Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We'll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) & The Elite (Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Dark Order (Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Alan Angels, Stu Grayson, Evil Uno & #9)
Lee and Nick doing battle until Matt tags in, Matt and Nick then hit Lee with some double team maneuvers. #9 goes to the top rope and Nick nails him with a super hurricarana for a near fall, Matt tags in and he immediately tags Wheeler in. Harwood tags in and he works over the arm of #9, Page and Omega tag in and they nail #9 with axe handle smashes to the arm. Page and Omega double team #9 until Uno hits the ring, FTR save Omega and Page from an attack by Uno and Grayson. FTR works with Omega and Page to land a triple vertical suplex on FTR, Cabana drags Omega out of the ring and Lee boots him in the face. Uno tags in and he double teams Omega with Grayson, Grayson tags in and he nails an elevated Omega with a springboard elbow drop for a near fall. Angels tags in and he drops Omega before landing a splash for a near fall, Omega recovers and he nails Angels with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Harwood tags in and he immediately works over Angels, Harwood corners Angels while landing some strikes. Wheeler tags in and he double teams Angels alongside Harwood, Wheeler then hits a leaping Angels with a power slam. Dark Order members interfere and Wheeler lays them out, Page tags in and has a miscommunication with FTR.
Grayson tags in and he gets quadruple teamed by The Elite, Uno tags in and he gets quadruple teamed as well. Angels tags in and he also gets quadruple teamed by The Elite, Nick also takes out Dark Order members with a suicide dive. Wheeler tags in and he lands an elbow drop on an elevated Angels, Harwood suffered an injury and he gets attended to while Omega gets worked over by Dark Order. #9 tags in and Omega quickly nails him with a hurricarana, Matt and Lee are tagged in and Lee immediately drops Matt for a near fall, Grayson tags in and he double teams Matt with Uno for a near fall. Lee tags in and he immediately tags Angels in, everybody from Dark Order works over a cornered Matt before Cabana tags in to get a near fall. Uno tags in and he attacks a cornered Matt with some strikes, Matt fights back and Uno uses a ref distraction to hit him with a neck breaker. Lee tags in and Omega interferes to attack him before getting dropped, Cabana tags in and he attacks Matt before tagging Uno in. Matt avoids a triple team from Dark Order before landing a twisting stunner on Angels, Uno attacks Nick to prevent a tag to Matt. Matt fights back and he manages to take all of Dark Order down, Page returns from the backstage area and he tags in before cleaning house against the opposing team.
Page quickly clears the ring before landing multiple dives on Dark Order, Uno distracts Page and that allows Angels to attack him. Page recovers and he drops Angels back first on the ring apron, Page takes out most of Dark Order with a top rope moonsault. Page gets Angels back in the ring and Lee tags into the match, Page and Lee exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Uno and Grayson interfere to send Page out of the ring, Lee then takes out Page with a suicide dive before getting him back in the ring. Cabana tags in and he gets Page on his shoulders before landing the Chicago Skyline for a near fall, Grayson gets the tag and he nails Page with a 450 splash for another near fall. Lee tags back in and he eats some super kicks from The Bucks, The Bucks attack all of Dark Order with some super kicks. Omega and The Bucks triple team Lee before Page returns to almost hit Omega with a Buckshot Lariat, Lee then hits Page with a discus lariat for a three count.
Winners: Dark Order (Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Alan Angels, Stu Grayson, Evil Uno & #9)
- A van pulls up to the arena earlier today and Best Friends get out of it.
- Jon Moxley appears in a video shot earlier in the day, Moxley talks about the demons he faced early in his wrestling career. Moxley talks about how people tried to talk him out of doing certain matches, Moxley says he wouldn’t change a thing and he understands why Darby Allin challenged him for the title. Moxley says he has now become the voice of reason and he is concerned about Allin, Moxley says he doesn’t want to be the one to end Allin’s career. Moxley says he won’t try to talk Allin out of competing tonight, but he wants him to stay down when its time.
Santana & Ortiz vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)
The match begins with Santana backing Taylor into the corner before letting him go free, Taylor starts working on the arm of Santana. Santana gets free and he gets Taylor in a kravat, Taylor gets free and Santana takes him down with a headlock. Taylor gets free and he rolls Santana up for a near fall, Ortiz tags in and Taylor drops him with an arm drag before working over his arm. Trent tags in and he works over the arm of Ortiz, Ortiz gets free and Trent nails him with a double knee drop before landing a northern lights suplex for a near fall. Taylor tags in and Ortiz quickly drops him with strikes, Santana tags in and Taylor sends him into the corner. Both teams battle in the ring and Best Friends gain control before Trent hits Santana with a tornado DDT, Best Friends hug after clearing the ring. Santana gets back in the ring and Trent nails him with a few strikes, Taylor tags in and he double teams Santana alongside Trent. Taylor gets Santana back in the corner before attacking him with strikes, Trent tags back in and Santana drops him before landing a basement drop kick. Ortiz tags in and he hits Trent with a northern lights suplex for a near fall, Ortiz keeps Trent down while holding him in a single leg crab.
Trent gets free and he has a striking exchange with Ortiz, Ortiz gains the advantage before tagging Santana back into the match. Santana sends Trent into the corner before landing a uranage for a near fall, Trent gets to the ring apron and Ortiz knocks him to the arena floor. Santana attacks Taylor and he knocks him into the crowd, Ortiz then sends Trent into the barricade before getting him back in the ring. Santana cracks Trent with a back breaker before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Ortiz tags in and he hits Trent with a suplex for a near fall. Santana tags in and he hits Trent with a suplex for another near fall, Ortiz tags in and he works with Santana to land a double suplex for a near fall. Santana tags back in and Trent fights back against both opponents, Taylor tags in and he immediately cleans house against the opposing team. Ortiz tags in and Taylor nails him with sole food followed by a falcon arrow for a near fall, Taylor traps Ortiz in the corner and he gets him on the top rope. Trent tags in and he goes to the top rope until Santana attacks him, Taylor returns and he sends Santana out of the ring. Best Friends then hit Ortiz with a superplex, Santana returns and he knocks Taylor to the arena floor before throwing him into the barricade.
Ortiz recovers and he attacks the injured back of Trent, Santana tags in and he cracks Trent with an assisted cutter. Oriz then hits Trent with a sit out power bomb before Santana punts Trent in the face for a near fall, Ortiz tags in and Taylor breaks up the Street Sweeper attempt. Trent shocks Ortiz with a roll up after that for a three count.
Winners: Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent)
- MJF and Wardlow are at the campaign headquarters, MJF shows his staff making posters and pins that will get sent out to people all over the world. MJF gets angry with Lee Johnson for not hanging a leveled poster, MJF says the campaign won’t end until he wins the AEW World Heavyweight Title.
- Matt Hardy is in the ring and he says he came to AEW to be respected and have a say in the projection of his career, Hardy talks about how he and AEW listen to their audience. Hardy says the AEW audience wants him to focus on being himself, Hardy talks about working with Private Party and he will always have their backs. Hardy says he has been trying to help Sammy Guevara and Guevara has refused his help, Hardy talks about what he did last week to Guevara. Hardy says he desires to hurt Guevara and Guevara tries attacking him from behind, a brawl breaks out between both and it spills out of the ring. Hardy grabs Guevara and he slams him through the time keepers table, Hardy sets up another table and Guevara knocks him into the ring post. Guevara gets Hardy on the table before hitting him with a steel chair, Guevara leaps off the stage and he puts Hardy through the table.
- Santana and Ortiz are outside the arena and they destroy the van driven by Best Friends.
Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Cody & Matt Cardona w/Arn Anderson
The match begins with Cody grabbing Silver and he gets him in the corner, a shoving match breaks out until Cody lands an uppercut. Cody follows up by nailing Silver with a front suplex for a near fall, Cardona tags in and he nails Silver with a back elbow strike. Silver fights back and Cardona quickly nails him with a flapjack for a near fall, Silver recovers to land a few kicks and tag Reynolds in. Cardona quickly nails Reynolds with a neck breaker for a near fall, Cody tags in and he nails the arm of Reynolds with a top rope elbow smash. Cody gets sent out of the ring and he crashes into the ring post, Silver gets Cody back in the ring so Reynolds can work him over. Cody fights back and Silver drops him on the ring apron, Silver tags in and he double teams a downed Cody with Reynolds for a near fall. Silver traps Cody in the corner while landing some strikes, Reynolds tags in and he nails Cody with strikes of his own. Reynolds then drops Cody with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Reynolds corners Cody again before landing a shoulder thrust and a hard Irish whip. Silver tags in and he stomps away on a downed Cody, Silver keeps Cody trapped in the corner while landing more strikes.
Cody tries fighting back and Silver nails him with a back body drop for a near fall, Reynolds tags back in as Cody goes to the ring apron. Cody gets back in the ring and Reynolds nails him with a double stomp, Reynolds keeps Cody down while applying a modified abdominal stretch to him. Cody gets free and Reynolds quickly drops him for a near fall, Silver tags in and he double teams Cody with Reynolds for another near fall. Reynolds tags back in and he nails a downed Cody with an elbow drop, Silver tags in and he sends Cody into a kick from Reynolds for a near fall. Silver holds a downed Cody in an inverted bear hug, Silver keeps Cody down while attacking him with some kicks. Cody fights back and he nails a charging Silver with a power slam, Reynolds and Cardona are tagged in by their respective partners. Cardona quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Cardona clears the ring before landing a double drop kick on Dark Order. Cardona then hits Reynolds with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Silver interferes and Cody nails him with a Cody Cutter, Reynolds knocks Cody out of the ring before double teaming Cardona with Silver for a near fall.
Cody returns and he sends Reynolds out of the ring, Cody and Silver then suplex each other out of the ring. Reynolds returns to the ring and Cardona nails him with Radio Silence for a three count.
Winners: Cody & Matt Cardona w/Arn Anderson
After the match, Scorpio Sky confronts Cody to indicate that he wants a shot at the AEW TNT Championship.
- Best Friends find the damaged van and they are angry at Santana & Ortiz for what they did.
- The AEW Super Wednesday Debate with Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy is up next, Eric Bischoff is introduced as the moderator. Bischoff reveals the rules for the debate between Jericho and Cassidy, Jericho w/Jake Hager and Cassidy are then brought out to their respective podiums. Jericho mocks Cassidy’s appearance and Cassidy puts a tie on, Jericho claims that Cassidy is a joke and everybody is laughing at him. Jericho calls Cassidy a ginger jackass who plays pocket pool, Cassidy offers no response to what Jericho has said. Jericho claims to be the bigger star and better wrestler when compared to Cassidy, Cassidy again doesn’t respond to what was said by Jericho. Bischoff asks a question about the environment and Jericho doesn’t answer, while Cassidy does to prove just how intelligent he is. Jericho challenges Cassidy’s supposed popularity while insulting him some more, Jericho promises to defeat Cassidy for a second time next week on AEW Dynamite. Cassidy says nothing in response to what Jericho said, Cassidy interrupts Jericho during the final question and he tells him to shut up. Cassidy says Jericho failed to embarrass him tonight and he does care about what happens next week, Cassidy says next weeks match is the biggest in both of their careers.
Cassidy asks Jericho what he will do if he loses to him next week, Cassidy says he’ll beat Jericho next week. Bischoff declares Cassidy the winner of the debate and Jericho gets angry at him, Hager attacks Cassidy and Jericho joins in to land a Judas Effect. Best Friends eventually hit the ring to make the save.
- Tony Schiavone interviews Dr. Britt Baker, Baker reveals that she has chosen Reba to face Big Swole tonight.
Big Swole vs. Reba
The match begins with Swole taking Reba down with a headlock, Reba gets free and Swole drops her with a forearm strike. Baker distracts Swole and that allows Reba to attack her from behind, Reba then nails Swole with a suplex slam. Reba then hits a cornered Swole with a spinning heel kick, Reba goes to the top rope and she goes to the middle rope before missing a moonsault attempt. Swole nails Reba with Dirty Dancing for a three count.
Winner: Big Swole
AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Darby Allin
The match begins with Moxley ripping the mask of his face off of Allin, Allin slaps Moxley and Moxley drops him with a right. Allin gets up and he again slaps Moxley across the face, Moxley gets mad and he levels Allin with a clothesline. Moxley quickly corners Allin while attacking him with more strikes, Moxley then tosses Allin across the ring. Moxley keeps Allin down while stomping away on him, Moxley follows up by nailing Allin with a slam and elbow drop for a near fall. Allin fights back and he nails Moxley with a springboard arm drag followed by a drop kick, Moxley leaves the ring and Allin nails him with a dive. Allin and Moxley take their brawl up the entrance stage, Moxley throws Allin off the stage and into the ring post. Moxley gets Allin back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Moxley keeps Allin down while applying a straight jacket hold to him. Moxley releases the hold and he nails Allin with a few clotheslines, Allin tries fighting back and Moxley gets him in a single leg crab. Moxley transitions to an STF on the downed Allin, Allin flips Moxley off and Moxley nails him with a suplex throw. Allin rolls out of the ring before clotheslining Moxley on the top rope, Allin tackles Moxley and they both fall out of the ring.
Allin gets back in the ring before attacking Moxley with a suicide dive, Allin gets back in the ring and he drags Moxley to the ring post. Allin knocks Moxley to the arena floor before nailing him with another dive, Allin gets Moxley back into the ring before landing a code red for a near fall. Allin goes to the top rope and Moxley attacks him, Moxley climbs the ropes and he lands a super release German suplex on Allin. Wardlow comes out and that distraction allows MJF to hit Moxley with the world title belt, Allin gets up and he nails Moxley with a Coffin Drop for a near fall. Moxley gets up and Allin nails him with a ton of strikes followed by a shotgun drop kick, Allin then nails Moxley with a stunner and a back elbow strike. Allin goes to the top rope and Moxley catches him in a rear naked choke during the Coffin Drop attempt, Moxley then hits Allin with a pile driver for a near fall. Moxley follows up by hitting Allin with a Paradigm Shift for a three count.
Winner: Jon Moxley, still the AEW World Heavyweight Champion