Simon Miller Discusses Juggling Content Creation, Wrestling And Acting

Simon Miller comments on juggling content creation and wrestling.

Before Simon was a professional wrestler, he was a notable name in wrestling content creation and YouTube. Now that his wrestling career has made its way to promotions such as Progress, Simon now juggles both realms of the wrestling scene.

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While speaking to Fightful's Corey Brennan in a recent interview, Simon reflected on juggling both wrestling and content creation, as well as his budding acting career.

"I mean, there have been times where i've been overwhelmed by it and from a how the hell am I going to squeeze all this in point of view. But no, I never thought about taking myself out of the game just because I kind of set up a lot of rules for myself quite early on, not intentionally, just by how I felt. My thing was always, we don't take away, we add. That's my big thing. So there's an opportunity. I'll just do it. There's an opportunity. Let's do it. We'll stack things up. So what it ties into is coming out of the pandemic, I decided, oh, I think I want to be an actor now. Well, because I was just sat around doing nothing, and I thought, what? What would you really regret not going after? I decided acting was the way. So I made a promise to myself, we're going to do acting. Now, actually, once the world opened up and wrestling was there again, I think I would have just left it. But that's not how my brain works. So I did that. I quite enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot, to be honest. So I thought, I'll fit that in. The reason I'm telling this story is it ties into, I think it was October last year, where it was October. I know it was October last year because it ended with my match against everyone's favorite wrestler right now, Joe Hendy, the TNA pay-per-view. So no one knows this. Within that two weeks, not only was I flying up and down to Newcastle, because I'm based down south, to film things with Joe. I was also making sure I'm getting all my content doing. I also flew to Ireland and back for a wrestling booking. I was also recording."

Simon continued, reflecting on how he was run off his feet juggling content creation, acting and wrestling.

"I was also filming. It was a tiny, tiny role. I had one line. But I was also filming an independent movie. And I got to the end of this two and a half week stint. And my girlfriend looked at me and she went, I actually think you're dying. Because my face was just... No one would notice at the time if you compared a healthy version to clearly put you like you do. Yeah. And so that does happen every now and then. And you know this. People think the content game is just, oh, you say some things and it magically appears on the internet. No, no. The stuff you don't see is the hardest part. That's what takes up all your time. So, you know, there's no point pretending otherwise. Sometimes I'm late to shows. I mean, luckily, I usually get booked on a show because because of what culture stuff. No one thinks Will Ospreay is coming through the door. So that does help because they go, okay, well, we understand it ties in. But no, yeah, there's definitely been times where you're like, this is a lot. But I'll be honest with you, man. In those moments, apart from the times where you just need sleep and you need sustenance, my overwhelming filming has always been, isn't it flipping cool that I have all this stuff I can throw myself into? It's always my gut thing. When that hits me, I'm like, man, you can keep going, bro. You can keep going. Eventually it's going to calm down. So you just keep pushing through. So the other question I always get in those Q and A's I mentioned is if X happened, would you give up YouTube? Of course, there's a scenario where I would, because it would just mean, well, I can't say no to that. We have to go full in. But until that happens, man, just keep bringing on these opportunities and I'll keep doing them to the best of my ability and being super gracious that anybody would even think of me to begin with."

Miller is currently out of action with a shoulder injury that took him out of Progress Super Strong Style 16 earlier this year.

Elsewhere in Miller's interview with Fightful, he previewed his upcoming match with Danhausen and where it ranks amongst his dream matches. You can read more about that here.

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