Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight coverage of every match on the card. Follow us on Facebook! Facebook.com/FightfulOnline.
- The first thing shown is Jake Hager walking to the cage with Chris Jericho while Shawn Spears accompanies Wardlow.
- The show begins with AEW commentator Jim Ross welcoming the viewer "AEW Dynamite."
MMA Steel Cage Match
Wardlow (w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Jake Hager (w/ Chris Jericho)
Both men walk to the ring; Excalibur mentions that each man can only have one person join them at the ring. Highlights from Hager's career in Bellator are shown, and commentators mention that Hager is 3-0 in his professional MMA. Justin Roberts introduces both competitors with a somewhat Bruce Buffer impression.
The match is three rounds, and each round is five minutes; neither men get the advantage and walk around the ring for the first minute. Jake Hager hits Wardlow with a nice right jab which stuns him; Hager follows it up with a round kick to the quad area of Wardlow. Hager moves in, and Wardlow grabs Hager and tosses him about five feet. Hager backs away and then takes down Wardlow twice and follows it up with two hammer fists. Hager gets Wardlow with another quad kick; Hager goes for another; however, Wardlow catches him and takes him down.
Wardlow is on top and landing multiple punches; Wardlow backs off, and now both men are exchanging multiple strikes, with Hager taking an onslaught of punches from Wardlow. Wardlow hits Hager with a Superman punch; Wardlow is going right at Hager; however, Hager is saved by the bell.
Round two now begins with Wardlow going for Hager with a flying knee, but Hager evades it. Wardlow goes for a double wristlock. Wardlow is on top of Hager again and laying more punches. Wardlow has Hager in an arm breaker, but Hager counters, and now Hager has Wardlow, and he is trying to get him with a triangle, but Wardlow picks up Hager and slams Hager down. Hager gets out and gets Wardlow in an ankle lock.
Wardlow hits Hager with a powerbomb into the cage and then hits him with a hurricanrana. Wardlow goes after Hager again, but Hager has Wardlow in a chokehold. Wardlow gets taken down again, and Hager wins by referee stoppage by Aubrey Edwards. Hager puts his hand out to Wardlow but gets attacked right away by Shawn Spears. Chris Jericho goes after Spears, MJF comes to the ring, making Jericho tap out by going after his left arm. Dean Malenko is in the ring, and MJF wants to punch him; he hesitates for a second and then lays Malenko out. Sammy Guevara now is out to make the save, and MJF, Wardlow, and Spears retreat.
Winner: Jake Hager (w/ Chris Jericho)
- We get a promo with Frankie Kazarian, Eddie Kingston, and Pentagon. They explain what they plan on doing to The Good Brothers and Matt Jackson.
- The commentators go over tonight's card before going to the commercial.
- Back from the commercial, we get an AEW Rampage teaser commercial for AEW Rampage.
- Taz is with Team Taz and cuts a promo and tells Ricky Starks that he needs to fix the issues between him and Brian Cage. Taz challenges Adam's "Hangman" Page vs. Powerhouse Hobbs.
Handicap Match
Darby Allin vs. Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page
The match begins with Darby Allin and Ethan Page; Page gets in the face of Allin, and Allin comes back with multiple arm-drag takedowns. Page tags in Sky and Sky go right after Allin, and now both Page and Sky are double-teaming Allin. Allin counters their attack and hits them with springboard double elbows. Page gets tagged in by Sky and takes Allin out with a big shoulder tackle. Allin jumps on the back of Page; Page backs Allin into the corner, and Allin can no longer hold on. Page picks up and tosses Allin about five feet into the corner turnbuckle. The action continues as they head out for their first picture-in-picture commercial break.
Page and Sky control the match during most of the commercial break, Allin however, does get out and surprises Page with a quick attempt; however, Page kicks out. Page gets up and nails Allin with a big boot to the face of Allin. Page and Sky both exchange multiple tags during the break and continue their dominance over Allin.
The crowd is cheering for Darby, Sky showboat, right after hitting Allin with a backbreaker. Sky tags in Page and Allin go for the quick rollup pin. Allin is up and hits Page with a Scorpion Death Drop; Allin goes to the opposite corner as Page tags Sky. Allin tags himself in to show Sky he was ready to g; Allin hits Sky with a destroyer into a pin. The ref is distracted, and while Page is not paying attention, Allin zip ties Page's boots, and he goes after Sky. Allin hits Sky with a stunner, and now Allin goes for the Coffin Drop and hits it. Allin goes for the pin; Page pulls Allin out of the ring, stopping the count. Page grabs a toolbox from the bottom of the ring. Page cuts it the tie and is now the legal man. Sky distracts Allin, and Ethan Page hits Ego's Edge on Allin and then pins Allin to get the win.
Winners: Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page
Orange Cassidy (w/ Best Friends) vs. Cezar Bononi (w/ The Wingmen)
Cezar Bononi starts the match by lifting Orange Cassidy, throwing him into the corner turnbuckle, and getting a few strikes. Bononi tosses Cassidy again; however, he rolls out of the ring, and Ryan Nemeth and Peter Avalon start doing a makeover by combing his hair and put him back in the ring. Cassidy and Bononi run the ropes, and Cassidy trips up Bononi. Statlander distracts the referee, and Best Friends tosses Orange Cassidy over the top rope, and he lands on top of all four of The Wingmen. Cassidy hits a DDT and then hits the Orange Punch. Cassidy then pins Bononi to get the win.
Winner: Orange Cassidy (w/ Best Friends)
- We get a backstage promo with Jungle Boy and Alex Marvez but are immediately interrupted by Kenny Omega, Don Callis, and Michael Nakazawa. Omega tells Jungle Boy that he embarrassed him, and he tells Jungle Boy he can take a free shot at Kenny Omega. Jungle Boy is going to punch him, but he gets hit in the back by Nakazawa. Omega gets some shots in; however, Jungle Boy recovers and gets some shots on Omega before he retreats. Nakazawa tries to escape as well, but Kenny does not let him hop on the golf cart, and Jungle Boy lays out Nakazawa as Omega and Callis drive off.
- Matt Hardy cuts a promo with Private Party, The Bunny, and The Blade. Hardy says that Christian keeps going after him they will take care of him. Christian then gets locked up in a cage; Hardy tells him that he was retired for seven years and that he wants him to take a check and leave and hang with his daughter.
Cody Rhodes and Brock Anderson (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. QT Marshall and Aaron Solow (w/ Nick Comoroto)
Brock Anderson and Aaron Solow start the match; Aaron Solow has Brock Anderson in a wrist lock; Brock counters and takes Solow down right away. Now, Solow and Brock are exchanging holds until Solow gets away and tags Marshall. Marshall says he wants Cody Rhodes; Brock takes a shot at QT and then tags Rhodes. Marshall retreats and tags Solow; Rhodes takes out Solow and then hits Marshall with a dive to the outside.
Rhodes goes back into the ring and gets taken out by Solow. Marshall and Solow attack Rhodes; he escapes and tags Brock for the hot tag. Brock hits Marshall with a flurry of punches and has the upper hand on him until Solow takes him down. Marshall and QT are exchanging quick tags and are controlling the match. They head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break.
QT went for the Cross Rhodes; however, Brock counters and hits QT with a reverse DDT. Brock now makes it to Cody for the hot tag, Rhodes clears the ring. Rhodes has Solow in the figure-four leglock; however, Solow makes it to the ropes. Rhodes goes over to the ropes after Solow; Marshall comes up behind Rhodes, and Rhodes hits him with a Canadian Destroyer. Solow takes out Rhodes; he goes for the pin; however, Anderson makes the save. Anderson gets the tag, and Solow goes right after him; however, Brock counters Solow's move into a pin and gets the big win.
Winners: Cody Rhodes and Brock Anderson (w/ Arn Anderson)
- We get a vignette with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Lance Archer, and he says that Lance wants Miro and running out of patience.
- Jim Ross interviews Andrade; Andrade says he came to AEW because of the stars, and he is a Superstars. Ross asks Andrade to say he wants the TNT and World Championship; he says he deserves them. He says he chose Vickie Guerrero to manage him because they have a connection. Andrade says he has a surprise, and the interview ends.
- Adam "Hangman" Page says he accepts the challenge, Page says he has a Beer in his hand and is just with his buddies, and he compliments Evil Uno for his match last week against Miro. Alex Marvez asks him about the World Title, and Page brushes it off.
Penelope Ford vs. Julia Hart (w/ Varsity Blonds)
The match begins with Penelope Ford and Julia Hart locking up; Ford takes control of the match away and has Hart in a headlock. Hart counters it and now has Ford in a leg lock; Ford is thrown into the ropes and hits Hart with a shoulder tackle. Ford has Hart down on the outside of the ropes; Ford jumps from the turnbuckle and lands on Hart's knees first. They head out for another picture-in-picture commercial break; Ford is in complete control.
Ford is laying it in on Hart with multiple strikes. We are now back from the commercial, and Hart is back and is getting some offense in. Julia Hart gets a few strikes in; however, Ford has a counter for everything. Ford hits Hart with a nasty gutbuster; Ford goes to the top rope for a moonsault press but misses Hart. Hart goes for a kick but misses, and Ford locks in the Indian Death Lock, and Hart submits. Ford does not let go of the hold; she eventually lets it go. Miro comes out asking Penelope where Kip was and then attacks Varisty Blonds.
Winner: Penelope Ford
- We get a promo with Tony Schiavone with Britt Baker, and it is immediately interrupted by Vickie Guerrero and says that Tony Khan owes her a favor for bringing Andrade in, so she asked for a match, and next week Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose will take on Britt Baker and Rebel next week. Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone go over next week's Dynamite. "Hangman" Page vs. Powerhouse Hobbs, Miro vs. Brian Pillman Jr., MJF vs. Sammy Guevara, along with the previously scheduled Kenny Omega vs. Jungle Boy AEW World Championship match.
- We get a video of FTR along with Santos and Escobar and their rivalry.
- We get a promo with the announcement of September 22nd, AEW Dynamite at Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York.
- We get a promo with "Smart" Mark Sterling and Jade Cargill stating that Jade has reached an agreement with businesses and has many plans. They also mention that she remains undefeated in action.
The Good Brothers and Matt Jackson (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler) vs. Frankie Kazarian, Pentagon Jr., and Eddie Kingston (w/ Alex Abrahantes)
The match begins with Frankie Kazarian going right after Karl Anderson; he throws a series of punches at Anderson. Kazarian goes for a quick pin attempt, but Anderson kicks out. Kazarian takes Anderson down with a heavy clothesline. Pentagon Jr. is tagged in, and Anderson takes a shot at Pentagon and Anderson gets away to tag Matt Jackson. Pentagon takes both men out with a thrust kick. Pentagon tags in Eddie Kingston, and he delivers a headbutt to Matt Jackson. Kingston hits Matt Jackson with a heavy chop; Matt tags in Doc Gallows. Gallows takes down Kingston with a shoulder tackle. Kingston takes down Gallows and then knocks down Jackson.
Kingston is still on the outside, and now all men are battling it out; Gallows and Jackson are getting multiple shots in Kingston. We take another picture-in-picture commercial break with Matt Jackson taking control of the match by keeping Kingston down. We are back from the break with Anderson and Jackson still getting many shots in on Kingston.
Kingston has enough and hits Jackson with a big suplex. Kingston gets to Kazarian for the hot tag; Kazarian takes out all three of his opponents. Kazarian has Anderson in a cross-face chicken wing, and Gallows breaks it up. Kazarian is distracted, and Anderson hits Kazarian with a spinebuster. Kazarian makes it to Pentagon for the tag; Pentagon hit The Good Brothers with a tope con hilo. Kazarian hits Jackson with a big shotgun dropkick.
Kingston goes for another pin, but it is broken up by Gallows again. Anderson is now the legal man and Pentagon Jr.; Pentagon gets a superkick in on Anderson goes for the pin, but Anderson kicks out. Anderson tags in Gallows, and now they both clear the ring out. Gallows goes for the pinfall after Matt Jackson hits Pentagon with an elbow drop.
The Good Brothers go for The Magic Killer, but Kazarian breaks it up. Kingston is now in, and he hits Matt Jackson with the half and half; however, he then gets taken out. Nick Jackson comes in from the crowd and sprays an aerosol can in the Pentagon's eyes, which allows Karl Anderson to finish it and get the pin.
Winners: The Good Brothers and Matt Jackson (w/ Don Callis and Brandon Cutler)