Triple H speaks to wrestling media ahead of NXT Takeover In Your House.
- The Triple H conference call is underway. HHH offers his condolences to the families of George Floyd and countless others who lost their lives due to senseless violence.
- Triple H runs down the card. He's very excited about Johnny Gargano's new character and turn. HHH thinks Keith Lee had the best 2019 of anyone in WWE.
- Triple H confirms the Fightful Select report that Adam Cole vs. Velveteen Dream was not filmed in the venue, and will have a different approach.
- Triple H calls Io Shirai the best women's performer in the world.
- Triple H says all options are on the table regarding crowds and they'll follow the rules and respond accordingly. The faster they can get in front of fans, the better as long as it's safe.
- Triple H tells me that difficult decisions were made and Drake Maverick opted to continue in the tournament. Says Drake is one of the most passionate guys in wrestling, and puts him over big. He wasn't involved in anything when the release happens, but he captured hearts in NXT. Triple H tells me they chose to embrace the story that was already out there instead of ignoring it and he's glad they could make it work with Maverick.
- Triple H also confirms Fightful's report that In Your House will be live besides Cole vs. Dream, and that match was already filmed outdoors. Subscribe today!
- Jeremy Borash is credited heavily for the cinematic matches, but Triple H says it's a team effort and a lot of really talented people deserve credit for that. There wasn't a long planning process. He was happy for people to see this and was happy for Undertaker.
- The long term plan is for Charlotte to build up other talent. He wishes Rhea and Charlotte could have had the stadium and fans. He says Charlotte carries the aura of being unbeatable and a champion that carries herself in a different way.
- Triple H says there are a lot of wrestlers that are aching to get back in front of crowds. Triple H doesn't really answer the question of actual COVID tests. He claims they're working with the government and their doctors. A whole lot of fuzzy math here.
- The Fight Pit came about organically because the right ingredients were there in Riddle & Thatcher. HHH says Riddle can do about anything. They based the match on some things in the past and threw in some new ideas. He expects it to be a signature NXT go-to grudge match.
- Triple H says he still has nightmares about the Hog Pen match.
- Triple H is open to NXT In Your House coming back and thinks people will demand it based on how good it is.