AEW Dynamite 6/11/21 Friday Dynamite Dark Order's Evil Uno vs. Miro for the TNT Championship Match

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Will Ospreay Announces That He's Entering The 2025 Men's Owen Hart Cup Tournament

- Dynamite begins with The Pinnacle arriving at Daily's Place in a limousine.

- Matt Hardy is standing in the ring saying that he and Christian Cage go way back and that Christian has been jealous of him for years because of how much more money he's made over him during the years.

Christian Cage vs. Angelico (w/ Matt Hardy)

The match begins with a tie-up, and both Christian Cage and Angelico reverse multiple holds. Angelico gets up close to Cage, and Cage slaps him, and Cage throws a flurry of strikes. Angelico does not let Cage have the upper hand long and takes over the match with his own variety of strikes. Angelico has Christian in a submission hold; however, Cage makes it to the ropes, and Angelico breaks the hold. Cage reverses Angelico's hold into a reverse DDT.

Cage now has the advantage; he goes to strike Angelico, but Jack Evans distracts Cage for a second, but it does not help much as Cage still controls the match. Cage hits Angelico with a diving headbutt; Cage goes for the pin; however, Angelico kicks out. Angelico goes for a splash, but Cage moves out of the way, and he lines up Angelico for the Killswitch, and he hits it. Cage pins Angelico to get the victory over Cage; after the match, Cage is attacked by Jack Evans and Matt Hardy. Hardy hits Twist of Fate; Hardy goes for another one; however, Jungle Boy saves Cage as Hardy and Angelico retreat.

Winner: Christian Cage

Tony Schiavone announces that Arn Anderson's son Brock Anderson will make his AEW debut next week and team up with Cody Rhodes. Cody says Brock Anderson will show that he might have been born on third base next week, but he will be the real deal, and he is excited for him. QT Marshall comes out and says that he's tired of seeing guys get passed up so Cody can do his pet projects. He skipped out on guys like Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solow; Marshall takes a cheap shot at Arn Anderson, and Brock Anderson goes after him and takes him down. The referees have to come out and break it up.

Eddie Kingston, PAC, and Pentagon Jr. vs. The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler (w/ Don Callis)

Pac and Matt Jackson begin the match, and PAC takes him out with a heavy right, and he has to tag in Brandon Cutler, who does not want to get tagged in. PAC gets a few shots before tagging in Pentagon Jr.; Eddie Kingston wanted the tag, but PAC would not tag him. Pentagon gets a few strikes in on Cutler, and then he tags in Kingston. Kingston gets a few heavy strikes in, and he goes to deliver another shot in, but PAC tags himself in, and this actually irritates Kingston, but he lets it go. PAC then literally tosses Cutler back into his corner, and Matt Jackson is now the legal man.

They head to a commercial break and come back with Kingston getting the tag from PAC, and Kingston cleans the ring out. Kingston now tags Pentagon Jr.; The Young Bucks go for a Super Kick Party; however, Pentagon ducks and The Young Bucks superkick Brandon Cutler. Pentagon then blasts Nick Jackson with a superkick and hits Matt Jackson with a destroyer. Pentagon now tags in PAC, PAC sits on the top-rope waiting to make a move with all the action going on around him. Instead, Pentagon hits a big spot over the top rope; PAC hits a 450 splash and then rolls it over into a brutalizer.

PAC hooks in his submission hold as Nick Jackson tries kicking him off. PAC gets back in the ring and gets rolled up by Matt as he holds the tights of PAC; however, he only gets a two-count. The Young Bucks set up PAC for a Superkick Party, and they tag in Cutler, who leap-frogs off the ropes, and Kingston cuts Cutler off with a big clothesline. PAC covers Cutler to get the win. After the match, The Good Brothers start attacking Kingston, PAC, and Pentagon, but Frankie Kazarian makes the save.

Winners: Eddie Kingston, PAC, and Pentagon Jr.

- The Pinnacle come out to talk for the first time since their loss to The Inner Circle at the Stadium Stampede showdown at Double Or Nothing.

FTR begins talking about Stadium Stampede isn’t their kind of match. They talk about Santana and Ortiz losing their edge but claim they haven’t. Shawn Spears is about to talk, but the fans are chanting, “Inner Circle! Inner Circle!.“ Spears says Sammy Guevara is “Indy darling.” Wardlow says Jake Hager is obsessed with him. He says when they fight, that brings out the best of Hager. He accepts Hager’s challenge and says that’s because Hager doesn’t want to step into his world. MJF says he is tired; however, he is well aware that he is the best. MJF talks about growing up idolizing Chris Jericho. He mentions reading all of his books and watching all of his matches. MJF says that he idolized a false God and says he realized, like everyone else, that Jericho is not on his level. MJF says Jericho’s match request is denied.

MJF then talks about Sammy Guevara. MJF says Guevara has the same speaking skills as Helen Keller. MJF warns Sammy to keep his name out of his mouth because he’s better than him, and he knows it.

The Inner Circle appears on screen, and Jericho tells MJF to think again and think about it on his walk home tonight as The Inner Circle starts destroying The Pinnacle's limousine.

- Darby Allin tells Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page that he will not replace Sting and wants a handicap match. Sting tries to talk Darby out of it, but Darby tells him to stay home; Sting says he will. He tells Darby to pound it. Darby is hesitant.

TNT Championship Match
Evil Uno vs. Miro (C)

Miro muscles Uno into the corner. Miro picks Uno up and bodyslam and begins interacting with the crowd, which booed him heavily. They break and lock up again, and Miro hits Uno with a suplex. Miro goes for a big punch but misses, and Uno capitalizes by splashing onto him. Finally, Uno gets some offense in; however, it does not last long as Miro ends up stopping Uno’s offense.

Alan Angels and John Silver come out to support Uno. Miro goes after them, and they head to the back. Uno begins fighting back. Uno hits a step-up hurricanrana and then hits a big clothesline. Miro comes out of the corner with an attempted clothesline of his own, but Uno avoids it and blasts Miro with a big boot. Uno goes to the top rope and hits a senton for the pin; however, Miro kicks out at one. The Dark Order coming down to the ringside area. They are cheering on Uno as he constantly stomps on the hands of Miro. Uno hits him with elbows; Miro counters and rolls through for a pin attempt. Uno kicks out, and it forces Miro back so much that Miro goes headfirst into the exposed turnbuckle in the corner.

Uno calls for the Discus Lariat and hits it on Miro. It does nothing to him, and he comes back and hits Uno. Miro then taunts The Dark Order members and stomps on Uno. Miro locks in his submission finisher, and Uno taps out.

Winner: Miro

- Don Callis takes over the segment for Tony Schiavone. Callus and Omega begin mocking Jungle Boy. Omega says he knows he’s supposed to put Jungle Boy over as someone who has a shot at winning the title but says like the band singing Jungle Boy’s theme song, he is just one-hit-wonder.

Jungle Boy makes his way down to the ring; Omega says that he can see that Jungle Boy is not usually the talking type, but he can tell that Jungle Boy has something to say. Omega warns Jungle Boy to say his piece and make it quick because he’s getting pissed off. Jungle Boy tells Omega he talks way too much. Omega tries laughing it off, only to attempt a cheap shot. They exchange punches until Omega rakes the eyes of Jungle Boy. Omega whips Jungle Boy into the ropes, but Jungle Boy reverses and counters the champ into his Snare-Trap submission; The Young Bucks run down and hits the ring to make the save. Jungle Boy stares Omega down from ringside.

Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts) vs. Chandler Hopkins

Lance Archer comes out to the ring, his opponent Chandler Hopkins is already in the ring. The bell sounds, and Hopkins goes immediately after Archer. Archer destroys Hopkins with a big strike and then hits his finisher and gets the pin. The match ends within thirty seconds after it started.

Archer stands up and walks right past Jake Roberts and back through the entrance tunnel to the backstage area.

Winner: Lance Archer

Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. "Legit" Leyla Hirsch

Leyla Hirsch goes right after Nyla Rose; Hirsch surprises Rose with an attack right off the start. Hirsch knocks Rose to the floor and runs, diving through the ropes; Hirsch gets caught by Rose and slammed down. Rose continues to strike Hirsch with follow-up shots. Rose goes for another strike but misses and goes right into the steel ring post.

Leyla capitalizes by locking Rose with an armbar; Rose uses her strength and slams Hirsch into the ringside barricade to break her grip.

Rose hits a knee drop and covers Hirsch, but Hirsch kicks out. Hirsch hits Rose with a suplex and follows it up with a running knee. Hirsch then goes for the moonsault off the top for a near fall. Hirsch goes for the armbar on Rose despite the bad arm. Rose powers through and powerbomb’s Hirsch. Rose hits the Avalance Beast Bomb off the top for the win.

Winner: Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

- Tony Schiavone and Britt Baker have a vignette and Baker wants to deliver a message to Nyla Rose because she tried ruining her celebration last week.

"Hangman" Adam Page & 10 vs. Brian Cage & Powerhouse Hobbs

“Hangman” has the advantage to begin the match; however, Cage uses his size and strength to begin taking over control of things rather quickly. Page fights his way back and tags in 10.

10 begins to work on Cage, 10 hits the ropes, and gets hit with a cheap-shot kick from Hobbs on the apron. This gives Cage and Hobbs the momentum now. Cage tags Hobbs in, 10 makes it over to Page for the tag. Page is working Hobbs over but ends up getting turned inside-out by a massive cross-body from Powerhouse Hobbs.

Brian Cage hits the ring and blasts Page with a cheap shot. Cage now hits a big move on 10 and goes after 10 for a follow-up, but Hobbs blasts 10. Cage goes for the cover, but 10 kicks out. Cage tags Hobbs back in. The ref is distracted, and Ricky Starks throws the FTW title to Cage; Cage does not want to use it and throws it back.

Starks gets on top of the apron and slaps Cage. Cage leaves the ring and chases Starks to the back. Hobbs hits 10 with a spinebuster and goes for the cover, “Hangman” breaks it up in time. Hobbs knocks Page out to the floor. Hobbs goes to pick 10 up and goes for another big spinebuster; however, 10 counters it into a cutter. Page comes in and hits Hobbs with the Buckshot Lariat. 10 then pins Hobbs to get the win.

Winners: "Hangman" Adam Page and 10

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