. And it was because of that."
With the new team in place, Helms noted that there were a few more voices to be heard during meetings, but that he viewed that as a positive.
"I had this talk with one of the guys. Sometimes you can have too many chefs in the kitchen and I get what he's saying, but as long as they're all good ideas, I never see a problem with that. You can never have too many good ideas. You've just got to have somebody who's willing to do the work to go through them all. When somebody says that whole thing about having too many chefs in the kitchen, sometimes it's just that person doesn't want to do the work and find the good idea. They don't want to listen to all these different ideas because that takes time, that's consuming, and they want to do a rush job. But if you're getting a lot of good ideas, man, I would consider that a blessing. That's the way I look at it."
Click here to check out the full episode of Helms' podcast, where he discusses the tapings, Alberto Del Rio's presence, the Hardys, and much more. You can get early access to the Shane Helms Podcast with free registration at