This is the live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight a former WWE Superstar and indie superstar Drew McIntyre makes his long awaited return to the WWE and his NXT debut! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST to see who he'll face and much more!
Aleister Black vs Corey Hollis
They watch each other, then Black hits Black Mass as soon as the bell sounds for the pin and the win.
Winner: Aleister Black via pinfall
-Tye Dillinger is interviewed where he says that he will face Eric Young in a steel cage next week.
#DIY vs Miley & Blaze
Ciampa and Miley start it off, Miley showing off his power, sending Ciampa across the ring with ease, catching Gargano and hitting a very long delayed suplex. Miley tags Blaze in and Blaze hits Gargano with a series of forearms in the corner before whipping him across the ring, Gargano hitting a rolling enzuigiri and a neckbreaker. Gargano tags Ciampa back in and they hit a double enzuigiri before Ciampa sends Miley to the floor. #DIY then hits Meet in the Middle for the pin and the win.
Winner: #DIY via pinfall
-After the match Miley kills Blaze.
-Next we get a video package for Ember Moon and her journey to facing Asuka for the NXT Women's Championship at NXT TakeOver: Orlando. Ember walks around the arena and talks about the match as we see clips of it.
Ruby Riot vs Kimber Lee
They start off fast until Lee hits Ruby with a right hand, then forearms in the corner. Ruby catches her coming in and hits a huricanrrana off of the top rope before Nikki comes out of the crowd and distracts her. Lee hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a quick two count, then kicks her in the back before chopping her repeatedly in the corner. Ruby comes back with a series of chops, then drops her repeatedly with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Ruby then hits a wrist clutch Pele kick for the pin and the win as Nikki looks on.
Winner: Ruby Riot via pinfall
Drew McIntyre vs Oney Lorcan
They lock up to start the match, then break before squaring off, Drew hitting a massive powerslam that sends Lorcan out of the ring to regroup. Lorcan sends Drew out of the ring with a series of European uppercuts, then hits a front flip over the top rope. Drew catches Lorcan coming off of the top rope and hits a gut wrench powerbomb onto the apron as we go to commercial.
Drew chops Lorcan in various corners as we come back, then Lorcan hits a running blockbuster for a near fall before Drew hits a headbutt. Lorcan knocks Drew off of the top rope, but Drew only falls back, leaving his legs around it and hitting a spider suplex. Drew hits a reverse Alabama Slam, then turns Lorcan inside out with a Claymore for the pin and the win.
Winner: Drew McIntyre via pinfall
-Shinsuke Nakamura comes out and has his farewell before leaving to Smackdown! Live. Shinsuke says one year ago he came to NXT and talks about how he already had experience and was champion in Japan. Shinsuke said he was ready to compete with the best in the world and a year later he calls NXT his home. Shinsuke says NXT is it's own brand and has it's own energy and creates something new, saying that the fans created the chants, the singing of his theme song and that NXT fans are more passionate than any other. Everyone comes out to the ramp and claps for him as the fans give him a standing ovation.