There are rumors and rumblings about Matt and Jeff Hardy returning home to WWE and signing new contracts where they broke into the business.
Also, IMPACT Wrestling has been clumsily trying to trademark the "Broken" gimmick by adding a little TM symbol by every mention of the gimmick on all of their YouTube videos.
Then, over the weekend, WWE tweeted out a video of the Hardy brothers' match at WrestleMania 25. They included a thinly veiled reference to the Broken Brilliance.
And of course, his Brokenness couldn't help but respond:
Our own Sean Ross Sapp even got into the act:
Matt and Jeff Hardy are currently the Ring of Honor Tag Champs and have a Ladder Match against the Young Bucks at Supercard of Honor on April 1st in Lakeland, Florida. There has been some speculation they could show up in WWE as soon as the next day, at WresteMania in Orlando.