The return of Roman Reigns to WWE was mostly a celebrated event among wrestling fans. On Oct. 22, Reigns announced his leukemia had returned and would be taking time off to get treatment for cancer. Four months later, Reigns returned to the ring, announced his leukemia is in remission and didn't miss a beat.
A vocal minority on social media believed Reigns' leukemia announcement was a "work" by WWE, noting that Reigns looked the same and believing that no one could beat cancer in such a short period of time. Cynics believed the idea was done to finally get the crowd on Roman's side and to pop a rating.
Leukemia Care out of the UK shut down critics, providing facts on Roman's recovery.
Morning! In response to some of the tweets we're seeing online about @WWE and @WWERomanReigns we wanted to have a little chat about leukaemia/leukemia, relapse and perceptions of cancer. #WWE @davemeltzerWON!
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
The tweets we are seeing mainly centre around the idea of what a cancer patient should look like.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
"How can he have hair?"
"How can he have not lost weight?"
"Why doesn't he look like a cancer patient?"
Back to basics. Leukaemia is a cancer. It affects people of all ages. There are four main types of cancer: ALL, AML, CLL and CML. However, there are other types and subtypes. LEUKAEMIA IS COMPLICATED!
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
DON'T FORGET - We do not KNOW what type of leukaemia he has. Therefore, NONE of us are in a position to question his treatment, how he should look etc.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
Leukaemia can make you lose weight. Leukaemia can also make you gain weight. There is no one way that leukaemia SHOULD look.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
A final few thoughts on the psychological impact of leukaemia. Living with or beyond a leukaemia diagnosis is scary. The fear of relapse is always there. Think before you tweet.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
Remember, everything in life isn't a work.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
</end thread> #wwe #wrestling #romanreigns
Hi Howard. There is no one way for a leukaemia patient to look or act. It's very possible for this to happen in this time frame.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
it depends on what type of leukaemia he has. No reason why not. Some people live their whole lives being treated for leukaemia and live a "normal" life.
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
What would you like him to do? Share medical records? There are thousands of cancer patients worldwide that don't look sick. Would you ask them to do the same?
— Leukaemia Care (@LeukaemiaCareUK) February 26, 2019
You can find out more information and ask questions @LeukaemiaCareUK.