Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/2/2022 edition of AEW Rampage live on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE
Match Card.
- AEW Trios Championship Semi-Final: Dark Order ("Hangman" Adam Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) (w/ Danhausen).
- Mark Henry Interviews TBS Champion Jade Cargill & Athena.
- Swerve In Our Glory & The Acclaimed Speak.
- Ricky Starks vs. QT Marshall (w/ Nick Comorotto, Aaron Solow, Cole Karter & Anthony Ogogo).
- Mixed-Tag Match: Ruby Soho & Ortiz vs. Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo.
- Chris Jericho, Excalibur & Jim Ross welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning into the opening match.
AEW Trios Championship Semi-Final.
Dark Order ("Hangman" Adam Page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Best Friends (Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) (w/ Danhausen).
Danhausen came to the ring and cursed Hangman before the referee ejected him from the match. Hangman complained to the referee before Cassidy got Page in a roll-up for a near fall. Cassidy attempted a Tornado DDT, but instead transitioned into a horsey position. Cassidy stopped Hangman in his tracks and placed his hands in his pockets. Hangman evaded each other's offense before staring each other down. Taylor & Beretta evaded the offense of Silver & Reynolds before Trent & Chuck hugged in the ring. Silver & Reynolds tried to hug each other, but Trent & Taylor attacked them from behind. Taylor & Trent hit an eat-defeat/ dragon suplex on Silver before placing him on the top rope. Hangman pulled Taylor & Trent off the top rope and carried Silver on his shoulders. Cassidy hit some "devastating" kicks on Hangman before catching A superkick on Silver. Trent hit a tornado DDT on Reynolds, but Silver caught him with an uppercut. Trent stomped Silver before Taylor and Trent hit a standing suplex on Silver for a near fall. Trent slapped the back of Silver's bald head multiple times before Silver hit a suplex on Cassidy. Hangman tagged in and laid out everyone from Best Friends before hitting a back elbow on Cassidy. Page hit a leaping lariat on Taylor before powerbombing Reyonlds onto Trent & Taylor. Cassidy went for a cross body, but Page caught him with a Fall Away Slam before hitting a tope con giro on his own partner, Reynolds. Trent & Taylor hit a chokeslam on Hangman onto the table outside. Back in the ring, Reynolds hit a jab on Cassidy for a near fall. Silver hit an enziguri kick on Cassidy, a cannonball off the apron on Taylor, a series of kicks on Cassidy, but Cassidy caught him with the Slumdog Millionare. Cassidy hit the Beach Break on Silver for a near fall before Cassidy hit a frog splash off Taylor & Trent's shoulders on Silver for a near fall. Hangman tossed Taylor & Trent out of the ring before hitting Taylor with a Moonsault to the outside. Trent tagged in and attempted an Avalanche German Suplex, but Hangman landed on his feet and connected a rolling elbow on Trent & Cassidy. Hangman hit a deadeye on Cassidy for a near fall. Silver hit a kick on Cassidy before tossing him into a rolling elbow from Reynolds, which Silver followed up with an enziguri kick before Reynolds connected a Stunner on Cassidy, but Cassidy got Silver in an inside cradle for a near fall. Taylor & Trent hit an assisted strong zero on Reynolds on the outside before Taylor hit an Awful Waffle on Silver for a near fall. Cassidy hit an Orange punch on Hangman before Taylor clotheslined him out of the ring, but Silver caught him with a roll-up for the pinfall win. They will face Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks on All Out to determine the first-ever AEW Trios Champions.
Winners: Dark Order ("Hangman" Adam page, John Silver & Alex Reynolds).
- There was a video vignette to hype up the match between Eddie Kingston & Tomihiro Ishii on the Zero Hur of All Out 2022
Rey Fenix (w/ Alex Abrahantes) vs. Blake Christian.
The match began with Fenix and Christian evading each other's offense before Christian hit a spinning kick and a shotgun dropkick on Fenix, but Fenix shook it off with a kip-up. Fenix hit an arm drag, a spinning midsection kick, a chop, and a rebound arm drag on Christian. Fenix hit an over head chop on Christian, but Christian caught him with a flipping kick. Christian hit a Moonsault over the top rope to the outside. Back in the ring, Christian went for a spring rope move, but Fenix evaded and hit a Superkick and two chops on Christian. Fenix hit a knee strike off the powerbomb carry before connecting the Fear Factor for the pinfall win.
Winner: Rey Fenix.
- Hook was interviewed by Lexy Nair, but Matt Meynard & Angelo Parker confronted him and told him that they were trying to confront him for weeks. Hook took his shirt off and tried to fight off the two, but Meynard told him to wait until All Out.
Ruby Soho & Ortiz vs. Sammy Guevara & Tay Melo.
Ortiz & Guevara began the match, with Ortiz hitting a series of strikes and a chop on Guevara. Ortiz hit a series of elbow strikes onto the back of Guevara before hitting Guevara with the Dermus Destroyer. Soho kicked Guevara in the face before kicking Melo in the head too. Ortiz hit a headbutt on Guevara before Soho kicked Guevara multiple times in the chest. Melo reacted to this by launching Soho onto the stair and hitting a superkick on Soho's hand into the stairs. Guevara hit a series of strikes on Ortiz to his back before Melo hti a forearm strike on Ortiz. Guevara and Melo hit a double suplex on Ortiz while chants for Eddie Kingston rained from the crowd (more on why they sang this on Fightful Select). Guevara got Ortiz in a headlock before laying his boot on Ortiz in the corner. Guevara hit an enziguri kick on Ortiz. Guevara went for a top rope move, but Ortiz evaded and hit him with a powerslam before tagging in Soho. Soho hit a spear, two leg sweep uranages, a series of headbutts, and a high knee on Melo. Ortiz hit an atomic drop before he and Ruby hti a Cazadora Splash/ Senton combination on Guevara for a near fall. Sohotagged in and hit a tornado Headbutt on Guevara. Melo & Guevara hit a wheelbarrow/ DDT combo on Soho before Ortiz pulled Melo to break the pin. Guevara hit an enziguri kick on OrtizOrtiz hit a german suplex on Guevara before Soho got Melo in an O'Connor Roll for the pinfall win. With this victory, Soho & Ortiz will now challenge for the AAA Mixed Tag Championships on All Out.
Winners: Ruby Soho & Ortiz.
- Lexy Nair interviewed Dark Order backstage, but they were interrupted by Don Callis. Callis said he was proud of Hangman, but Hangman kicked him out of the locker room in full rage.
- Mark Henry hosted a sit-down interview with TBS Champion Jade Cargill & Athena ahead of their math for AEW All Out 2022. Athena told Cargill that she would win the TBS Championship. Cargill said that she was tired of people saying that they were next and that Athena would be the 37th victim. Athena said that she would defeat Cargill on behalf of everyone that has had to deal with her and the Baddies.
- Tony Schiavone interviewed the teams of The Acclaimed (MAx Caster & Anthony Bowens w/ Billy Gunn) & AEW Tag Team Champions Shane "Swerve" Strickland & Keith Lee. Caster and Gunn told them that they had more experience as a team and that they would take the tag team titles home because everyone loves the Acclaimed. Swerve congratulated them for their stupid little rap jokes but warned them that it would take more than raps to take the titles off them before saying that he and Lee were a stronger team.
- TNT Champion Wardlow and the AAA, ROH & IWGP Champions FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler) came to the ring to cut a promo. Hardwood said that there was a part of his life where he felt worthless, but then 2022 happened and all of the fans happened. He said that from there, the momentum changed and realized that not everyone would not love FTR but it did not matter because of how much they care about wrestling, his live, and busting his ass off. Hardwood was then interrupted by the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley), accompanied by Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh. Shelley was called an asshole by the crowd, which Shelley said that it was because they were from Detroit. Shelley called FTR the best tag team in the business, but said that they did not have the respect of the locker room that MCMG had. Shelley said that he had seen everything in the business and acknowledged their history in TNA with Lethal. Sonjay asked Dax if he was going to fight like his "8-year-old brat", to which Dax lost it and ended abruptly the promo.
- Mark Henry interviewed QT Marshall & Ricky Starks ahead of their match, with Marshall saying that his word is bond. Starks said that the good news for him, revealing that he locked The Factory in the locker room. The two then brawled backstage before the two made their way to the ring for the Main Event of the show.
Ricky Starks vs. QT Marshall.
Starks laid in strikes on Marshall in the corner before the referee pulled him off the corner due to a rope break. Starks hit a kick on QT, but QT responded with a dropkick. QT hit a suplex on Starks before connecting leg drop on him for a near fall. QT hit two elbow drops on Starks before laying his boot on him while doing Starks' pose. Starks hit a series of punches on Starks, but QT responded with a running elbow strike. QT hit a series of punches on QT, but Starks tossed QT over the top rope. QT climbed to the top rope, but Starks slapped him. Starks climbed to the top rope and hit a superplex on QT. Starks hit a series of strikes on QT, but QT caught him with a flipping enziguri. Starks hit QT with an overhead suplex before hitting a Tornado DDT on QT for a near fall. The Factory came to the ring and handed QT a pair of brass knucks while the referee was distracted. QT swingged at Ricky, but Starks headed and hit a spear on Aaron Solow off the apron. QT got Starks on a roll-up for near fall. Starks sent himself & QT out of the ring before. Cole Karter tried to get involved, but Starks hit a lariat on Karter. Starks tossed Nick Comorrotto onto the stairs before he made his way back in the ring. QT went for a cutter, but Starks reversed with a backslide for a near fall. Starks went for a spar, but QT caught him with a Diamond Cutter for near fall. QT went for a Scorpion DDT, but Starks evaded the hold and hit a spear on QT. Starks hit the Roshambo for the pinfall win.
Winner: Ricky Starks.
- Powerhouse Hobbs & Starks exchanged strikes after the match before referees came to interfere. Bryan Danielson came to the ramp to confront Chris Jericho ahead of their match on All Out. All hell broke loose at the end of the show to end the broadcast.