Triple H speaks to media after NXT Takeover Portland!
- Tonight was the highest grossing WWE event in Portland since 2008. He says he's very proud of that.
- USA Network had no involvement in the decision to make Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley. It was a decision on Vince McMahon's part and Triple H was shocked by it.
- Triple H calls the longevity of Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa rare and special. He says you have to ride the wave as things develop and try to figure out the best way to tell those stories if they make sense, but he doesn't want to force it when the story isn't there anymore. He doesn't think that's where they are with Ciampa and Gargano.
- Triple H says there's a lot of speculation about new platforms for WWE PPV, but mentions Vince's comments on the quarterly call. He sees incredible value in NXT wherever it sits. He says there will continue to be more offshoots of NXT.
- They're constantly developing new talent, from camera guys, directors, sound guys, backstage interviewers at the Performance Center.
- He puts over Cathy Kelley and says she's a very special person who brings so much to the table. Calls her smart and professional on every level.
- Triple H knew Cathy Kelley was leaving a while ago, but it took her a while to talk to him because she didn't want to break down. Triple H leaves the door open and says they will work together at some point in the future. She has other dreams.
- It wasn't tough to see Riddle and Dunne would be good together, but he loves the personality clash. He says Dunne and Riddle are very similar to what you see on TV, and it worked even better than what they thought.
- Triple H tells me some of the production differences for NXT compared to Raw & SD are personal preference, some is trying to be different. He wants it to be a different feel and wants it to be good. He wants NXT and NXT UK to have a different, identifiable vibe.
- Sometimes they take a stab at things from a production standpoint just to see if it's going to work. How the talent performs is a big difference for NXT as well. He wants to feel different things about different wrestling TV products