There are several notes coming out of last week's NXT.
Corey Brennan confirmed the upcoming NXT double taping is due to the Perth trip, as key people in production will be heading over. Some talent will also head over for that, so the decision was made to consolidate the tapings.
Byron Saxton is set to replace Booker T for the duration of his absence, Brennan learned. There was no discussion of CM Punk doing commentary, and he's not expected to be at the PC the next few weeks. We're told the Ace Steel podcast of Punk being planned for upcoming commentary work was simply a suggestion of Steel's.
There was no official mandate on how to handle anti-Rock reactions. It was taken on a case by case basis with the lead producer making the calls. The crowd chants were muted for Ava Raine.
Fans were outright told not to throw up middle fingers or curse during the Carmelo chants. Originally, the chair that he used at Vengeance Day was supposed to be on the show, but Corey Brennan was told it didn't arrive on time.
Jay Malachi, now Je'Von Evans impressed officials.
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