Thunder Rosa has her hands in a bit of everything. Not just wrestling, but helping cultivate talent as well.
Mission Pro Wrestling has been a big part of that. Wrestlers like Madi Wrenkowski, Vertvixen, Zoey Skye, Alex Gracia and others have made the jump from Thunder Rosa's Mission Pro Wrestling to AEW and WWE appearances. To the point Mission Pro is a must-watch scouting tool for these companies.
"I think a lot of people are watching Mission Pro Wrestling and are paying a lot of attention to our talent that we are more than happy to bring and help to cultivate and help as much as possible," Thunder Rosa tells Fightful. "I mean, my husband and I, we always have an eye for certain people. We’ll be like,‘She’s definitely a star in the making. We need to get her on our show before anybody else, before she gets signed.’ For example Zoey Skye/Teresa Serrano/Lacey Ryan. We knew from the moment we met her she was going to be signed, she was going to be a star. She had so much star potential and we were very happy that she got signed. Elayna Black, I’ve known her since she was, like, fourteen. This was way before she got signed and I saw her develop, you know? Just seeing her succeed makes me really happy and she was part of our first show. Made me really, really happy. The other one, too—we wanted to ring Priscilla Kelly, too, but it was too late. She’s definitely another one we are excited about."
Mission Pro Wrestling has proven itself as an effective territory for helping develop talent. As for future plans, Thunder Rosa won't reveal too much.
"I can’t really say anything yet. You guys have to see it, unfortunately. You know I like to tell you the tea sometimes, but I can’t always! So, you guys are gonna be surprised about what you see. Like I said, Mission Pro Wrestling has been, definitely, a parachute for a lot of girls to jump and be like, ‘Yeah, this is me, guys. Look at me. I’m great. I’m a great wrestler.’ The way we structured things and how serious we take every single match, because we definitely want to tape every single match like it’s a TV match. We have agents. The stories have to be told properly and the characters are being portrayed properly because that’s what’s going to make the difference for them to get an opportunity in a TV show or just in a bigger independent promotion," she said.
After seeing Mission Pro Wrestling's formula serve successfully, Thunder Rosa is excited about the plan they've laid out. It helps that Rosa has worked television for AEW, NWA, Lucha Underground, ROH, as well as overseas. She utilizes that experience to help her roster grow.
"Our focus for the ladies that come to our show is you definitely get an opportunity working TV. For 2020, that’s where the money has been on streaming services and TV shows. If they’re not trained and if they’re not shooting for that, it is harder to make a little bit more money or to get your career onto the right track. Like you mentioned at the beginning of the interview, I’ve been working TV, which is so crazy now that I think about it, for six years now. Six years. I know everybody’s journey is different. But, working for TV has really allowed me to become a professional athlete full time and I am so blessed for every single opportunity, good or bad. The experiences I went through, I’m here right now talking to you and I am about to make history once more which I am so excited about," Rosa told us.
Thunder Rosa was in action this past Wednesday against Dr. Britt Baker DMD in the first ever women's main event on AEW Dynamite on TNT in a Lights Out Match. Her Mission Pro Wrestling promotion returns with Empty Promises, Saturday March 20 on Title Match Wrestling. She'll also be in action on NWA Back For The Attack Sunday, March 21 on Fite TV.