AEW Dynamite 4/7/21 Results: Jon Moxley and The Young Bucks vs. Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers

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The telecast begins with a video of The Inner Circle arriving for Dynamite.

AEW Commentator Jim Ross starts the show officially by saying, "it's Wednesday, and you know what that means

The Boogeyman Teases 'One More Run'

Adam "Hangman" Page vs. Max Caster

The show begins with Adam Page attacking Max Caster right off the bat. Page slams Caster's head into the top turnbuckle multiple times. Page then hit Caster with a fallaway slam and followed by a suplex. Page then begins throwing some chops. Page delivers a senton; Caster rolls out to regroup. Page then comes out to attack Caster. Anthony Bowens then gets in the face of Page; Page walks away and enters the ring.

Caster gets a little offense in when Page rolls back in. The offense from Caster did not last long because Page takes over. Page jumped off of the barricade and landed a heavy shot to the chest of Max Caster. Bowens attacks when Referee Rick Knox gets distracted; Bowens tosses Page back into the ring, and Caster begins getting a few strikes in on Page. Page is back up, and he begins delivering heavy blows to Max Caster. Page hits Caster with the exploded; Page then goes for the pin, but Caster kicks out.

Adam Page appears to go for the Dead Eye, Caster escapes it, and now both men exchange strikes. Hangman slams Caster right down on the other side of the ropes. Bowens goes back to attacking Page after Knox is distracted again. Caster has Page in an armlock, but Page makes it to the ropes. Caster nails Caster with an arm lock. Bowens slides in the boombox; however, Knox catches him doing it and is distracted again. Bowens slides a lock to Caster; Caster hits him with it; Page kicks out. Adam Page goes for The Buckshot Lariat, but Bowens stops him. The Hangman then drops Bowens after he hits a moonsault from the apron. Adam Page then jumps back up onto the apron and goes for and hits The Buckshot Lariat; he follows it up by pinning Max Caster for the big win.

Winner: Adam "Hangman" Page

Tony Schiavone is in the ring to interview The Death Triangle; Schiavone says that they will challenge The Young Bucks next week and right after the mic is cut out and Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends appear. Orange Cassidy has a mic and says, "it's good to see all three of them back together again; they have not forgotten what happened Revolution. PAC tells them to get lost; Chuck Taylor then finishes the segment saying, "they now have an alien" as they introduce Kris Statlander.

Mike Tyson is shown in the next segment talking to the new Jacksonville Jaguars Head Coach Urban Meyer.

The Inner Circle now comes out; Jericho says the Jacksonville crowd sounds great, and he has a lot to say but after the commercial break. They are now back from the commercial; Jericho says it was a month ago that The Pinnacle beat down the Inner Circle.

Jericho says they made many mistakes, but his "jerk-off friend " MJF was the issue, and he blames himself for bringing in MJF to The Inner Circle. Jericho says MJF outsmarted them. Jericho says MJF compares himself to fine wine, but he wants it now and not letting it age correctly. Jericho says MJF stole his scarf gimmick, and that makes him a piece of shit; he tells MJF he can go to the back and get him a clipboard and make a list.

Jericho then begins saying that Tully Blanchard, you say, is the smartest man in wrestling; he says he is a third-string member of The Four Horsemen. He then rips on FTR by saying he does not know the difference between either Dax or Cash. He then starts ripping Shawn Spears, saying that "the only reason he knows who Shawn Spears is because he called me asking me for advice when he got fired from The Fed." He then begins insulting Wardlow by saying he is stupid. Jericho says The Inner Circle will challenge The Pinnacle in a Blood and Guts Match on May 5th. We then go to a commercial break again.

Dasha is backstage now with Christian Cage; she asks him what is next. Cage then says he has been clawing back for the past seven years. He says Frankie Kazarian brought it last week, and he talks about how people are talking about Kazarian and not him. Taz interrupts him, and he wants Christian to join Team Taz. Taz then tells Christian to think about it and doesn't need an answer.

Godzilla vs. Kong Match
Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. Bear Country

The match begins with Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus attacking Bear Country; the action goes to the outside. Bear Boulder then begins controlling the match. The action will continue as they go to their first picture-in-picture commercial break, with Bear Country controlling the match. Boulder and Bronson exchange tags multiple times and controls the match with their beatdown on Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy finally gets to Luchasaurus for the hot tag; Luchasaurus takes Boulder with a big pump kick to Bronson Bear. Luchasaurus gets another pump kick in. Luchasaurus has Boulder on the top rope; Boulder headbutts Lucahsaurus and then hits a massive suplex on Luchasaurus. Jungle Boy then hits Bronson Bear with a springboard DDT.

Boulder delivers a big boot to Luchasaurus; Luchasaurus hits a Bronson with a chokeslam and then hits a moonsault. He follows it up and then pins Boulder to get the victory.

Winners: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)

They goto a vignette with QT Marshall cutting a promo with his guys Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, and Anthony Ogogo. He says he was tired of being mistreated by Rhodes; he said Cody looked down on him. He then says his guys are good. He comments about Rhodes not cutting it and went to the Indy's to try to be someone other than Dusty's kid. He mentions that Aaron Solow will not be known as someone's former boyfriend (WWE's Bayley). Anthony Ogogo then says he is a household name where he is from, and he is the toughest guy around.

Tony Schiavone is out to interview Sting, and right away, Jake "The Snake" Roberts comes out to cut a promo. He then begins saying Darby Allin looks like a Gerbil. Lance Archer cuts him off and says Sting is taking his time up. Lance Archer says he doesn't want Sting taking his time up; Sting says he agrees with Archer, which surprises Archer and Roberts. Sting tells Archer to get it together, and he will be in the main event scene. Sting then tells Roberts to be better and tells Roberts to teach Archer what he needs to do; Sting then walks away.

They go to Team Taz, and they talk about their victory on AEW Dark. Taz says they need to be smart and stop bickering and stay focused on getting Christian to join Team Taz.

TNT Championship Match
JD Drake (w/ Ryan Nemeth and Cezar Bononi) vs. Darby Allin (w/ Sting)

Darby Allin and JD Drake begin the match by locking up; Drake tosses Allin around and hits Allin with a heavy chop. Darby Allin lures Drake to come after him; Allin gets back in the ring and hits a Tope Suicida on Drake. Nemeth then begins to distract Allin, which allows Drake to knock Allin down from the top turnbuckle. Sting is now right behind Nemeth; Nemeth leaves ringside with Sting walking behind him. They now head to another picture-in-picture commercial with JD Drake controlling the match. Drake is delivering multiple chops to the chest of Allin.

Drake goes for a Cannonball Senton on the outside but misses Allin; Allin gets some strikes in. Drake starts controlling the match again, and he rolls Allin back in the ring. Drake hits Allin with a Cannonball Senton in the corner of the ring, and he hits it. Allin comes back with some offense, and Allin takes advantage when Drake misses his high spot maneuver. Allin hits the Avalanche Code Red, and then Allin hits Drake with the Coffin Drop to get the win.

Winner: Darby Allin ( w/ Sting)

The Butcher and The Blade come out and begin attacking Darby Allin, and they are going to attempt to throw Allin through a table, but The Dark Order and Sting make the save. Butcher and Blade escape, but The Bunny is by herself, and she and Tay Conti takes her down and begins throwing some shots at her.

They come back from a commercial with Alex Marvez interviewing Chris Jericho, and right away, The Pinnacle starts attacking Chris Jericho. The Pinnacle brings Jericho to the ring; FTR hits the spike piledriver. The Inner Circle is not coming out because they were locked out, and the door is barricaded. Mike Tyson comes out to make the save, and he starts attacking Shawn Spears with multiple punches to the gut of Shawn Spears. The Inner Circle then comes out for the save; Jericho and Tyson stare each other down, and Jericho puts his hand out; he and Tyson shake hands and embrace. The Pinnacle is shown upset, and they throw chairs and other items around.

Tony Schiavone is in the back with Dr. Britt Baker DMD and Rebel; she says she wants Tony Khan to give the people what they want. She deserves a title shot; she says the rankings are awful and that the demographics and merchandise sales should play a part in the rankings.

Tay Conti ( w/ Negative 1 & The Dark Order) vs. The Bunny ( w/ The Butcher, The Blade, & Matt Hardy

The match begins Tay Conti going right after The Bunny; Conti lays out The Bunny with quick strikes and combos. The action goes to the outside when The Bunny takes out Conti's legs; The Bunny now hits a suplex outside the ring. Conti is trying to recover, but The Bunny delivers a shotgun dropkick, and Conti goes into the barricade hard. They go to a picture-in-picture commercial with The Bunny controlling the match in the ring.

They now come back from a commercial break with Tay Conti making a comeback; Tay Conti goes for an attack in the corner but misses. Matt Hardy is on the outside to distract Conti, but Conti moves out of the way when The Bunny comes at her. The Bunny almost took out Hardy but avoids it; this allows Conti to hit the Tay-K-O. Conti goes for the pin, but The Bunny kicks out. The Bunny rolls out, and a distraction is caused, and she hits Conti with a Singapore Cane. The Dark Order is now fighting with Matt Hardy and his crew. The Bunny is going in for another attack, but Hikaru Shida stops her, and it allows Conti to hit a big suplex from the top rope. Conti then goes for the pin and gets the victory.

Winner: Tay Conti

Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers (w/ Don Callis) vs. Jon Moxley and The Young Bucks

The match begins with Karl Anderson and Matt Jackson; Callis is trying to get in Matt Jackson's head by trying to take a swipe at his feet. Kenny Omega tags in, and now he gets in the face of Matt Jackson. Matt and Omega reverse holds, but nobody gets the upper hand; Matt tags in Nick, and now Omega and Nick are in each other's faces. Omega tags in Karl Anderson; Nick hits Anderson with a nice arm drag. Gallows is tagged in, and Nick and Matt take control and take Omega, Gallows, and Anderson to the outside. Moxley and The Young Bucks now take out their opponents with all three men diving to the outside.

They go to their final commercial break with the action exchanging between each team. We are back with Anderson striking Matt Jackson with a European uppercut; Matt gets to Jon Moxley for the hot tag. Moxley takes out Anderson and Gallows. Moxley takes out Omega and Gallows again but is stopped when Gallows used the top rope for a guillotine. Moxley is getting beaten down by Anderson and Gallows until Moxley takes out Gallows with a neckbreaker. Nick Jackson and Karl Anderson are both tagged in; Nick Jackson hits Anderson with a backstabber.

Nick Jackson then delivers a heavy kick to the face of Gallows. Karl Anderson takes advantage of Nick not paying attention to him and hits a massive spinebuster. Anderson tags in Omega; Matt Jackson hits Omega with a nasty DDT. Matt Jackson could have super kicked Omega, but he decides not to. Matt asks Kenny if he is okay, Omega then attacks him. Omega soon hits Matt with multiple Dragon Suplex's. Omega goes for the V-Trigger, but Moxley stops Omega with a powerful clothesline. Matt hits Omega with a piledriver; Matt begins checking in on Omega. They have Omega in the middle of the ring and could go for the BTE Trigger, but they hesitate and won't do it. Moxley tags himself in; and hits multiple Paradigm Shifts. The Young Bucks try and stop him, but he won't, so they Super Kick him. Eddie Kingston is now out to help Moxley, and The Good Brothers hit Kingston with The Magic Killer; The Good Brothers now hit Moxley with the Magic Killer. This allows Omega to pin Moxley for the victory.

Winners: Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers ( w/ Don Callis)

After the match, Omega, The Good Brothers, and The Young Bucks embrace. Omega wanted the Too Sweet hand gesture, but The Young Bucks decline; they all hug instead, and the show goes off the air.

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