Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/11/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
- AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Lee Johnson.
- AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator - First Round: Bandido vs. RUSH (w/ Jose The Assistant).
- AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator - First Round: Dante Martin vs. Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana).
- "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry Face-To-Face with Luchasaurus & Christian Cage.
- Nyla Rose Speaks.
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AEW Rampage (11/11/2022) Live Coverage.
- Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening segment.
- Luchasaurus and Christian Cage came to the ring for their face-to-face with "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry. After Cage talked trash about Perry and the Boston crowd, Perry said that he and Luchasaurus ruined everything and told Luchasaurus that he wasted years of his life that he would never get back. Perry challenged Luchasaurus to a Steel Cage Match for Full Gear. Cage accepted Perry's challenge before he insulted Jungle Boy's late father yet again, to which Perry responded by grabbing Cage from the throat grabbed Cage by the throat. Luchasaurus reacted to this by immediately attacking his former tag partner, ripping Perry's shirt off. Luchasaurus hit a vicious Chokeslam on Perry onto a standing chair.
- AEW Tris Champions Death Triangle (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) were interviewed backstage. PAC told Fenix & Penta that they had to be smart and make sure to defend their gold by any means necessary, specifically pointing at his tiny hammer.
AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator - First Round.
Dante Martin vs. Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana).
Martin hit a shotgun dropkick on Cage to begin the match followed by two enziguri kicks on Cage. Martin went for a springboard cross body, but Cage caught him and did deadlifts with Martin. Martin got off and hit two forearm strikes and a dropkick to send him to the outside. Martin went for a Tope Suicida on Martin to the outside, but Cage caught him mid-air and hit a suplex on Martin onto the ring floor. Cage taunted in the ring and flexed his muscles before Martin got back in the ring to break the count-out at nine. Cage hit corner spears and a chop on Martin before hitting a running back elbow on Martin. Martin hit a chin breaker and went for a Tornado DDT on Cage, but Cage reversed the turn into a vicious side slam on Martin. Cage went for the F5 on Martin, but Martin caught him mid-air with a DDT. Martin hit a series of forearm strikes on Cage before going for an Irish Whip on Cage, but Cage launched Martin into the corner. Martin hit a springboard cross body on Cage for a near fall. Cage dropped Martin before going for a deadlift suplex on Cage, but Martin leaped over Cage to send him to the outside. Martin hit a leaping dive on Cage to the outside before getting back in the ring and hitting a frog splash on Cage for a near fall. Martin hit another enziguri kick on Cage, but Cage hit a forearm strike and went for his trademark deadweight suplex, but Marin hit an enziguri kick on Cage. Martin went for a 450 on Cage, but Cage evaded and hit a lariat followed by a Full Nelson Slam on Martin for a near fall. Cage reacted to this by hitting a Gory Special DDT on Martin for the pinfall win, advancing to the Semi-Finals of the AEW Championship Eliminator.
Winner: Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana).
- Lee Moriarty and Stokely Hathaway were interviewed backstage. Moriarty said that he wanted a shot at any title, but was confronted by FTW Champion Hook, setting up a match between the two for a later date.
- There was a video vignette showing the prone bodies of Buddy Matthews, Malakai Black & Brody King were sent to different forms of burials before rising from the ashes, teasing their return to AEW at the aid of Julia hART.
AEW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator - First Round.
Bandido vs. RUSH (w/ Jose The Assistant).
RUSH hit a vicious Tope Con Giro on Bandido before ramming him across the different sides of barricaded on the outside and hitting Bandido with a cable on the back before the match officially began. The match officially began with RUSH hitting multiple corner splashes on Bandido before teasing going for the bull's Horns, but instead booted Bandido in the face as a call back to their match at ROH Best In The World 2021. RUSH wanted the crowd, who were behind Bandido, before RUSH hit a vicious jab at Bandido. Bandido and RUSH exchanged chops before RUSH hit a vicious running shotgun dropkick on Bandido. RUSH hit a corner shotgun dropkick on Bandido, but Bandido shook it off and hit a corkscrew from the top rope on RUSH and a Hurricanrana to send him to the outside. Bandido hit a Tope Suicida and Flussburry Dive on RUSH consecutively to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Bandido hit a Frog Splash on RUSH for a near fall. Bandido went for a Stalling Suplex, but RUSH evaded and hit a pimp slap, a chop, and a thrust kick on Bandido followed by a lariat for a one-foot near fall. Bandid did a Bandera to send RUSH over the top rope onto the apron, but RUSH caught Bandido with a top-rope single-leg drop kick for a near fall. RUSH hit the chest kicks on Bandido, but Bandido responded with a Gorilla Press Slam on RUSH for a near fall. RUSH & Bandido exchanged German Suplex before Bandido hit a Crucifix Bomb and a face slam on RUSH, but RUSH. quickly responded with a rolling elbow strike before the two laid down on the mat. The two got back up before Bandido hit a chop on RUSH, but RUSH responded with a corner splash and a Piledriver on Bandido for a near fall. Jose gave RUSH a chair to distract the referee and attack Bandido from behind, but John Silver came to the aid of Bandido and hit a wicked lariat on Jose. Badido saw the opening and got a Schoolboy Roll-Up on RUSH for the pinfall win, advancing to the Second Round of the AEW Championship Eliminator.
Winner: Bandido.
- Jake Hager confronted Renee Young & Claudio Castagnoli backstageto tell him he was a better
Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero & Marina Shafir) vs. Kayla Sparks.
Nyla hit a big boot, a knee strike, a diving elbow, and the Jaded (Glamazon Slam) on Sparks for the quick and immediate pinfall win for the self-proclaimed TBS Champion.
Winner: Nyla Rose.
- Kiera Hogan, Leila Grey & TBS Champion Jade Cargill came to the ring to attack Nyla Rose. Cargill hit a pump kick on Cargill before Rose, Shafir & Guerrero retreated.
- Mark Henry interviewed The Factory and Best Friends ahead of the main event match between Lee Johnson and AEW All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy. Cassidy tried to steal Mark Henry's catchphrase once again.
AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match.
Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Danhausen, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. Lee Johnson (w/ QT Marshall, Nick Comorotto & Cole Karter).
The match began with Johnson and Cassidy locking up before Cassidy hit a wrist lock takedown on Johnson. Cassidy got Johnson on a headlock before hitting shoulder tackle for a near fall. Cassidy got another headlock on Johnson, but Johnson hit a shoulder tackle on Cassidy. Cassidy hit an arm drag on Johnson and Johnson tried to return the favor, but Cassidy evaded and laid in the taunt kicks on Johnson. Cassidy hit a dropkick on Karter to send him off the apron, but Johnson caught him with a dropkick of his own. Cassidy slammed Johnson's head into the corner, but Comorotto attacked Cassidy from behind before tossing him over the barricade. Danhausen cursed Comorrotto, but Marshall hit a low blow before Marshall hit a vicious, nasty, ugly, and disgusting Piledriver on Danhausen on the stairsteps. Back in the ring, Johnson punched Cassidy in the corner before launching him to the corner with an Irish Whip. Johnson attacked Cassidy's back and went for a suplex, but Cassidy dropped his weight to stop Johnson. Johnson hit a body shot on Cassidy before finally hitting a snap suplex on Cassidy for a near fall. Johnson punched Cassidy in the head but Cassidy got Johnson in a school boy roll-up for a near fall. Cassidy and Johnson collied with double lariats on each other. Comorotto tossed Taylor onto the barricade, but Cassidy tossed Johnson onto Comorotto before hitting a springboard Tornillo on Marshall and Karter to the outside. Back in the ring, Cassidy hit a cross body on Johnson and went for a Tornado DDT on Johnson, but Johnson reversed it with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Comorotto tried to lift Cassidy as the referee was distracted, but Trent hit a spear on Comorrotto. Taylor, of all people, hit a Tope Con Giro on Marshall and Karter. Johnson hit two thrust kicks on Cassidy and went for a powerbomb, but Cassidy hit the Beach Break on Johnson for the pinfall win. After Marshall tried to interrupt Best Friends and their celebration, Cassidy, Trent & Taylor hugged Cole Karter, of all people, in the middle of the ring. As Karter celebrated the hug, Best Friends hit the Chokeslam/ Powerbomb combo on Karter. Cassidy stood tall to end the broadcast.
Winner & Still All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta).
- Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful's YouTube channel. You can check Fightful's Results Section here.