IMPACT Wrestling Results (8/25/2022): VBD vs Time Machine, VXT vs. Yim & Grace, Josh Alexander & More

Welcome to the live discussion & coverage for the 8/25/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on and

Match Card.

Eddie Kingston: Love Is The Highest Elevation Of Understanding. I Don't Understand AEW Anymore After Last Night

- Karl Anderson vs. Matt Taven.

- Josh Alexander vs. Vincent.

- IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match: VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) (c) vs. Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim.

- Time Machine (Kushida, Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. VBD (Eric Young, Deaner & Joe Doering).

- Jessicka In Action.

- Jason Hotch vs. Bhupinder Gujjar.

Live Coverage.

- There was a video vignette highlighting the 6-Way Elimination Match from the 8/18/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling to determine the #1 Contender for the IMPACT Championship at Bound For Glory, where Eddie Edwards pinned Rich Swann to win (full results to the show here).

- Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcome the audience to the broadcast, airing from Chicago, Illinois, before quickly transitioning to the opening match.

IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match.

VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) (c) vs. Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim.

Green and Grace began the match locking up before Grace hit three headlock takedowns on Green, but Green hit a kick on Grace before Purrazzo slapped Grace in the face. Grace evaded Purrazzo's offense before slapping Purrazzo in the face. Grace went for a Standing Suplex on Green, but Purrazzo kicked Grace to help Green to reverse it with a DDT. Green reversed a Fireman's Carry into a roll-up for a near fall on Grace. Yim tagged in and hit multiple kicks in the abdomen before hitting a senton on Green in the corner. Purrazzo hit a lariat on Yim after a blind tag. Purrazzo and Green hit a wrist lock/ kick combo on Yim's left arm. Purrazzo hit a forward dragon screw on Yim before Green hit a curb stomp on Yim. Purrazo hit a shorthand lariat on Yim for a near fall before locking in an S-Grip Camel Clutch on Yim, but Yim tossed Purrazzo to break the hold. Green hit an Irish Whip/ elbow on Yim. Yim hit a back elbow on Green before evading Purrazzo's corner spear. Grace hit two lariats, a high knee, and a spine buster on Purrazzo before Green broke up the pinfall attempt. Yim hit a Bridged Back Suplex on Green for a near fall. Grace hit an overhand chop on Green, but Green responded with a back elbow before Purrazzo hit Grace with a crossbody for a near fall. Yim hit a top rope dropkick on Purrazzo. Green hit a top rope blockbuster on Yim, but Grace caught her with a lariat. Green distracted Grace long enough to allow herself and Purrazzo to hit the Doom Collector for the pinfall win.

Winners & Still IMPACT Knockout Tag Team Champions: VXT (Chelsea Green & Deonna Purrazzo) (c).

- Eric Young cut a promo backstage, with Young saying that the sickness (Time Machine) was strong, but they tasted the sweetness of victory on Emergence. Young said that VBD is getting better and the sooner Time Machine realized this, their time would be up.

- Vincent sat next to IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander backstage ahead of their match, saying that he sympathized with him. Alexander responded by saying that he will sympathize with Vincent when he drops him with a C4 Spike in their match later in the night.

Mike Bennett (w/ Maria Kanellis) vs. Karl Anderson

Anderson kicked Bennett in the abdomen and slammed Bennett's face into the turnbuckle before stomping down Bennett in the corner. Bennett hit a chop on Anderson before kicking him in the abdomen. Bennett launched Anderson into the corner, but Anderson responded with a lariat on Bennett. Anderson hit a chop and an uppercut on Bennett before connecting a running back elbow on Bennett. Anderson hit a clothesline on Bennett to send him out of the ring and taunted the crowd before the commercial break. Back from the break, Bennett hit a low dropkick on Anderson before connecting a rolling forearm strike on Anderson for a near fall. Bennett launched Anderson into the corner with an Irish Whip. Bennett hit a snap-mare/ eye poke combination on Anderson before locking in a headlock, but Anderson hit three strikes and a chop on Bennett. Anderson hit an uppercut, a lariat, a back elbow, and a rocket kick on Bennett. Anderson hit a punch, a chop, and got Bennet in a Fireman's Carry, but Bennett hit elbow strikes on Anderson to space the hold. Bennett hit an abdomen kick and a superkick on Anderson for a near fall. Anderson slammed Bennett into the ring corner before connecting Bennett with a Spinebuster for a near fall. Taven got in the apron to hit a kick on Anderson while the referee was distracted by Maria Kanellis, but Doc Anderson came back to IMPACT and hit a Chokeslam on Taven into the apron. Bennett got a roll-up on Anderson for a near fall before Anderson connected the Gun Stun for the pinfall win.

Winner: Karl Anderson.

- Backstage, IMPACT EVP Scott D'Amore confronted Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson backstage before revealing to them that they would defend the IMPACT Tag Team Championships on the 9/1/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling.

- While Savannah Evans was being checked out by a Medical Specialist backstage, Gia Miller interviewed Tasha Steelz backstage. Steelz provided Miller an obvious update, saying that she was not doing too well because she was not standing next to her thanks to Killer Kelly's actions on the 8/18/2022 edition of IMPACT. Steelz called Kelly a "Freddy Krugger Looking, Strawberry Shortcake, and Raggedy' before Kelly came from behind and locked Steelz in the Killer Clutch. Kelly tossed Steelz to the ground before telling her that when she is done, she would come from behind to see Steelz.

Jason Hotch vs. Bhupinder Gujjar.

IMPACT Digital Media Champion Brian Myers joined the commentary team for the match. Hotch and Gujjar locked up before Gujjar got Hitch in a side headlock. Gujjar hit a shoulder tackle, a spinning uppercut, a corner splash, a leg sweep, a standing splash, and a low superkick on Hotch for a near fall. Hotch gauged Gujjar's eyes before hitting him with a chop. Gujjar placed Hotch in the corner and hit a chop of his own on Gujjar. Hotch hit a rope-assisted Enziguri kick on Gujjar and attempted a flipping move, but Gujjar caught him with a spine buster before connecting a middle rope spear for the pinfall win.

Winner: Bhupinder Gujjar.

- Myers hit Gujjer with the microphone before hitting a DDT on Gujjar. Myers then argued with referee Scott Armstrong, which led to Gujjer hitting a middle rope spear on Myers. Armstong counted the pin on Myers before Gujjar held the title high. Gujjar took the IMPACT Digital Media Championship backstage.

- VXT confronted Gail Kim backstage to brag about their win against Mia Yim and Jordynne Grace and demanded Kim a Knockouts Championship Match. Kim agreed but then determined that Purrazzo would face the undefeated Masha Slamovich to determine the #1 Contender for the title and challenge Jordynne Grace on Bound For Glory.

- Scott Armstong talked with Bhupinder Gujjar backstage and told him he was not the real champion, but Gujjar said that if he wanted the title back he would need to give him his title match.

Josh Alexander vs. Vincent.

The two locked up to begin the match before Alexander hit Vincent with a back elbow. Alexander hit an overhead suplex on Vincent before sending him to the apron. Vincent hit a guillotine on Alexander into the top rope before hitting a Tijeras Leg Sweep on Alexander, followed by the Redrum Bomb on Alexander for a near fall. Vincent and Alexander exchanged chops before Vincent slammed Alexander from his headset into the mat. Vincent stomped down Alexander in the corner before hitting a running elbow and attempting a running knee strike, but Alexander evaded and hit a German Suplex on Vincent. Alexander hit a forearm strike, a lariat, a hip toss, and a big boot on Vincent. Alexander went for the C4 Spike but Vincent reversed with a back body drop. Unfortunately for Vincent, Alexander caught Vincent's ankle for the Ankle Lock, but Vincent got a rope break. Vincent got Alexander in a Guillotine Choke, but Alexander reversed it with a Falcon Arrow before finally connecting the C4 Spike for the pinfall win for the IMPACT World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner: Josh Alexander

- After the match, Eddie Edwards came to the ramp with a microphone. Edwards said he had chosen his side with Honor No More to stand up to the industry and IMPACT Wrestling. Edwards called the fans "ignorant animals" before acknowledging that they loved watching great wrestlers drop down to their "pitiful level". Edwards asked Alexander which side would he choose. Edwards invited Alexander to join him and to think about it, but Heath came from out of nowhere and hit the Wake-Up Call on Edwards from out of nowhere.

- Raj Singh and Shera cut a promo backstage, saying that Alexander was lucky Shera was injured. The camera cut their interview to catch Steve Maclin and Moose arguing before Sami Callihan attacked from behind. Maclin, busted open with blood, and Moose attacked Callihan before wrapping him up with a string of barbed wire from the fence in the parking lot. Callihan was left laying in the parking lot.

- There was a video vignette highlighting Masha Slamovich and her undefeated streak in IMPACT Wrestling. She kissed a knife and cut a light tube in half.

Alisha vs. Jessicka (w/ Rosemary).

Alisha complimented Jessicka's jacket before the match while Rosemary stared with pain. Rosemary told Jessicka to calm down before putting on war paint. Jessicka tossed Alisha to the mat, but Alisha responded with three forearm strikes. Jessicka hit a forearm strike, three punches, and a Dusty elbow on Alisha before hitting a bodyslam and a sliding lariat on Alisha. Alisha went for a middle rope cross body, but Jessicka caught her and hit a SIIICK Seated Tombstone Piledriver for the pinfall win.

Winner: Jessicka (w/ Rosemary).

- There was a video package highlighting multiple losses Mickie James had ahead of her IMPACT Return in the 9/1/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling.

- Sami Callihan walked to the ring wrapped in barbed wire, saying that he called his current state a party. Callihan challenged Mosse & Maclin to a Barbed Wire Massacre Match for Victory Road on 9/23/2022. Callihan walked to the ramp limping while the crowd and the broadcast team flabbergasted from Callihan's challenge.

Time Machine (Kushida, Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. VBD (Eric Young, Deaner & Joe Doering).

Kushida and Doering began the match with Doering hitting a back elbow on Kushida. Kushida hit two forearm strike on Doering, but Doering responded with a shoulder tackle. Shelley hit a jab on Young before Kushida connected a knee strike on Young's abdomen. Shelley got Young in a wrist lock, but Young reversed with a back breaker. Deaner tagged in, but Shelley hit a double-leg takedown on Deaner before Sabin hit a low dropkick on Deaner. Sabin got Deaner in a camel clutch before Kushida hit a low shotgun dropkick on Deaner's head. Sabin and Kushida hit a double dropkick on Deaner. Young laid out all three members of Time Machine and rolled up and down from the top turnbuckle, but Sabin caught him with a spinning heel kick in the abdomen while Kushida and Shelley slid out of the ring and slammed Young's Testes into the ring-post. While Young was Testes-first in the ring post, Sabin hit a leaping dropkick on Young's face. Deaner tagged in and placed Sabin in the top turnbuckle before connecting a running knee on Sabin's abdomen off the top rope. Doering caught Sabin running and hit the Double Barrel Thunder on Sabin. Deaner punched Sabin in the corner before placing Sabin's neck in the middle turnbuckle and hitting a shotgun dropkick in his Gluteal area, cranking Sabin's neck in the corner. Young hit a neck breaker Stunner on Sabin for a near fall. Doering tagged in and kicked Sabin in the leg before connecting a right-hand jab. Deaner tagged in and hit a midsection jab and a Russian Leg Sweep on Sabin before Doering hit a falling elbow drop on Sabin for a near fall, thanks to Shelley and Kushida breaking up the pin. Doering gagged in and hit a boot kick on Sabin. Young hit a snap-mare on Sabin before connecting a back suplex for a near fall. Young stomped Sabins head before slamming Sabin's head into the corner. Deaner slapped Sabin in the face before young leaned his boot on Sabin's head. Sabin evaded Deaner and leapfrogged Young, who slammed himself shoulder first on Deaner in the corner, before tagging in Kushida. Kushida hit a top rope Shote on Young, a running Shote on Deaner, three sidekicks, and a flipping back elbow on Young before hitting a handstand kick on Doering. Young blasted Kushida with a big right hand. Shelley and Kushida hit a drop toehold/ sliding kick on Deaner before hitting a wrist-lock/ arm kick on Deaner too. Shelley hit three short-hand chops on Deaner before Sabin tagged in and hit a low shotgun dropkick on Young and a toss on Deaner. Kushida and Sabin aid in punches on Deaner before Sabin caught him with an enziguri kick. Sabin hit a spear on Deaner, which Kushida followed up with a Shote before he tossed Deaner into Shelley, who slammed Deaner into the middle turnbuckle with an enziguri/ flat liner combination thanks to an assist from Sabin. Sabin got Deaner in a Fireman's Carry, but Young pulled Deaner and hit a big boot on Sabin. Young attacked Kushida and Shelley before saying something to Deaner. Shelley and Kushida tossed Deaner and Young to the outside before pulling the top rope to send Doering out of the ring too. Kushida and Shelley hit stereo sliding kicks on Deaner and Young to the outside before Sabin hit Doering with a Tope Suicida. Kushida & Shelley hit running knee strikes from the apron onto Eric Young & Deaner. Back in the ring, Sabin hit a crossbody on Deaner, but Deaner reversed it with a pin for a near fall. Sabin hit a cutter on Deaner, thanks to an assist from Shelley. Sabin got Deaner again in a Fireman's Carry, but Deaner got off by gauging Sabin's eyes. Young tagged in and hit a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Shelley and Kushida tried to attack Doering, but Doering caught them with a running cross body on Shelley and Kushida. Doering hit a powerslam on Sabin, which Deaner followed up with a Diving Headbutt from the top rope, which Young followed up with a top rope elbow drop on Sabin for a near fall. Sabin it a back body drop on Young, but Deaner tagged in and cleared the ring. Deaner hit a running forearm strike on Kushida's spine, but Shelley & Sabin caught him with an atomic drop/ Last Chancery/ Low Dropkick on Deaner. Kushida and Shelley hit an Atomic Drop/ Leg shotgun dropkick/ Last Chancery/ Cartwheel Shotgun Dropkick on Young. Doering laid out all three members of Time Machine but Sabin caught him with an enziguri kick, which Kushida followed up with a Punch. Sabin and Kushida hit dropkicks on Doering's legs before they and Shelley hit Doering with Last Chancery/ Double Dropkick combination on Doering. Sabin hit a Helluva kick on Deaner before Shelley hit a superkick. Kushida and Sabin hit Deaner with a Pele Kick/ Cradle Shock combination for the pinfall win. Time Machine stood tall in the ring to end the show.

Winners: Time Machine (Kushida, Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).

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